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Joined 10 months ago

An index that either tracks the top 500 companies or the total market. Look up a 3-fund portfolio if you want to go a little deeper.

Alternatively, max out an IRA if you haven't already this year and are in a position where you won't need that money until retirement.

Edit: I realized I'm assuming a lot about your situation. So instead, here's a general list of priorities that applies to more or less any situation. You should only proceed with a step if all the steps above it are achieved. Also keep in mind, I'm not a financial advisor just a random stranger on the internet sharing my personal financial strategy.

  1. Pay your future-self first. Establish regular contributions to your retirement account and HSA if you have one, totalling between 3-5% of your compensation or whatever your company's matching policy is (That's not free money, it's part of your compensation package. Not claiming it is like waving a portion of your income).

  2. Pay off all debt since interest is essentially paying a percentage-based monthly fee for owing money and we're not privileged enough for our assets to cover that expense.

  3. Build and maintain a liquid (cash) holding as an emergency fund. This isn't for investing or expensive new toys, it's insurance that will cover your expenses for 6-12 months. Put it in a high-yield savings account or money market since it will be a significant sum and inflation will otherwise reduce its value over time.

  4. Max out your retirement accounts to the contribution limit, your 401(k), IRA, and HSA if you have one. These accounts have tax advantages that essentially mean you can put more money towards retirement than you could in an individual trading account. This doesn't have to be one lump sum, you can divide it up into monthly contributions so long as you're on track for maxing your contribution limits by the end of the year.

  5. Open an individual trading account with a broker (Vanguard, Fidelity, etc.) and invest in index funds (3-fund portfolios are reliable and low-cost). If you anticipate a significant expense over the next 10 years, i.e. a down payment for a house you can budget between this and the funds going towards Step 4 but keep in mind the tax advantages of retirement accounts means you're likely missing out on some retirement gains.

People have lost their lives and homes, and will continue to do so at increasing rates, precisely because of this "now is not the time for politics" sentiment when it comes to climate change. The longer we kick the can down the road, the more people are going to be killed or displaced because of it.

The "pro life" party sure seems to get something out of killing people

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Airliner ticket prices used to be regulated. So when all airlines had to charge the same price, they had to find other ways to be competitive in order to bring in customers. Deregulation in the 70s brought ticket costs down but that means ticket cost is now the primary point of competition between airlines and amenities now come at a steep premium.

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I decided that I personally felt unethical bringing people into this world nearly a decade ago

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Can we just have a normal, boring year for once, please? I'm so tired...

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I identify as Puerto Rico but society has yet to recognize that as a legitimate state

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It's without a doubt motivated by their own loss of revenue but a consumer friendly take is still commendable

Time to learn Linux!

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It's kinda wild to see things moving in the right direction for once...

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I've had an EV for 9 months now and I've actually experienced far less range anxiety with my EV than with my previous ICEs. This is due to the fact that because I can charge overnight in my garage I almost never leave home without a full battery. Versus before with my ICEs where I'd often be driving across town on fumes because I'd forgotten to fuel up the night before.

I drive in the city/urban areas the vast majority of the time so 200+ miles of range is plenty for my day-to-day needs. I've honestly never run into a situation where I've been worried about running out of juice; I rarely even get below 50%.

As for longer drives, I've done several 600+ mile road trips without issue. Sure, charging takes a bit longer than fueling up at a gas station but the opportunity to stretch my legs, rest in the car, or get a bite to eat does wonders for reducing road fatigue. As for finding charging stations, I'd recommend planning your route beforehand but the charging network is dense enough in my region to where I can usually choose to skip a station if it's too busy and try the next one.

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ED is a bitch

Before they also said the driver got 100% but behind the scenes they were essentially subtracting that amount from what they were going to pay the driver originally. Thus they could claim the driver got 100% of the tip while still pocketing the value of it.

I sigh loudly. Not vocally, but I take in a deep breath and then release it quickly. It's a tension release to me kinda like yawning but everyone around me seems to think I'm upset or frustrated when I do it.

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+5 to your social credit for willfully accepting the CCP.

-25 for engaging with an unsanctioned online community.

"But we need your children to grow up and produce product and more children so that we can continue the cycle of funneling the value they create into the pockets of our society's most wealthy and well connected!"

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When parts of The Last of Us Part II leaked, people mistook one of the main characters for being trans and completely lost their minds over it.

As it turns out, they weren't. >!But one of the supporting characters was.!<

This sounds like a reason for companies to rely even more on tipping to compensate their workers... How about instead we make the companies pay the taxes on worker income earned through tipping? Then we can finally do away this ludicrous system we're all pressured to abide by.

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I said it in another thread but I have a bad feeling about this one. It seems like a way to give companies more of an excuse to rely on tips to pay their workers. How about instead we make the companies responsible for the tax on tips? That'll put an end to this miserable practice real quick.

I left then but forgot to join Lemmy until just last week.

After nearly a decade on Reddit, 6 months without any Reddit-like experience was kinda wild. I thought I'd feel like I'd have more time but other things just filled the doom scroll void. Once I started getting my memes from YouTube I decided it was time to try Lemmy.

How would people here feel about a tax that increases in rate per-property owned? People and organizations can still own as many properties as they want, but at some point they're going to be taxed so much it'll be impossible to profit off of them.

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Why does it matter so much that she's highlighting her black heritage?

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I was zooming in on the mirror to the left and then zoomed out to try to cross-reference the girl's positioning and that's when I saw it

The crazy thing is that sometimes this just works...

I moved to Portland over a year ago and I'd say about 25% of people at the grocery stores here are still wearing masks to this day and nobody makes a fuss about it. It's been great.

Sigh... *zips*

Easy solution; don't use Amazon.

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I'm not so sure that is a positive. Airplanes are huge emission drivers and our dependence on the convenience of air travel has caused us to cease investment and innovation in other more efficient and environmentally friendly methods of travel.

No doubt there'd be a lot more support for high speed rails if airplanes weren't as accessible. IMO airplanes should only really be used for intercontinental travel.

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My dad does the opposite of mansplaining, he explains things using terminology and concepts that are way above my level of understanding and gets frustrated when I ask too many clarifying questions or when I struggle to catch on.

It fucked with me pretty bad growing up and in an effort not to put other people through that I tend to assume people know little about esoteric subjects I'm talking about and try to explain things in a way the general layperson would understand. If they let on that they seem familiar with the subject then I adjust but I do often worry I'm coming off as being condescending :⁠-⁠\

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The explosive ones go boom

Over the last several years I've come to despise the police and consider them more of a menace to the general public than any criminal organization at this point. That's really all I've got to say here, I feel like there's not much more I can do other than vote for non-existent police reform policy.

I avoid self checkouts unless the lines at the cashier checkouts are unreasonable.

Half the time I go through one of those I get hit with an error that I've then gotta wait on the attendant to fix. The other half I get bogged down by the stupid process like how you've got to put the item down on the bagging area before you can scan another one or how you can interact with the card reader to pay but the transaction will not complete until you select a payment type on the main screen. Lately, I've noticed some trying to trick me into signing up for rewards or some bullshit.

Much easier to just dump my stuff on the conveyor belt and have the cashier handle everything else.

For most of the decade I was on Reddit, vegan support was always met with vitriolic opposition unless it was on a vegan-friendly sub. But the last year or so I was on that platform I remember being really surprised to see a trend towards anti-vegan sentiment becoming the unpopular opinion. I was surprised again once I joined Lemmy to see that anti-vegan culture seems to be the popular opinion here, though I'm noticing there is also a stronger pro-vegan culture than there had been for most of my time on Reddit.

In the US we're skipping the whole locked up part entirely

The two party system isn't the rule as much as it is a symptom of our winner-takes-all voting system. In the event that the Republican party loses significant support from voters, the Democratic party would surely split into two polar factions.

TilTok likely got my car stolen (Hyundai vulnerability trended on TikTok)

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The same economy that's reliant on sucking the working class dry of every last cent?

IANAL and it's best to know and understand the laws of the state that you're in. But in general you're under no obligation to answer any questions a cop has for you and you're not being rude or difficult by simply saying nothing at all. If a cop actually wants to help you they can do so by promptly giving you a citation and letting you go on about your day, not by trying to pry on your personal opinions or activities.

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This one's a weiner winner