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We don't even fully understand the brain itself, let alone how to recreate it.

This is token click bait scientific "journalism"

I remember when he was first becoming "popular" and his whole schtick was "facts don't care about your feelings" and not wanting to get into "identity politics", as a reaction to socially progressive movements and "lefties being triggered"... Till he realised he and his whole fan base live for identity politics and care more about their feelings than facts.

So now, here he is, getting mad at a movie not targeted to him because it triggers his feelings about "patriarchy good, feminism bad"

They said people outside the tech industry

Yeah this blows my mind. If you wouldn't allow a paranoid schizophrenic to hold office, why are you allowing people who think the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaurs aren't real?

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Conspiracy became full right wing propaganda quite a while ago. Pictures of Clinton with epstein would get a billion upvotes but there were never any ones of Trump despite him being more relevant

Not to defend it, but in situations like this I think they have to be vague for legal reasons. There's a fine line between reporting the news and defamation (regardless of how true it is).

It's bullshit, and people will use defamation and lawyers to attack people accusing them. But I can see why you'd want to be extra careful how you worded the title.

Wait, it's she alive? The wording in the article makes it sound like she's dead.

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Year, this toilet weird af...

Problem has still not me a couple of times, but usually cause the toilet is quite small or it's the walls of the bowl, but if there's that much water in there I feel like it's overkill

"what's your name?"


"a jew? Here?"

The "protect the children" group, pro doing nothing to stop school shootings, wants kids to watch people be murdered by the state, doesn't want to let schools feed kids or uplift impoverished families, leading to starving/malnourished children...

But God forbid someone who "looks funny" (to them) wants to read them a kids book.

It's about conforming to what I personally believe

Mmm, pan seared grandma

To add extra weight to this comment. It is a common tactic to attempt to "bounce" a batter out, which basically means bowling with enough speed at such a short length that it comes towards the body, and especially, the head. If a batter is unprepared, it usually requires getting out of the way because trying to play a shot is likely to end up with you getting out or struck by the ball.

The ball is much harder and denser than a baseball and even a famous up and coming professional, international, batter died when he failed to get out of the way and was struck in the head.

Basically, there is a very real safety concern for players when it comes to something like this.

I'm not sure if the OP edited it or not, but it sounds like you're assuming they're saying something more than they are. They never said "we're all going to die". They're just pointing out that it's also a very high surface temp in Arizona, which is nearly exactly the surface temp the title states in Spain.

I yin the 200k is just Aussie subscribers though? Or are you saying they also had 6 million new aussie ones?

The article isn't 100% clear, but it says "get lost 200k". They the next sentence "the first time they've lost aussie subscribers"

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I think this 100%

I remember like a week after the first trailer dropped some YouTube dude made a video saying it was sus and wondered if it was real. I can't remember their arguments, as of was a while ago, but they were convincing.

Also, for how long it was supposedly in development, what they released doesn't even make sense... Like it kind of looks like a hobbiest could make that on their own pretty quickly (assuming they used free/bought assets)

And that a lot of the work is googling answers and using other people's code (either directly copying, or through a library/package)

I haven't played since ORAS, but I think they'll always have those tutorials cause they're targeted at kids. Like I was playing the original at 10 and now my kids starting to get into Pokémon at 6.

I feel like they should allow an "adult" version though. Like no hand holding and harder.

It's wild how little the most financially successful franchise of all time has innovated.

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Yeah, I love the idea of fallout 1 & 2 and remember watching a friend play it when it was new, but I tried to get into it as an adult and just can't..

Same boat as you practicality

Same. And now the history of what I've listened to will be gone 😕

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You joke, but this number is probably still too high. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if shareholders technically lost money due to the interruption of potential customers by all the commotion.

Watch any Path of exile 2 trailer, it's all gameplay, in depth, with devs explaining what's going on and the plans are.

The sky looked all hues of purple and pink here. The android night Camera took a 3 second lapse and it was much more like the ops picture.

Tldr. Long exposure makes it look cooler (like everything at night). The pictures will always look more impressive, but that doesn't mean the lights aren't still visible and awe inspiring.

Ironically the main actress is a New Zealander.

Also wasn't aware aussie/kiwi accents were a fantasy trope, especially as those countries didn't really participate in the medieval period.

cries in kiwi

The vacuum cleaner I currently have and have always have, it's not on here and now I'm confused... Or is that what is called a "cannister vacuum"?

Ironically another draw y for emulators over the two thing. Just speed up the boring bits 8x

This will never not be zero

I mean... You can be clinically dead and then revived with cpr and a defibrillator, so not entirely unrealistic.

While I won't deny there is a biological difference that impacts performance there's also a systemic societal difference that doesn't help.

In general women are not given the same support, whether from family, schools, coaches, research or funding, to become top athletes.

It's certainly much better that it has been in the past now days and it's getting better, but even just people saying "women aren't as good as men" is something that sinks into the psyche of women who want to compete.

It's akin to men from poorer nations who can't afford resources, time and training, having a hard time competing against "richer" nations who invest more into it

"which one do I shoot?" vibes.

You guys are arguing over degrees, ironically. Yes, it's misleading, but it's not AS misleading as saying "Temperature reaches 60C" without stating "surface" as well.

It's a common issue in psychological and medical circle's that you can self diagnose as having things when learning about symptoms for the first time.

Usually the difference is "everyone does this from time to time... People with syndrome Z, do this all the time"

For example, everyone is late to things or loses their phone/wallet occasionally... I lose my phone Almost daily and am more often late that not, even when I prepare well in advance.

Oh my bad. I misread your comment as saying they gained 6 million.

Yeah that makes sense.

Similar, i went to go check reddit to see what my years were, but it's down at the moment... which is some schadenfreude

Yeah, I played the hell out of gta 3, San Andreas and vice city... But 5 felt very boring. I can't really nail why but it got to a point where I tried to force myself to play before giving up.

Similar story with RDR, I played the original and the zombie dlc, loved both, the sequel just didn't do much for me

Except if current universe rules apply speed would be useless. You'd die from over heating either from the energy created from moving your body faster or the compression of air molecules as you move through them (think asteroids and space ships re- entering)

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Diablo in its vanilla form is rough, there's an amazing mod which sort of upgrades it to d2 style called bezzelbub. I recommend trying it with that if you cash jam D2 but my D1

Homer Beer baron in the distance

^^^no ^^^you ^^^won't

I've heard good things about proton. Considering switching to that as well. Other than heading so many places use your old email until you update it is there any reason you did it gradually?