1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And have my dick fall off? No thanks

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After the 15th time people started getting suspicious

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I liked when they told you to turn to a different page and took you on a little adventure

The new Dungeons and Dragons movie. It was a blast

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Fueled entirely by lemmy users after this month

An electrical sit/stand desk

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While I guess not technically a gadget, a nice footrest is surprisingly comfortable when sitting at the computer a while

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Your resignation letter should have just said "Now I'm about to roll"

Well? Are you a rapper now?

To replace it with something else

Like a leg?

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We should start a petition to refer to him as “Florida Man” officially

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This is why you recycle your gently used sex dolls

Who are you? My wife?

If you have a unibrow is that your face's moustache?

Theres a couple of subs that I still like to visit that haven’t really migrated here (BlackPeopleTwitter, TikTokCringe, etc). But that’s only while old Reddit still works haha

At least you never called it coke ;)

If you build it (the porn) they will come

The real question is who the hell did he think you were

come to some arraignment

Not sure if that was intentional but it works well either way haha

Hello Clarice

What happens when someone says " I hate you"?

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he had a deep, smooth voice like melted chocolate

So he had a voice like...chocolate rain?

I'd really love to sit a middle aged peasant down and watch them play GTA V

Yeah I can kind of see a Basic vs. Advanced sign-up where the basic flow just auto-suggests a server

Why would you not choose ASs?

Triple bacon cheeseburger with onion rings?

It blew my mind when I first saw it

That sub was great and very well-moderated

Potato chips are the worst for this

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Uncharted vibes

God it's morbid but this made me laugh so hard

Always quit while you're ahead

Fuck yeah shoegaze

Old Gregg??

I couldn't stand these guys

Hmm, I might have to try this


Dude, definitely. I'm a standing desk evangelist and have 2 at home lol

What were you listening to?

On jerboa?