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I think instead of saying "nobody is paying attention" it would be better to say that this kind of rhetoric makes him unfit to serve in any capacity.

His attempted insurrection has disqualified him from holding any elected office. He should not be on the ballot in any State. The only news that we should be reading about Trump is what a sad loser he really is and, in my opinion, has always been.

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The difference for me is Reddit started treating it's loyal users like sellable assets. I loved Reddit, it was a comfort zone for a long time, but they betrayed my trust, so I left and I have no intention of returning.

I doesn't matter if Reddit is really dead or not. They are dead to me.

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It is odd to me how many people claim to be guided by a 400+ year old European version of a 2000+ year old Middle-Eastern text.

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American citizens who reside in one state are not the property of that state and cannot be prohibited from traveling to other states. Case closed.

You can be sure that even the Epic version will still require the Ubisoft launcher. That is how all of my Steam purchased Ubisoft games are with the exception of the first Assassin's Creed which predated the Ubisoft launcher. All of the others require it regardless of how I bought it.

I'm going to wait for at least two or more years after release for the new Prince of Persia. My days of paying full price for Ubisoft's games are over and recent statements from the CEO make me reluctant to ever buy their games again.

They are not really all that new. The research for mRNA vaccines began over 50 years ago.

mRNA vaccines are among the safest vaccines ever made. There is nothing in an mRNA vaccine that can make you sick. What they are is instructions for your immune system on how to recognize certain viruses when it sees them. You can literally email the mRNA sequence to a different lab and, provided they have the right equipment, they can make the vaccine without ever needing a sample of the virus.

The mild symptoms some people get is the immune system activating and building the viral antigens specified by the mRNA vaccine, but there is no danger of getting Covid-19 or any other disease from the Covid-19 vaccine.

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Look! A republican waving the flag of surrender. What a fucking coward. He's not from my state and I'm still embarrassed that he is in Congress.

So that's what that guy's name is! Never knew before. Thanks!

Still don't really know who he is. Also don't care.

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Right... Because there is another real choice in this race.

The orange con-man is even friendlier to Israel and would help to escalate this tragedy.

I don't like the choices either, but the one that isn't Biden is so much worse!

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I've said it before and I will say it again: Any cop who kills someone, justified or not, should lose their job as a police officer permanently. It's extreme, I know. But so is killing someone. Taking a life should be the last resort. Shooting should only be the option when there are no other options.

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The main character is an unemployed mathematician with schizoid personality disorder whose social interactions are mostly with his old professor and the people in his apartment building. The movie is a thriller, but the main character's isolation from the rest of the world is rather stark. This is helped by the fact that it was filmed in high-contrast black and white.

On an episode of BBC's: Planet Earth I saw an eagle grab a small goat, carry it off a cliff, and dropped it. Effective to be sure and kind of clever for the bird, but terrifying to watch.

You only need a key to activate Windows. Windows 10 and later will install and run just fine without activation.

Millions of Americans don't understand the difference between a computer virus and a biological virus. Dumb people want dumb things.

Those red hats do seem to have a "mark of the beast" flair to them. They aren't the permanent mark indicated in Revelation 13:16, but I think if you wear it every day it may as well be.

I'm not a Christian, but his followers certainly are. I wonder how they don't see it?

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A FUCKING FEE for a $10 an hour job? WTF? Nope!

I'm rather fond of Murphy's burst-fire pistol and hide-away leg holster in Robocop. If we are talking the coolest gun, it's got to be the Zorg ZF-1 from the Fifth Element.

Freedom of speech means that you won't be jailed by the government for speaking your mind even when your position is not popular.

Freedom of speech does not mean that everyone gets to speak and be heard on any subject they desire to whoever they want. It also does not mean that everyone, or anyone, wants to hear it. Individuals are free to censor you as much as they want.

Interaction is a community effort with a social contract that everyone tries to behave within the bounds of the community rules. If you break those rules, even if for a good reason, it is not unreasonable for the community to object.

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Maybe you could spray them with a little silver or gold cake paint? It's made specifically for spraying on food and gives it a metallic color. Probably would wear off in a day or two, but won't hurt the snakes.

Smart plugs! These outlet switches come in packs of four for about $25 dollars. Once installed and set up in the app, you can automate them with scheduled timers or turn them on or off remotely. They will also integrate with Home Assistant, Google Home, and Alexa.

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What he should have said is this:

"On January 6, 2021 former President Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection against the United States. Under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution Section 3, Colorado, Maine, and every other State in the nation should permanently remove him from the ballot because he is disqualified from running for office. Sadly this action might actually endear him to his supporters even more, but it is still the right thing to do."

I would expect that the wheel shaft has a flange or maybe some knurling on it to prevent it from coming loose. You will probably need to drill it out. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, you will learn a lot about how things are made. I also expect that this will end with you buying a new castor or a new suitcase.

Trump lost Michigan in 2020 and then in 2022 Gretchen Whitmer (D) won a second term as Governor. Also in 2022, both the Michigan State Legislature and Michigan State Senate flipped to Democratic majorities for the first time in over a decade. I don't know how things will go in 2024, but I don't think flying the Trump banner will find any significant wins in Michigan.

I agree that more needs to be done regarding the civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, but our hands are a pretty tied because of our obligations in the US treaty with Israel. Keeping those promises makes helping the Palestinian people very difficult, but breaking that treaty would likely destabilize the balance of power there and make things worse not better for everyone in the region. US Secretary of State Blinken has already strongly urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties. If Governor Whitmer said anything on the matter it would probably be seen as speaking out of turn.

Most of that list is not brand specific.

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I've got fifty cents that says this dude watches an extraordinary amount of gay porn and somehow he thinks that is shameful. It isn't, but he thinks it is.

Okay, fine. Sure. Now impeach every single one of those cowardly mutherfuckers who voted against the border bill last week!

And Democrats! Stop standing so much on your principles and call these mutherfuckers out for this shit! Repeat it endlessly until it sinks into the public mindset!

Start small with important things, like your keys and your phone, and create a contextual place for them. In the home they are always in the same place. The location should be convenient a table or a shelf is great. The important part is that you never set them down anywhere else.

When you are out, they are on your person but always in the same place. Never set your phone or keys down while you are outside of your home. They are in your hand or in your pocket. There are no other places to put them.

My phone is always either in my pocket, on the arm of my big chair, or on my desk on or next to the charger. I try to never put it down anywhere else. My phone is almost never lost. My keys are similar. They are either in my hand, in a keyhole, or in my pocket. I never put them anywhere else and I refuse to put them down anywhere but my pocket.

Get in the habit of refusing to put important things down unless you can put them away properly and they will get harder to lose track of. Once those habits are strong, slowly expand to more things having a specific place in your world and you will find that things go missing less often.

The only danger I see in communism is that no matter how benevolent it starts, communism will always (eventually) become a dictatorship. If we could somehow take human greed out of the equation, communism could be really nice for everyone. As long as humans are in charge, communism will suck for nearly everyone.

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You seem pretty stupid to me. There is nothing about smoking that is good for you. Your girlfriend deserves better.

When it became clear that Reddit no longer saw me the user to be as valuable as the content I had helped to create, I knew it was time to go. I had been on Reddit for almost twelve years, so I was a bit reluctant at first.

I left reddit for the most part in June.

I deleted my account a few days ago. I also deleted most of my posts before I left. Fuck you Spez!

Not sure what 'low end' is for you but if you like puzzle games, The Talos Principle (2014) is fairly low end (plays great on my 6 year old PC) and can be completed in about 6-8 hours. Though, because it's a puzzle game, it could take much longer than that. Right now it Is $4.49US ($9.98US for the gold edition) on Steam. Puzzle logic is similar to Portal.

There just needs to be due process to make it harder to abuse.

I can see where you might think that. I previously thought the same. I don't think so anymore.

Because an insurrection against the government is fundamentally a criminal act, one would naturally think that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment would require a criminal conviction to apply. For most crimes you have to be convicted before there is a penalty. This is basic due process (which, BTW, is described in Section 1 of the 14th Amendment), however I don't think that is the case here.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment reads as follows:

Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. (emphasis mine)

Section 3 describes how participating in an insurrection will result in disqualification to hold office. It has no requirement for a criminal conviction. If a State believes that a person who previously took an oath to support the US Constitution engaged in an insurrection, then that person is disqualified from running for office. There is no due process requirement for disqualification due to age or citizenship, so there is no need for due process for any other disqualification.

If Congress feels that the person should be allowed to run for office, they can remove the qualification disability with a two-thirds vote in both houses.

The States can decide for themselves if Trump is disqualified, if Congress disagrees they alone have the ability to fix it.

If you have a vacuum bag sealer, you could make some custom bags that hold two eggs or more, crack the eggs into the bag (a wide-mouth funnel helps), vacuum out most of the air and seal them. Lay them flat during the initial freeze and they will store great!

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I was looking at one of those new washer/dryer combo units recently (I have heard these are common in Europe but they are fairly new to the US market) and it had a unique feature where you could fill the detergent reservoir, scan the barcode on the bottle, and the machine would dispense the appropriate amount of detergent for the load.

I can see connecting to the Internet on occasion might be helpful here to update the local barcode database, but I doubt it should need updating more often than once or twice a year. Does that mean the feature will work without constant live updates? Probably not, but I doubt it needs to update very often to remain current.

Somehow, I have a feeling this effort will actually help the DOJ identify who these people are.

At first it was cost. Android phones and tablets were (and mostly still are) less expensive. Now that I have used both, I very much prefer Android devices.

For most people I'm sure the difference is negligible or maybe they even find Apple devices easier to use. For me iOS has always been a struggle between what I want to do and what the software requires before it will do it. Although Android devices are not as open as they once were, they are far more customizable than the iPhone.

No. I just felt like you did not understand how free speech and censorship worked.

Creating an instance so you have a platform to speak from is always an option, but other instances having the ability to block that instance is not a sign of it being broken. It means the system works as intended.

Interestingly, I learned how to make ranch dressing from scratch a few years ago. I always have the ingredients on hand, so I can make ranch dressing whenever I want.

The proportions are NOT super important. At least 1 teaspoon of each of the main dry ingredients but you can use more if you want.

I use it to control some of the lights in my house. WiFi enabled plugs and switches are more convenient than having to go to each one and manually reprogram them. In my bedroom, I have one set to turn on every day at 7am and again at 9am in case I turn it off and go back to bed. It's basically a silent alarm clock.

I also have WiFi control for the mini-split (AC and heat) in my workshop. I can view the set temperature vs the actual temperature from my phone and I can adjust the temperature remotely if I want.

MS Solitaire, Space Pinball, and Minesweeper come to mind. They were not my favorites, but I know a few people who have a few hundred hours on one or more of those.

For me it's C&C Generals Zero Hour. I have had a copy since it released in 2003, it still works, and I still play it in single player mode at least once a week. It's great because it does not require a huge time commitment and campaign missions take about an hour or less to complete. To me it's one of the best RTS style games out there. My second favorite? C&C Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.

I have also very much enjoyed the Assassin's Creed series up to AC Odyssey.

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