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Literally everything about Mike Johnson is disturbing, starting with the fact that his penis sticks out of his collar.

@dhork @brothershamus

I'm sure her family will take great comfort after her death/injury knowing that the burnt orange shitgibbon was effectively, practically, given a pass on things that would put everyone else in the US under a jail.

@logicbomb @MicroWave

This is what happens when self-entitled children get elected to office and why I hate half of my fellow citizens with such vitriol.

They shit on the floor, smeared paint on the walls and then burned down the entire house.

Their take on it?

"I can't believe you let me do that. Whats wrong with you?!?!?!"

@evatronic @YoBuckStopsHere

I really try to avoid bigotry, but with Republicans, I think it's warranted.

They all support garbage like Tumorville. I can tell this by the way they literally support garbage like Tumerville, Santos, barfly Barbie, EmptyGreen, etc.

In fact, if they weren't shiteating asshats, they wouldn't be Republicans.

@billiam0202 @BadaBing I have to say, that "opportunist" is a weird way to spell self-entitled, self-centered, piece of shit", but I'll accept it.

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@Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever @BraveSirZaphod

yes, preferably in a fenced in space, 4-5 blocks away from the people that get their wittle feewings hurt because someone is upset that they are burning down the world for fucking money.

/s (in case anyone doesn't figure it out)

@TheAlbatross @midnight

I don't expect a lot of Ellish fans to be homophobic. Entirely not the vibe of her and her music.

I tend to agree with a bot crackdown being the culprit for a lot of them.

@bioemerl @jeffw

Nothing about religion is consistent. That's why faith is such a big component.

Faith that your god is the right one, while everyone else in the world is bass-ackwards.

@CMLVI @kuontom

Republicans will shit on Dem progress, no matter what it's called and people influenced by racism are a complete waste of the air they fucking breath.

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@teft @BlackRose Watch Minority Report. There is a solution to your issue in that movie, but you're going to have to eat a moldy sandwich and possibly pee on the floor, if you lose the bathroom rope.

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@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton

Can you show me an example of a hard-leftist shoving their ideology down someone else's throat?

How about a Hard-Leftist that crafted, then got passed a law that restricts the choices of the hard-right?

Are there numerous cases of Leftists driving through crowds or maybe shooting up a synagogue, that I'm unaware of?

I'm not saying the Left is perfect, but I call bullshit on the equivocation of the 2 sides.

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@comedy @Aesculapius


How about we grant the benefit of the doubt to, ex-Astronaut, 14-time Nobel prize winner, 23-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Iraq War Fighter Ace, George Santos and his family.

Per the subject himself, they somehow didn't want it to be known that they bailed out a modern. fucking. hero. like George Santos.

Their thinking is a conundrum, to be sure.

@Cordoro Bummer. I don't have a movie scene to describe for that. :|

@burrp @pinkdrunkenelephants I don't think the idea of admins paid off is absurd, however, tossing that accusation out there, with zero proof, is.

@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton

Lets start with the easy one:

So Biden's trans-gender EO is forcing children to transition?!?!


Giving them a choice?

I could not care less about what "Red States" want, since they haven proven they've lost their minds.

They don't want, they DEMAND, a religious nation, under their personal God, because he's the bestest one, in a country founded, in part, on religious freedom.

I'm at work, but I'll take a look at those shooter articles.

@JasSmith @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton

As far as what you "fully expect", that's mostly why I plan to exit this conversation. Not because I don't have rebuttals, but you've already made your decision about who I am, what I think and what I'm going to say, so, honestly, why bother?

@BrokebackHampton @Phyrin @JasSmith @NXTR

Solving that problem right now!

@Royal_Bitch_Pudding @marmo7ade

It is part of how some folks think.

I managed an IT dept and my sole employee was black. Great guy with a great sense of humor.

One day, the Director of HR, yes, HR, emailed support, asking that someone come take a look at her "colored printer".

He joked that as the colored IT guy, he would go fix it. ROFL.

This woman was raised as a racist, but her role precluded her speaking her mind.

Her manner of thinking did out her, nonetheless.

@aegisgfx877 @Pips @perviouslyiner

Sadly, I agree 100%.

The best thing that could happen to Trump is for his self-entitled, piece of shit ass, to get hit by a meteor.

@Sanctus @jeffw

If they took just a quick moment to invite me to testify, there would absolutely be a WWE match in that bitch.

MarkWayneBubbaJoeBob is welcome to come get some. I would enjoy nothing more than stuffing my fist into the gaping shitholes they call mouths.

@RojoSanIchiban @Rusticus

Jail...for Donnie Two-Scoops?

Nah, it'll be more fines and bullshit.

You can tell by the way the courts just let him continue to FUCKING THREATEN court staff.

This is a great dream you have there, but let's not pretend it'll happen in the world we live in.

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@grue You know.. that's fair.

@smokinjoe @Girlparts @Turkey_Titty_city @EnderWi99in This is what Internet White Knighting looks like.

Ender's heart is in the right place, but his head is up his ass.

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@NXTR @Phyrin @BrokebackHampton @JasSmith

You would have to ask JasSmith that question.

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@CMLVI @kuontom Agreed, its a shit timeline.

@ripcord @return2ozma @JoMomma that’s because this is in the wrong thread entirely. Sorry about that. Doh!

*prior off-topic comment nuked.

@tygerprints @BuddyTheBeefalo They are just more assholes. That’s been the problem with humans all along. There is *always* some piece of shit that MUST fuck over everyone else for their own gain. Always.

@CMLVI @kuontom The problem with them is you can't find that level of stupid with facts.

They are a waste of breath, space and resources. In fact, they counter progress.

But, surely you understand, there is no way they would ever vote for a sane candidate.

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Remindme! 12 months.

While I would love to be wrong, I'll prep the "I told you so".

As far as assumptions go, I base them on 77 YEARS of no penalty for a life of crime or do you want to argue that simple fact?

You? You enjoy your dream.

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