1 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like Bluey and metal, so this shirt is perfect for me

I think it works there because it's just Michael Scott that despises him, everyone else sees him as fairly normal from what I recall.

Better than Dreamworks, though

Watching Parks & Rec for the first time, and I also noticed this. IMO it's missing something, maybe if only one of the characters acted that way towards him or something it would be better. He's pretty much Meg from Family Guy, and I never really cared for that dynamic either.

This seems really short-sighted. Why would I go to How Stuff Works when I can just ask the LLM myself?

Maybe there's just no possible business model for them anymore with the advent of LLMs, but at least if they focused on the "actually written by humans!" angle there'd be some hook to draw people in.

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You're going to get a lot of comments about Ubuntu and snaps. Definitely one of the reasons I switched away from it.

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"Ok class, for the rest of the semester, we're going to use the C89 standard".

I forgot the return 0; at the end of my main function and lost points on a test. Decided to be a point slut to ensure an A in the class and argued that it's allowed in the C99 standard. The professor sighed and gave me back my points, but next class specified the exact standard he was grading by.

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! looks active and seems like a good place for it

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This is tilting at windmills. If someone has physical possession of a piece of hardware, you should assume that it's been compromised down to the silicon, no matter what clever tricks they've tried to stymie hackers with. Also, the analog hole will always exist. Just generate a deepfake and then take a picture of it.

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Much of the concept of "intellectual property". Here's a good essay by Richard Stallman:

Copyright by and large needs to be abolished. Patents in software are nonsensical, and elsewhere they should be drastically scaled back. Trademark is alright, with a few adjustments needed.

But all of the above is hiding behind a concept of "property" that just does not apply to intangible things, and we need to stop using that term to describe them.

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The scary temperatures you see in news headlines are basically unaffected by the fires. Wikipedia has a good overview:

The overall issue with global warming is not that one place gets super hot once and sets a record. Otherwise I could make news headlines by setting my house on fire and getting "hottest temperature ever! (at my house)". Those local hotspots of fire will affect the average global temp only a tiny bit, because the earth is a big place and there's lots of places not currently on fire. The thing to worry about is the reverse actually: because the earth is warming, fires are increasing everywhere, and then everybody will be next to a fire on that blessed record-setting day.

That's an interesting comment from a guy that used to work for Canonical, and then went anti-snap pretty hard, to the point that he made this:

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Those are dumb fucking patents. I hope Google fights this to the end and gets them invalidated.

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They already were the first? I still remember when I upgraded Firefox on my phone and all of the extensions were gone. It's nice that they're finally bringing them back after all these years, but it's just a return to the way things used to be.

EDIT: Headline here was changed from the original article, which doesn't claim "first", just "only".

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I found the solution on the archwiki!

Never used Arch before in my life, but the wiki is great. Rising tide lifts all boats and all that jazz

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Oh neat. Development had died down, but looks like it's picking back up again and the creator is finding more maintainers. It's what I use on my phone.

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Stable as in the UI doesn't get changed often, or stable as in unlikely to crash?

Man what a clusterfuck. Things still don't really add up based on public info. I'm sure this will be the end of any real attempts at safeguards, but with the board acting the way it did, I don't know that there would've been even without him returning. You know the board fucked up hard when some SV tech bro looks like the good guy.

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It's rather refreshing to see a redesign that introduces a simplified interface but doesn't forget about the power users. From a title like "A New Chapter", I was expecting to see some Gnome-like "Here's what we're doing now and you'll like it"

Documentation is sorely lacking in many different open source projects. Often just making sure the documentation is up-to-date is very helpful

Snaps benefit Canonical. They're trying to build their own walled garden, and anyone else benefiting is not a consideration.

Flatpaks are different, because they aren't purpose-built to benefit a single company. I wouldn't use them to install most things, but there's a few places where there's benefits for at least some people. It's a lot easier to maintain large projects like Firefox on older distro releases for example. You get sandboxing, so that say a bug in Firefox won't let malicious javascript take over your system. It lets vendors release closed source software that would never be included in your distro's repos. These are all things that may not benefit you, but in theory they'll benefit enough people that it's worth it.

I've also moved onto NixOS so don't use either one anyways. I think Nix or something like it is the future, even if you're running a more traditional distro, though that might just be misplaced optimism, see the success of worse is better.

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I expect it's pretty close to the same demographic as early Reddit, left-leaning technologists. The Reddit dickery has given it a smattering of "everyone else" as they've been migrating away from Reddit.

It's a big threat because once it's easy to block unapproved browsers, lots of people will do it. Yeah, there will always be a few weirdos like us that don't enable it, but just imagine when it's your bank, your insurance company, your government, and most every linked-to page on Lemmy. You'll be forced to use Chrome to interact with large parts of the internet then.

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I got my family on Signal by buying them each a drink to install it. Might be worth trying

It's working for me, posting this from

Eh, "your body, your choice" still holds. The rest of us just also get to use our bodily autonomy to say "fine, but stay away from society". Go live in the wilderness and avoid the 5Gs or whatever as you die of a stubbed toe because of your choices.

Idk, I guess that's better than the idiocy involved in "Get your government hands off my Medicare!". At least there's an internal consistency that you can argue against. Cruel, consistent evil is easier to work with than the Trumpian spew of bullshit.

Trademark law is actually pretty useful. I say this as someone who is generally quite anti-IP. If you really want to not involve trademarks, just don't enforce it, and you'll lose any trademarks you've got afaik (IANAL, this is not legal advice etc).

What exactly is your worry here? Imagine you've started your project with distinct branding of Foo, and someone comes in and does something you really don't like. Maybe it's adding a gaping security hole in the name of adding a "feature". Maybe it's saying "this project is for Nazis only". The traditional response in open source is to say "fine, you do whatever you want, but create your own fork in a way that won't confuse people". IMO that's fair and square. What happens though when your project Foo gets a bunch of complaints because someone created a "foo" package that secretly replaces all of your keyboard input with swastikas? Trademark lets you say "don't name your package foo, because it's confusing to us non-Nazis".

It's the midpoint before we ascend to enlightenment with NixOS

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Here's a better link that doesn't even need an link:

Kind of ironic to talk about enshittification on medium, that's currently going through the process of enshittification. At least he's got his writing on his regular site as well.

Element is built on top of a protocol called Matrix. If you don't like Element for a UI reason, you might want to try another client. There's a list of them here:

I like FluffyChat, and you can try it out in your browser to see if you like it:

There's various well-known tracking parameters that can be stripped, like UTM parameters. Stripping all query parameters would break a lot of sites, like anything in the vein of

I charge my car off of a regular outlet outside in a very cold climate, and charging like that will actually likely make the battery last quite a while. The only way to find out for sure is to wait, but it has been 4 years and the battery hasn't lost any capacity. My car also has a 320 km range, so even in your scenario, if you charged 50km away and came home, you'd still have 270km of range.

I think you may have given too much weight to FUD about EVs from companies that would like to see them fail. I've seen a lot of concerns posted online that just don't practically matter, once you actually try it. There's also some really nice minor things about owning an EV, like not having to breathe in toxic fumes when walking around the car. Especially nice if you have kids that are right at the level of the tailpipe.

It is also fine to wait a bit, of course. In my area chargers are springing up in lots of places, and I think we're not far off from a tipping point away from ICE cars, which will spread even to rural areas pretty quickly when gas stations start becoming unprofitable.

Definitely my wife. She likes to remind me though that I shouldn't just rely on her, and should socialize more. When one's spouse dies, men tend to die quite quickly after their wife dies, because men aren't good at making new friends or keeping up with existing ones over time. Women tend to be much better at both of those. Kind of macabre, but she's not wrong.

I've been using Borg to back my stuff up. It gets backed up to, which has good support for Borg:

If you're good enough at computers, you can even set up a special borg account with them that's cheaper and has no tech support.

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There's a good chance there will be a virtuous cycle, where the Steam Deck's popularity makes it easier to game on Linux for regular PC users too, which will help out everyone gaming on Linux. Especially as Microsoft keeps dicking around with Windows and trying to turn it into a subscription OS and people just get sick of it.

That's the important bit. The creators of Lemmy needed to be hard leftist to keep it from being taken over by right wingers before it could become popular. Now it's big enough that the community isn't as leftist as the creators, but will still reject turning into another voat.

Linus wrote git before anything like github existed, and the best way to do it was email. They just haven't switched away from using email

You don't think it be like it is but it do