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Joined 4 months ago

Whatever happened to internet etiquette?
You (or the person commissioning the book) ask before you do this kinda thing!

Etsy is supposed to carry the torch for that kinda small community vibe of mature adults making money from their side business.

These folks deserve to get a bit flamed, because this feels like 2009 drama we should have collectively figured out forever ago

18 more...

This would be my guess- Reddit is more reliable for random queries than much of the internet, as AI propagates.

I see more and more suggested "my search Reddit" on Google even as I visit Redfit way less now

This is what I'm thinking.

Its a genuine miracle that this is such a small death toll in a major city like this.

One can hope this raises awareness to fracture critical (iirc the term?) bridges that are vulnerable to catastrophic failures

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Lol try being a Roguelike fan.

You correctly tell people that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a Roguelike and they look at you like you've grown a second head.

Sometimes this stuff happens, and there's basically nothing you can do about it.

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That one question from the Elder Scrolls class/Personality quiz was uncomfortably prescient:

Question 4: There is a lot of heated discussion at the local tavern over a group of people called 'Telepaths'. They have been hired by certain City-State kings. Rumor has it these Telepaths read a person's mind and tell their lord whether a follower is telling the truth or not.

Combat Response: This is a terrible practice. A person's thoughts are his own and no one, not even a king, has the right to make such an invasion into another human's mind.
Magic Response: Loyal followers to the king have nothing to fear from a Telepath. It is important to have a method of finding assassins and spies before it is too late.
Stealth Response: In these times, it is a necessary evil. Although you do not necessarily like the idea, a Telepath could have certain advantages during a time of war or in finding someone innocent of a crime.

It looks like the kids these days are all mana-slingers lol

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Well, this a great example for the ESL guy wondering if "Females" is offensive.

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I mean, I know you're looking for piracy sources, but the 3D printing sphere is pretty much full of tech hippies.

This may go against the spirit of this server and all, but if you're just looking to print for personal use, there's a very real possibility that you can just ask.

I've hit up a few people before, stating that I wanted to print their STLs for my own personal use and sometimes they said no, but more than half the time, they just let me have it.

Usually something like:

"Hey, your project looks really great! I've been on a bit of a tight budget lately, but I do have my old printer and some filament lying around- would it be possible to get a copy of your STL files pro bono?
I would love to get my hands on it, and will definitely post a make to your page!"
(It definitely helps if you have some quality finished product images, so you're kinda free advertising for them)

I don't make the personal choice to pirate, (and I'm not here to judge) but I figured my kinda approach still may suit your needs.

I never got to play this character very long, but I had this idiot rich draconic bloodline Sorcerer whose parents had hidden the fact that they were a Tiefling from them.

As far as they knew, they were a half-orc with a skin condition, born when their father was shamed and banished, and their mother was swept off their feet by a gallant orc of the hinterlands. (lol, no, the parents are evil AF demon worshippers spawning teiflings into the bloodline, and they're too dumb to realize it. No hot orc babydaddy to speak of)

They cut off the tail and cauterized the horn buds really early, and basically the plan was to see if they discovered the Draconic Bloodline before or after getting hit by a strong enough healing spell to restore their demonic features.

They probably wouldn't be able to understand the idea that they could be both part demon and part dragon, and part Good aligned and part Evil aligned creature, to boot. Comedy gold in the right party.

This is a bit more low tech, but you mention technique, and I think people should hand write things more. At least, for first drafts.

You neurologically process things in a different way when you use your hand in that manner, and the act of transcribing your own work into a computer or device is an incredible editing measure in its own right. It forces commitment and flow, which is so precious in our time of short attention and focus.

Also, its good to be fluent in both skills, because you never know what could happen to your body. Realizing you haven't extensively used a pen or pencil much in years is a pretty fucky kinda feeling from a motor dexterity perspective.

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Well, here he's clearly using "Females" to be exclusive and offensive, demonstrating that the term does, in fact, have that potential, is my point.

It is kinda nice when trying to figure out other cultures' taboos, that you can get something as cut and dry as "this word or concept can show up in a news article when politicians misuse it."
Kinda intimidating, but also a useful frame of reference, because then there's post like yours which specify that its context-specific.

It can be really frustrating when you spend years tiptoeing around something, only to find out that the person you learned it from just had weird personal hangups or something.

My dog responds to swear words by doing the kinds stuff you see emotional support dogs do in videos- press on your chest, give you kisses, nuzzle your face, etc.

Except she's small, blind, and a bit... intense, so she kinda launches into you if you're sitting, with some intense affection.

IDK why. I guess we don't swear very often, ao when we do, its special, and we swear with enough gusto for her to think we're very, very upset.

I choose to try not to pirate, and thus this kinda thing absolutely pisses me off because this is so disingenuous, because I dig into the nitty gritty of how to do all this stuff legit.

Randomizers alone make Nintendo games in particular so much more alive, and all but require the use of ripping software and quite often emulators.
These emulators can make even current titles look even more beautiful and play more smoothly than their native platform, too.

Yeah, people are going to pirate using this stuff, but its wrong to treating the tools themselves as being inherently bad. They are quite often used by people who care very much about these games, and do give fair financial support to Nintendo.

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Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

I've actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you're respectful of their choices, they've been consistently so willing to share.

And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

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Bought Bitcoin or have tried to buy a shoebox of a house.

But I listened to all the "sensible" people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot, and then couldn't do anything with it for a litany of reasons. Just one family emergency or health problem after another.

The worst of all maybe could have been avoided if I hadn't been off at school in the first place. I don't regret college, but my education should have stopped there. I was finally an adult, but I still let everyone else dictate my life, right from the getgo.

Biggest regret of my life, right out of the gate.

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Offered an ear to a stranger who got a cancer diagnosis. Enabled a notification override for that discord convo so if they ever take me up on that, I'll get it.
It sounds like its something treatable, as they were talking about working while dealing with it, but still, that's stressful AF. Cancer is scary.

This isn't much, but its the latest. Kinda feels nice to realize I did a nice thing even though I'm broke and physically struggling with stuff right now, so thanks.

I think that'll help me get back to sleep here, actually.

Yeah, the doggy door bell turned into the "Attention" bell instead of the "Outside" bell for a while for us.

Then when she realized we made her go out every time, she stopped using it and went back to a little wuffle.

Happy cartoons!

I'm sure you've heard of Bluey by now. Its so good, wholesome, and heartfelt. Everyone's watching, regardless of age.

Here's one of my favorites for happy feels: Kipper the Dog
Its a Pre-K show that's just super chill and pleasant. Feels like a warm blanket and cocoa. This one is definitely more for children, but its ok to indulge your inner child and tell it that things are okay.

For a more sophisticated palette, Hilda is the most criminally underrated animated mainstream cartoon in recent memory... that somehow got a full run regardless!
Three seasons and a movie on Netflix. Its beautiful and kid appropriate but definitely for all ages, and pretty damn serious a lot of the time. But its still rather uplifting in how a lot of things aren't problems, because Hilda is so spirited and determined in a way you can truly believe in.

My little Pony, new and old, really does the trick for me, but its not for everyone, of course. Pound Puppies and A Pup Named Scooby Doo also hit that vibe, though of the old shows mentioned, its probably the best written. (Never got into Care Bears, but it could probably work too, if you're looking for Sunshine and Rainbows)

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I mean, you're not wrong.
IIRC the hospitals are not spread out in ideal locations for this scenario, and I can't see Baltimore pulling an infrastructure miracle to compensate for the collapse any time soon.

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Nah, usually just more trauma after a certain point, if its anywhere near even the hyperbolic description of "Kill."

I've been through enough. A mild to moderate amount of life challenges will be plenty going forward.

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My local discount zoo of a store was selling cold brew tea for a dollar so now I have twenty-four boxes of cold brew Watermelon Lime Zinger.
But seriously, for $1 that's crazy economical and I am on some medication where it is paramount that I stay hydrated.

My more normal snag is produce crates. The local asian market literally gives them away and they're incredible tools for organization! They stack, you can take wire cutters to the plastic grill on side to make them into stackable cubbies, and they help organize the trunk of your car.

If I'm doing better in the spring I'd like to ise them to make raised beds for growing some veggies.

Well, its kinda like how dogs can be treated with a lot of cancer drugs people can't- its largely a matter of longevity and personhood. Just load 'em up with stuff that'll cause all kinds of crazy side effects in a decade or so, if they're at least six, even in longer lived breeds. (assuming its a bad form of cancer in the first place)

Sheep don't have to worry about the things people have to worry about when they aren't going to have to use the same body for the better part of a century.
So yes, they do get sick, but its not regarded as the same level of devastation because its an animal, you can use harsher treatments, and you're not looking at the same level of magnitude of suffering or life lost.

We also work a lot harder to keep a lot more physically frail individuals alive whom would otherwise just be dead if they were sheep. For example, I had a doting mother who got me medical attention for my frequent dehydration as a child, and I am now able to advocate for myself when I have those episodes.
A sheep who couldn't tolerate something foul on some grass would have likely died as a lamb and have just been a sad statistic before they even developed enough to graze.

If we had much shorter lifespans, we'd honestly be some pretty rugged creatures. Our stomachs are only .5 less acidic than some carrion birds. More acidic than most carnivores.
No worries about preserving teeth or joints, eat what you want, its literally Yolo!

Our brains, vision, bipedalism and weird vomiting thing are pretty damn sensitive though.
A lot of animals don't have such a vomit issue. Rats literally can't vomit, iirc.

Just to let you know, the whole thing where you look back on every little thing you do and cringe won't magically go away when you're an adult.

That's a self-esteem thing, not a teenager thing.

I guess what I'm saying is that this is one of those things that can get better, but won't just magically get better on its own. It didn't get better for me until I got some control in my physical health (stuff that would affect my perspective) and took agency in my mental health.

If you're in the situation to do so, check out what kind of therapy resources are available to you. You can just try a bunch until you find one that really clicks, and a lot offer free brief consultations.
Many employers offer 4-10 free visits for any immediate family members/offspring, too!

I'm sorry you feel so critical of yourself all the time. Its so draining to live like that.

I mean, just play Palworld, Princess Maker 2 and Hatoful Boyfriend and you basically got the desired experience.

I mean, I assume.
I think I'm too ace for this.

This seems like such a wretched inevitably. I mean, I guess we're living it with phones, but it seems so unnecessary with cars.

Is there really no market for the same boring car, with minor efficiency tweaks, for, like, ever? I coulda lived with my 95' Accord forever if the parts hadn't been too expensive.

Do es the market really not want that, or do the manufacturers prevent it from happening?

Any Automancer please explain, I'm not car enough to understand.

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I just want a phone designed to make spoken word more audible in noisy environments, so I don't have to use some sketchy app when I'm trying to hear a poorly balanced podcast over the stove fan while cooking.

This just sounds like q feature that I've literally never seen anyone ask for outside of that or movies, basically

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I joined a local vegan group for some recipes because I have some dietary restrictions.

You know what they post about?

•Foie Gras is bad

•Where the FUCK can I buy a good breakfast

Seriously, these people just have this insane fixation on breakfast foods, and how much better they taste when someone else cooks them for you.

Just stop focusing on the noisy ones and try giving people the benefit of the doubt. You might be surprised at how nice people can be.

My mother's coworker's child made a bacon bundt cake, and specifically sent a piece for her.

I agreed to eat it with my mother out of solidarity.

Honestly, she's like, 9 or something, and did a great job of it. Kinda had a bacon pancake going, didn't have many tunnels or anything. Would be a great dessert for a barbecue, that kinda thing.

But no one in my immediate family is that into bacon, let alone being combined with sweets.

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I heard he only hits the speed of sound when he's rollin' around.

But part of the legacy of Desert Bus is that it was a big charity series that kind of set the stage for GDQ later in gaming history. A sort of virtual road trip.
So a lot of people have nostalgia for it.

It was never implemented in PoGo, was it? Because that's where it very clearly should have gotten a spiritual successor.

Not that I'm playing that anymore, with its predatory scheme. Orna all the way, now.

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I actually paid someone to rip my WiiU BotW for me years ago because I like being legit legit, but most people either feel like its morally 100% fine to download a copy if they bought one, or don't even know that its technically not legal.

Ripping your own ROMs tends to put your system at risk of bricking or being banned from online play. Its just not a desirable thing to do, so fans who care enough about the game to see it run at q higher quality or with lovingly crafted mods are very likely the ones who already purchased the game and are downloading a new copy.

I would love to see Yuzu run a poll to see how many people already purchased the game. Even if its anecdotal, maybe it would prove a point that people are crying out for more content and will go to illegal means to get it

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Not totally related, but in the mid 2000s, I had thought that being made an NPC in a video game was a really kind honor- that someone probably really cared about you.
(usually if they didn't, you'd get relegated to a humiliating gag or antagonist. Technically also NPCs, I guess, but not what you think of as "NPC")

...And then the internet went and turned NPC into an insult.

Makes me feel sad for all those loving tributes and Make a Wish kids.

Can you give us more context?

"Woman" is almost always preferred because it respects one's personal identity, as opposed to the compulsory status of biological sex, which is often used as a source of belittlement and/or bigotry against women. (and carries a whole plethora of baggage when people decide they get to judge someone's female-ness)

But it doesn't mean that you shouldn't generally be able to use the term "female" without causing social friction, if you have a good amount of social grace.

(its actually quite normal in fantasy/scifi circles, for example)

I think you may be asking the wrong question- you may want to explain what you were talking about and ask what specific phrases or situations might have unsettled people.

Maybe it was just a weirdly specific English faux pas, or maybe you have a friend who is a little extra sensitive after bad experiences and who could use your support. Maybe its a total miscommunication- who knows?

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Its a vague undulation in a direction I think most folks here would probably prefer?

That's kinda all you can realistically hope for a lot of the time

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All the alcoholism in both sides of my family, and I'm fretting about my liver, when I'm taking less than the recommended dose of a prescribed medication that could change my life if I could take more.

And I'm on a COPD inhaler and I've never touched any death sticks at all.

Life isn't fair, I 100% feel you.

I also literally felt you when they put me on amitriptyline and that gave me hbp and they kept trying to act like it wasn't that big a deal- that with all my other health problems, my blood pressure would start getting off, and I'd have stress, yadda yadda.

It really does feel physically horrible, especially the headaches and sleep issues.

My biggest advice is to never be afraid about a second- or third or fourth opinion with your health, and be gentle but persistent with your goals.

Its the art of pushing without breaking.

Now, this is the experience for me and some unhealthy overachievers, so take the following with a grain of salt:

A lot of times people with underlying health issues actually function their whole lives by pushing until they crash, but hide their crash, and just assume everyone else hides the meltdowns/16-hour sleeps/weekly puke sessions/etc too.

If that happens to describe you, then you're going to need to get comfortable with giving just 25% effort in a lot of things until you can safely figure out how to actually not hurt yourself.

I'm serious.

Step out of your skin, and treat yourself as you would your precious little sibling or something. Dote on yourself.

Aaand I've typed too much. It gets my own stuff going. But good luck.

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Well, as a nonsexual person, I've been pretty shocked to see that the allosexuals have been pretty much taking this porn ID stuff lying down.

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Go to a grocery store, bring your metal containers to the grocery, get them autoclaved while shopping, and get em filled up with your rice/cereals/juice/etc.

Edit: The below is a bad idea unless new materials are found, see comment thread.

Also, SLA Printing for ceramics is already possible, just expensive for now. Once we figure out how to do that sustainability and in a foodsafe manner, we could just print our single-use cups and dishes from a slurry.

Yeah, finding the gunk from a bone dry ceramic cup left in random places outside would suck, but nature would be able to reclaim it as easy as any random dirt clod. (Well, not as quick in the short term, but when it comes to materials)

One could potentially even just rinse out the clay, stick it in some water, and with some elbow grease and effort, process it into actual, useable ceramics. Depending on the formulation required for the SLA process, of course.

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Can you take that last part, put it to a cool font, add some vaporwave and a filter, and make it the stylings of an Cyberpunk 80s movie?

With a bit of rewording, it would be rad for a pixel indie game or something. It goes hard.

And its uncomfortable so I want it in a more palatable form lol

my thoughts exactly

Very robust post, covered most of what I'd say in a far more verbose manner than I have the gumption for right now.

Finding out that my migraine medication had the side effect of improving my sleep quality was really incredible, so I'll say its a lot of problems.