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Joined 1 years ago

Currently using a Roku Streambar for all of our streaming needs but if they pull this crap, everything we consume will be downloaded, served on my Plex server and streamed using the gaming PC I have under our TV.

Getting beyond sick of these companies using every measure and device they can to shit ads into our eyes.

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Hospital emergency rooms across the UK are likely to be declaring a major incident to deal with the rash of injuries caused by the force of facepalming and banging heads against desks throughout the tech sector.

The NHS is struggling enough as it is.

30% fees are insane. Those cost are passed down to us the consumer. We get shittier game because a third of the profit goes to these marketplaces.

Whilst that may be the case, every single day one launch on EGS and other stores (GOG, Microsoft, Steam) launch at exactly the same price on Epic despite the lesser cut. Not one single title I’ve seen launch at a lower price on EGS.

I feel it’s naive to think that is, the consumer would ever benefit from a lesser cut, the fat shits at the top would just keep more.

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I loved Google play music as a locker for my owned music and a a storefront to buy what I wanted. YouTube Music made me abandon it completely and move my owned music onto my plex server.

Why does Google have to ruin everything? Still bitter about Google Reader closing back in the day. That was the beginning of the end of me having confidence in their services and moving to self hosting as much as I can.

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On top of all this, Apple also sell their own hardware alongside their own App Store, just like Sony and Nintendo do.

The Apple model is extremely similar to the way the console manufacturers operate albeit with a few more freedoms on Mac.

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We was all at lunch one day at work and one of the supervisors came in and asked someone to do something when we finished lunch.

This particular nasty shit told him this was our break and to piss off. No one particularly found that necessary.

Supervisor guy apologised for disturbing our break, explaining he’s sorry and that it was the anniversary of his wife’s passing and he wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t one to disturb us on break normally.

The arsehole then replied to the supervisor something along the lines of “we don’t bring our problems in work and neither should you, so fuck off”

When the supervisor left, we all let the guy know what an arsehole he was for doing that.

Possibly one of the worst people I’ve ever worked with. He eventually got fired for posting derogatory stuff on Facebook about the job/people he worked with and the supervisor we worked with had a lovely retirement send off when he hit his old age.

Sadly I lost interest in the game once they decided to remove content I’d paid for.

Gutting to see the developers suffer like this as I doubt they’re the ones making the shit decisions but are the ones taking all the hits with the layoffs.

No real loss if it does die.

Why the fuck would advertisers want to pay to have their products advertised and inevitably associated with the shit on there?

In the not too distant future:

Today we’re announcing we’re ending support for Bandcamp and merging it to YouTube music….

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Even on EGS exclusives? No such clause should affect the price if it’s not on sale on another store.

Not one single EGS exclusive has been sold at less than standard prices afaik.

The whole thing is bullshit.

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Starfield. Trying to stay away from some of the negativity online about it to not to make me aware of my own poor standards and am loving it so far.

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I hate where the internet is right now.

Anyone trying to get information written by a human or decent benchmarks of CPUs is in for a real crap time.

Just tested i5 12400 vs i3 12100f and was met with results in this order:

  1. Userbenchmark
  2. Userbenchmark
  3. CPU-Monkey
  4. 3 shitty YouTube videos of obviously fake gameplay benchmarks (that’s a whole other thing on YouTube)
  5. Technical city
  6. - the first kind of decent result as it’s from the people at passmark.
  7. versus (dot com)
  8. gadget versus
  9. pc Praha (dot cz)
  10. cpu-compare
  11. cpu-panda

The crap just goes on. SEO optimised lists of (at best) affiliate link laden spec sheets with no real information form an actual human.

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Got rid of my Xbox and PS5 as I was sick of having to pay out for subs (PSN/XBL) so I'll gladly take any of the PS5 games that Sony offer on PC, even if we have to wait a while.

Good to see the Sony exclusives still coming.

I just tried to find one of my very popular, but deleted help comments on r/synology via Google but couldn't find it.

What I did find heartening is that they've flagged the sub as NSFW so I can't view anything unless logging in (which I can't do because my account is gone). Also, r/plex is set to private so that's useless too.

chefs kiss.

Makes my skin crawl even thinking of having problems in a submersible.

I do hope everything is ok.

That fragile little cunt.....

I was pained to move to iOS when my kids decided they wanted iPhones and I needed one to manage their parental controls, but boy do I love the form factor of the 12 mini I got.

Everything out there seems so huge now.

I’d love to have more options for smaller, manageable phones, especially as my workplace have given out work iPhones now, I could realistically go back to Android again come upgrade time as I can manage their accounts with that.

They’re doing the right thing in this case for sure.

Not having one of your official update/news mediums being fundamentally changed in how you and your customers interact with each other by a hostile third party is a good thing.

Shoving things onto twitter/discord/facebook wouldn’t be a good alternative either.


Keep a log of anything you do successfully find that you may need later.

I’ve started bookmarking anything I do find genuinely useful as there’s a chance that the a similar search would yield different results that wouldn’t help at all.

I’ve also installed archivebox on one of my home lab pcs to grab a snapshot of any sites and pages that I want to keep (you never know if you’ll go back and it’s gone).

Retaining good information for yourself is just as important on the web now given all the bot spam and affiliate laden shit out there that Google and Bing seem to be promoting these days.

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I feel sorry for the people that are exposed to this shit by Google, especially those that are less tech savvy that aren't blocking ads.
Educate as many people/loved ones as you can folks about this to protect them and to fuck Google.

I’m so close to going pixel again but stuff like this really bothers me.

I’d hope that if they did exchange the watch, they’d at least refurb the broken one that was handed in.

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Not that hard to compare to be honest when games launch at price parity with console launches despite the lesser cut.

Borderlands 3 launched on Xbox, PlayStation and EGS, each at $59.99

PlayStation and Xbox had a 30% cut and cost the same.

0 benefit to the consumer.

Fuck them. It’s all bullshit.

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Somehow, us Brits think that by sticking it to these needy people, our own lives will get better all the while the elites get to hoard all the wealth and live lives of luxury.

Of course it's immigrants and their families wanting to escape a war/economic destruction we most likely meddled in that are causing all the issues over here, not the years of shit governance by the clowns that keep getting elected.

Dehumanising the needy and striping me of more of my rights is the new hotness right now.

To get a genuine opinion on “what is the best [whatever]” is an impossibility now with result after result of Amazon affiliate lists of utter garbage.

Try to compare 2 pieces of computer hardware and be faced with results from UserShitMark or other affiliate laden shitbags.

Google Search is ruined with all the inorganic shit it gravitates to.

I don't even think Sony's MFN is an issue as Alan Wake 2 is $10 cheaper than on consoles, a boon for the consumer and something I could get behind, but no.

Vbucks aren't even lower cost on pc where 100% of the sale goes to Epic. No 30% cut there but prices are the same.

I'm all for supporting the message that Tim is trying to portray but they're so inconsistent with the way they manage the business I can't for the life of my accept that they're being honest.

They briefly cut the price of vbucks on mobile when they pulled the stunt and could easily do the same on pc permanently. PC Vbucks aren't transferable to Playstation wallets so they should be able to do something.

I much prefer written guides for anything that interests me over YouTube videos that are unnecessarily long. Plus the false attempts to get engagement (sometimes by making statements that are maliciously stupid) to appease the algorithm like:

What are your preferred ways to consume content? I prefer carrier pigeon, it’s easily the best. Let me know in the comments below if you have a preferred way, and don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Really annoying, like our sponsor….

Who is they?

The publishers could already set the prices lower on EGS by default with the 18% difference being put in consumers pockets making EGS a more enticing place to buy games for now, instead, they want to sell games the same price on EGS vs all other stores they offer titles on pocketing the difference.

EGS Exclusives even launch at the standard pricing despite the money they used to receive up front from Epic and the lesser cut. None of this grandstanding is a benefit to me as a consumer and I won't give a fuck in supporting Epic/Tim until it is.

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Waiting till October 14th like the European peasant I am, just like I did in 1999.

To be honest, I’d prefer they did that.

Faster turnaround for the consumer and the old unit get put into the pool for the next refurb.

The ZX Spectrum port was legendary. Couldn't believe I was playing R-Type in my home back when the arcade machines were so far ahead of what home computers could pull off.

Our local pub had a little arcade section for the kids with R-Type as one of the machines and I remember pumping in plenty of 20p coins into it.

Another fond memory is the excitement of getting R-Types on PSX back in the day.

I guess I need to try out this Amstrad port to see how good it is.....

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Oh won’t somebody please think of the poor prince.

Reap what you sow, cunt.

Well I’m going to be all over this when I finish work later today.

I absolutely love WipeOut.

Oh no, this won't end well will it?

They really are losing it over there.

If you want something small and cheap, it might be worth getting a used thin client PC.

I got a cheap £20 Igel thin client from eBay as raspberry pi’s were still far too expensive, plus I already had a spare 4GB ddr3 sodimm to drop into it and a 120gb wd green ssd that I’d stripped from its case and fitted internally into the thin client.

After upgrading it one ended up with a 1.2ghz AMD GX-412 cpu, 4gb DDR3, 120gb sata ssd and an external usb 3 1tb hard drive i also had laying around.

As a component of my homelab, it’s running Debian 12, docker with a few containers (pigallery 2, Libreddit, portainer, searXNG), it’s my backup Emby server and my main Pihole and PiVPN client.

Completely silent, sips power and still has capacity spare to run more containers and other projects that catch my interest.

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Still playing Starfield.

Game is immense in scale and I’ve been doing random quests and POI hunting and enjoying it thoroughly.

Kbin getting better by the day. Great news!

One of my earliest vr experiences was with the blue Acer mixed reality headsets and it did fine at the time. Cost far less than the mainstream headsets from HTC and Oculus too.

Haven't even seen any new WMR headsets for years and thought it was already dead.

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