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Joined 1 years ago

I can't even use Reddit anymore wince they don't allow VPN users in. (I won't turn it off for them)

First thing to do with the bare metal server is enabling ufw via ssh and then asking someone to hard reboot it in the hopes, it wasn't saved...

"Duh! Of course we need root access!"

VSCodium is the open source part of VSCode, so I prefer to use that.

Mull is firefox on android without the proprietary parts. Heliboard is a good android keyboard.

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I absolutely hate people naming their program with a word that existed before. At least call it Allpaca ffs. How should I search for errors or stuff in general?

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Mozilla VPN vor Mullvad

I mean, Mozilla VPN is Mullvad, so yeah. You can trust Mullvad.

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10 years old and greater than ever.

Also the Fairphone 3 is already 4 years old. So they only need to "be here" another 3 years.

Elon doesn't buy honey, he chews out workers.

But wouldn't they be more useful, when made out of toilet paper?

Rust mentioned!

Use the picture next time:

picture of a smol cat sitting in a teapot with black border and text underneath saying "I'm a teapot"

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Playing around with their small d*cks?

Robot Unicorn Attack 3 when?

Which is a very shitty take. If they advertised with a string tanga and those star-shaped things some stripers tape to their nipples, everyone would be upset as well (and rightfully so). It's not a matter of choice, the proposition itself is an insult.

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Lol, the conservatives got rid of nuclear.

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Which is good, since M$ Office is still one of (if not the) biggest security holes in all of software due to its macros and how no one uses them securely.

Also also doing things the OS way will lead to less changes in the long run since Microsoft can and will change their layouts as they please, but a well maintained FOSS-fork can stay one way indefinitely.


Wait, is that, why PayPal didn't work and I nearly missed my train? Wow.

And I thought the PayPal devs were stupid, but apparently it was google themselves.

Did I say they were pro nuclear? No.

Did the conservatives kill german nuclear? Yes.

Is it too late now to get nuclear working again? Also yes.

Is it a shame nuclear was killed off early? Absolutely.

Did the conservatives kill renewables earlier so Germans had to rely on coal and gas for too long? Correct.

My "signature" for this topic (German unfortunately):

Abschließend will ich dem Thema anfügen, dass wir für mehr als ein Jahrzent eine Politikerin im höchsten politischen Amt hatten, die schon vor dem Antritt der Position überzeugt war, etwas gegen den Klimawandel tun zu müssen und dann fast nichts erreicht hat{pdf} und selbst unzufrieden ist!

Have you been near some sort of news in the last years? Corporations using windows get hacked regularly and they are far off from having everything in a database somewhere. You have no fucking clue. What you are describing is the dream of corporate security newbies, but no big corporation let alone some state government is anywhere close to that.

They have massive shares, where all the people can read and overwrite everything, they open all attachments directly on their machine and click away all warnings without reading them. (Who needs USB if you can mail malware directly?)

This is hell and in Germany dozens of smaller or bigger government networks were hacked and massive amounts of data encrypted last year alone.

More like:

// German
Farbe = "#(9&90)FFAA";

Thst depends in a lot of things.

What do you mean with "PC"? Is a smartphone a PC? Is a steamdeck a PC? The Laptop of a government employee? A Raspberry Pi? What about a TV-box or an e-reader?

Because if you mean in general on non-server hardware it's probably some weird Chinese/indian fork for their government PCs.

Otherwise it could be Arch due to the steam decks, but then again it depends on how tightly you define "distribution". As others have mentioned, is Xubuntu their own distribution or does it count as Ubuntu? What is Mint/Pop!_OS?

But no matter what, it's not MX Linux.

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Is this somehow loss again?

Why not just fire the automation if chrome plays sound, like at all?

When I say "I like them pixelated" I was not talking about emojis, but this might also work.

Ask yourself, how italic text should look.

Do you want another fonts italic style? Do you want Fira Mono on non-italic?

Then input that into the config.

Alacritty may have a fallback in place, if italic is left out, but I am not quite sure, since I use wezterm for its better display capabilities of font ligatures.

It's not that early, but (which apparently still exists) was one of those sites I found one day and regularly played on for years.

If you want to get a feeling of the old internet, look here:

To be clear, those are not (only) old sites, but a lot of them feel like the old web.

Just select all and make it bold! 😉

There is an Ansible repo. It does all you need. It's just some configuration in one file. Maybe takes a few hours to read through, but it can set up early everything Matrix has to offer and is well documented... It just really is a lot.

Deleting your Lemmy account will however also remove your username off posts, I think.

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