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Joined 12 months ago

Honestly, if they are extracting a resource from public land for private gain they should be paying way more or buying that land at the market rate. No more corporate welfare.

(American) English ones that come to mind:

  • it's raining cats and dogs (it's pouring rain)
  • I really shit the bed on this one (I fucked up really bad -not sure how widespread this is)
  • a turd in the punch bowl (someone is singlehandedly ruining something, usually an event)
  • don't blow smoke up my ass (be honest with me)
  • a walk in the park (pleasant/easy task)
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I honestly think that Bibi knows if he tanks Biden then Trump will probably be better for his government. He has basically no incentive to be reasonable since nobody is willing to hold them accountable and he knows it's very unlikely Biden will be able to.

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Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol is incredible, in my opinion it's one of, if not the most impressive debut albums I have ever come across. The rest of their discography is ok, but nothing that I would rate anywhere close to that.

It's the ring road that sounds Washington DC and it's inner suburbs in Virginia and Maryland. The designation is 495 of you are really curious about the road itself for some reason.

They have to get usable at some point, but I got tired of the (shitty off-brand) smart watch I had after a couple minutes. I replaced it with a fully analog Seiko watch and a fitness tracker ring.

Way easier to manage and still meets the needs addressed by the smart watch.

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This is undeniably good and I would like to see more. I would really like to see the federal government seriously look at the issues with power transmission and storage as those are the main hold ups in green energy right now and a lot of that is regulatory hurdles.

We could pretty easily hit all of our renewable goals in 5 years if power transmission projects didn't constantly get bogged down in NIMBY lawsuits.

I am not saying that the apparatus of government should be used to run roughshod over people with concerns about this, but we cannot let individuals stop vital infrastructure projects.

I am probably overstating this a bit, and I am sure other stuff has hurt more at points, but I am still pretty upset about the Star Wars sequel trilogy. I had been waiting for them essentially since I was a kid in the early 90's, and I am annoyed that I allow them so much headspace. But it kind of ruined a lot of what should be an exciting time period for the franchise. They could have kept the same cast for TFA in the same roles more or less and just not done stupid/lazy/cynical/reductive movie and it would have been so much better.

JJ starting out by essentially wiping the table and trying to redo the OT basically fucked everything from the start. I am finding myself less and less interested in the current stuff as it tries to find a way to set that garage up and relatively explain it. I didn't take like the paperwork when they came out, and to be honest they are still kind of objectively bad, but they were additive and they felt like Star Wars, the new stuff is just lazy crap.

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Would that be an instantaneous thing?

At the risk of being jingoistic, this type of opponent is exactly what our military is designed to utterly destroy. If the US was an active participant it would have very quickly wiped the floor with the Russian army and would be dealng with Russian backed insurgents in the east.

Ukraine has been beating them with the stuff we routinely throw away (when the Republicans don't get in the way), I am convinced they have no non nuclear answer to our actual military.

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Chances are that Mark Patterson is not a medical service provider. I am sure he is very well compensated, but he would be association staff, not industry.

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I really wish Biden would take a harder line to get that under control. At the very least it's aid that ought to be going to Ukraine which is instead being used for that disgusting mess.

The only justification I can think of is that it's the only leverage we have over them and without it they would have no reason to be "restrained" at all. Even then I have my doubts.

They didn't secede because they were told to stop slavery. They seceded because it looked that the national consensus was moving against the expansion of slavery to new states and territories, which would have limited slave states overall power in the long run.

They were very explicit that they were leaving to protect slavery as an institution, but to be fair nobody in power was threatening to abolish it when they did so.

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Yep my wife is an expatriate of Iowa, they are a surprisingly prickly people about outsiders.

Chinese has so many good ones.

Please forgive the lack of tones, it's been a long long time.

Ren shan, Ren hai: a mountain and sea of people - a remarkable amount of people by Chinese standards.

Ma Ma, Hu Hu: horse horse, tiger tiger - a mixed bag, or something that's ok.

The one good thing that W did was the do not call registry, that worked for a while at least.

Also a Mazda 3 is not that small, neither is a Corolla.

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I would think they are talking about non-vegans but trying to be a bit coy.

I don't think anyone is suggesting getting soy sauce made by someone with a handlebar mustache. Just that other brands tend to be way better than the Kikkoman you would find in a grocery store.

Lee Kum Kee for example is often in grocery stores and is way better for about the same price. Kimlan is pretty good. Sempio is way way better if you can find it, which shouldn't be too hard if you live somewhere decent.

No need to attack them.

I had a smartwatch for a bit and I realized the only things I cared about were the biometrics and clock. I got rid of it and got a nice watch and an oura ring that I only need to charge once a week and I much prefer this setup.

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Dreamcast also had fairly poor 3rd party support aside from Namco as I recall. I agree they could have made hay in the West, but that was an uphill battle without EA and I think Activision really bringing anything to the table.

In hindsight they should have done a twin stick controller too. I liked their controller, but the Xbox controller was that that should have been.

I live in a major city with one of the best transit systems in the country so we don't really have that here, but it's that it's a class thing mainly.

Also since so much of the country is flat out inaccessible without a car that going without one can be very isolating.

Let's not besmirch Blanche Deveroux's good name here.

One thing that I (seemingly incorrectly) kind of disliked about Ascend was that if was so focused on kind of being an e-sport. My favorite part of the original were the havoc and ultra renegades mods and bringing it heavy weaponry to try and crash through the other guys base before they could do us. The new games feel like you just see the lights zipping through at 300kph and my reflexes can't keep up with that anymore.

I have a 2023 Tuscon and I love it. The car drives incredibly smoothly, the handling is amazing, I spend about $30 a month on gas total (hybrid), it practically drives itself on the highway, and its a super comfortable and spacious interior. That being said, I do wish it had more physical buttons on the console, I think they are going back to that in the future, but I can easily live with how it is now, I just dont really fiddle with things while I am driving.

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It's so stupid though. The German conservative aristocracy wanted fascism (mainly because they were incredibly unsettled by the post WWI shake ups and terrified of bolshevism) and thought they could control the Nazis to their own ends. That pretty much immediately backfired on them. These people have to see that...

Yeah, I was trying to be careful with my comment not to imply the reason for secession was "states rights" since there are still plenty of idiots who are happy to bang that drum.

My grandmother bought a new house on top of Mt Soledad in La Jolla, CA for 0 down with a decent mortgage in 1960. I can't even imagine what that house is worth today.

You people are freaken nuts. Half million dollar bet on a wood house that a single flood or fire could destroy you. You have zero control over your taxes or if some zoning department person wants to just ruin your life.

In fairness, my mortgage is never going to go up aside from property tax which is pretty reasonable here, whereas our rent was going up every year. Also every mortgage payment is at least in part a bank deposit towards when we sell at some point.

We bought a crossover earlier this year and love it, but I would have preferred to get a station wagon if they still existed. My parents had a Camry station wagon when I was a teenager and that thing was amazing.

There is also the shitty situation where because everything on US roads right now are big it actually makes smaller cars less safe in collisions due to relative mass with a likely other party. Also being at eye level with headlights kind of sucks.

North America is a continent.

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Most of them don't actually spend very much time in DC. A lot of them spend half the week back in their districts or more on average.

Russia lost in WWI before it ended, they were essentially knocked out of the war before the revolution and Bolsheviks made the official.

Lol, BTA: 3062 x One Piece

This is a katsup household.

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I think I have seen Central America referred to as a sub continent, but that doesn't really make sense other than to create a formal differentiation between them and USA/Canada.

I don't know how useful it would be without the membership as I haven't tried it. I am unsure to be honest, the advanced features I am kind of on the fence about, but the sleep insights have been very helpful. I do like the workout tracking which I think is free.

Yeah, it really depends on the dealership (which I will admit sucks). We bought a Hyundai earlier this year at a dealership (at the recommendation of a body who is a mechanic for that brand at a different dealership) in NoVa and overall it was a really great experience.

To what end? Him running ultimately only helps the GOP. If the green party wants to advance progressive policy, they should focus on creating infrastructure to become an actual block that democrats need to work with. Siphoning votes away only helps republicans, Ralph Nader got George W. Bush elected as much as Gore's shitty campaign did.

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What does running as a spoiler actually accomplish? They are doing nothing but taking away votes from the democrat candidate* with no chance of being elected to national office. If you want better environmental policy, and actually want to accomplish it then the democrats are your only realistic option.

*I understand and respect that a good portion of Greens would not vote for the Democrat, but anyone who is likely on the fence is vastly more likely to vote D than R. I am also very happy to acknowledge that our voting system sucks and we should implement ranked choice nationally. I would like to the Green party as a viable option in the future, but it is not in 2024, all this candidacy is accomplishing is helping the republican nominee. I am still bitter that my first time voting was for Nader because I was dumb. I would honestly love to see examples of the Green party working to actually build up their base in local elections as that is the only way they are going to ever be viable and not just a spoiler.

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