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Joined 1 years ago

This is a community about Reddit. If you don't want to see people bitching about Reddit, I would suggest you unsubscribe and block it.

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Yeah the admins are definitely fucking around with it. But why would anyone think trying to make a QR code on r/place is a good idea?

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Reddit, you ignorant slut

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Well that's impressive. TIL

I did it to over 85000 comments across 6 accounts

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Full English looks aggressive

Did you look up the tweet or the allegation?

You take that back

stumbles in from reddit and throws up racist memes all over the floor

order corn

Not to split hairs but she is actually against vaccine mandates, not against vaccines itself. She is vaccinated against covid-19.

Personally I disagree with her and support mandates, but there is a considerable difference between anti-vax and anti-mandates.


I would typically abandon an account after one year and make a new one. I used my first one for about 6 years before I started that practice, which was spurred because I got doxxed by a malicious mod.

To be fair Reddit felt like a beta product for it's entire lifespan too

My dentist also told me I do a great job at flossing. I've never flossed or used a water pik in my life. I just nodded and quietly said "uh thanks".

Half the time when I get these it's a selfie of the delivery driver's face

Lavos' second form is my jam

Is there a script or something out there that can automate this? I'd love to do the same but I have something like 12000 comments.

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Robertson or gtfo


I had a dream once that I could download a sandwich. I kept downloading different delicious sandwiches on Limewire until one of them gave me a virus.

That being said I would still definitely download a sandwich.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

I bet the troll farms still have full access

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Don't shit where you eat I guess

Oh nice! I wish RiF was in there but at least this gets BaconReader working again for now.