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Joined 12 months ago

Maybe wash your hands first.

I'd watch that for the novelty at least. Two people working 2 jobs trying to find love on their one and only day off that they somehow always have on the same day. Would be so bittersweet.

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Nah that's 8+8=16 so 16 -2 is 14. 14 -1 is 13, so 13. or as my maths teacher said. Wat? 1 point, negative 0.5 for incorrect formula 0.5 total. Even though it always worked!

Edit: Hell other ways to work it out. 7+7=13 logically vs my calculator so 5+5+5 = 15. 15 is incorrect why? because +5 is +2 more than necessary so 7+7 must equal 5+5+3 which = 13 or as my mental maths exam told me Fuck you! You Fail! Can't do maths in 10 seconds then you are either retarded or have another mental issue, to the stupid class you go! (It wasn't stupid class if those students got the support they needed they would have excelled!) (You had to pretend to be "normal" to make "academic progress"))

3+3 =6. 6 < 7 so 3+3+3+3 = 12 but 6<7 so 12+0.5+0.5 =13

Nah they are just room. Oh.

McAfee should also be banned. That thing is near impossible to remove.

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It will get rid of that

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I never see it brought up but. We were told not to constantly! Unless you were rich you weren't supposed to have kids and now they are shocked people listened to them. It's been said for at least 100 years

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All Sony had to do was nothing and they still fucked it up.

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25th most common on Earth and most of it is in the ocean, which we don't have a good extraction method for yet.

Edit: how did you come up with Lithium being the 3rd most common in the universe? Oxygen is 3rd and Lithium is 44th most abundant universally.

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Thread closed [x] already answered please go to link: completly unrelated topic actually about [a]

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So this guy had his handle stolen and he is still like "man Musk is so cool I am going to stick around on X" dude. What does he have to do to make you leave?

Maybe not the expensive expensive versions but good headphones and earphones make a massive difference.

From the amount of accidents they have had. Maybe start with walking and see how that goes first before getting anything with wheels.

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Left guy is on his way to win the chess championship. He needs his rest.

They are way easier to find now than last year. Which ruined my little home project

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Yes and people will pay for it.

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So. The tennant now pays rent to the government for a year and a half to fix the landlords fuckup right?

If the tennant is required to withold tax and they didn't the tennant also paid a year and a half in advance too so they also get a year and a half rent free only having to pay 25% for taxes.

Right? That's what is going to happen right?

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It's hyperbole. If you want that to be illegal I'd be hanged for how hyperbolic I am.

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Does Epic have any market share past free games and fortnight?

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Point 2 is a reason it's not used or used for very specific use cases within a company. Companies don't want to make a custom distro that they have to support themselves, that costs money.

The final point you made yourself the IT guys don't have Linux knowledge but they do have Windows knowledge. Easier and safer to stick with what you know than what you don't.

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Indie devs seem to be bringing them back. Played quite a few demos recently. Hopefully the trend continues.

Don't think there is any probably anymore. You are eating plastic no matter what.

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So is this bad because its actually cruel or because they are horses and we don't eat horses?

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It's about getting the message out and being disruptive. Standing on a street corner with a sign does nothing as the news ignores you.

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Because fixing poverty lowers criminality.

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I like dividing net profit by total employees in 2022 they could pay everyone $350k extra that year.


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2 of Mussolini's descendants are in office. They also get mad if you bring up how their Grandad died and was subsequently strung up by his heels.

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So. The button you should press if you accidentally open Twitter on your PC.

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Crazy thing is I can't tell if you explained it incorrectly on purpose to show how confusing it is, or if you did it accidentally.

We talking about actual Turkish delights that are delicious or Cadbury Turkish Delight which is disgusting?

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You are going to need to drop a source for that. There are many sports where if they were un-gendered there would only be men in them.

Because only Factorio has been able to proove that is happening. That and they pretend they don't know that is happening as they are just the middle men.

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Its antisemitic to equate all Jews with Israel so...

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The mother was also annoyed that her sons did not contribute to the household expenses or chores,

My mum would kill me.

So. You would have to be what 5 meters max to talk to him? What does that even mean?

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Counter Strike has never been realistic though.

The dictionary.

For a lot of it its a couple of steps away from ali express atleast. So much so that most of it is just ali express but 10 times more expensive with next day delivery.

I have seen many adverts rich people make so heres a schedule:

Wake up at 4am

Get dressed 4-5

Go to gym 5-7

Get changed 7-8

Eat breakfast 8-8:30

Read newspaper 8:30-9

Work 9-12

Lunch 12-13

Hit the club 13-17

Dinner 17-18

Club again 18-?

Do these and you will be a billionare in no time. If you are an older gentleman replace the club with golf.

We sure this isn't a map of Africa?

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