1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Despite all the lawsuits, it's still sailing

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It's only free if you have an expensive GPU with a lot of VRAM. But otherwise I agree - Musk has no idea what he's doing - I doubt this will bring substantial money

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Are people really okay with this?

No, thats why they use adblock. Either install adblock or just use Brave or Opera browser. Ads will be gone forever

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It has a heartbeat? Boeing what have you done?

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4 mins per render.

ComfyUI I assume?

It'll be mostly unfortunate for Musk as sponsors pull out driving X value down the drain

Do you feel that the current situation is not different enough

Putin has the exact same number of nukes and ICBMs as before. This is the main factor, and I don't see it changing any time soon

Id say Scribblenauts would fit

That's big enough for pretty much any usecase

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This shit is the reason people ignored real Covid threat. You get never ending fear mongering in headlines until you just dismiss all of them as dumb bait.

Depends. If you need specific location for logistic reasons, in the long run it might be

what are the likely outcomes?

Putin launches nukes, huge amount of civilians die, russian military is crushed within next few months. NATO wins at the cost of horrible loss of civilians killed by russian nukes. World economy shrinks considerably

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Although he failed at economics with the broken window fallacy

Lemmy is full of communists/socialists - this is an opposite side of political spectrum

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Stop relying on students to do their work in home. Most of people work from 9 to 5 yet education system expects teenagers to do overtime assignments. And noone even pays them for it.

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Implement OpenID? Or logging in with web3 (blockchain)? Or maybe account backup on google drive?

Any solution is better than no solution

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best value subscription

My problem with it is that it reinforces toxic monopoly, and I don't even know how much money goes to the creators.

Also they raised price multiple times lately died, so I rejoined via

Have some experience with Xbox controllers and steam controller

First official Xbox One X controller is absolute shit via bluetooth. Proprietary dongle works well, as long as its on windows - getting it to work under linux is a pain.

As far as compatibility goes Xbox 360 Dualshock with 2,4ghz wireless dongle is the best - dongle identifies as wired controller, it works correctly with everything.

Steam controller works with everything except ergonomics is IMO garbage. Dualshock rules in this area

And don't even think about connecting anything via bluetooth to android - bluetooth drivers are broken since android 10, causing massive input lag. Use either wired, or Xbox 360 2,4ghz wireless dongle controller

The satire flying left and right is legendary with that new twitter AI.

Yeah, is there some sort of a loophole?

Text is shown that says in 50% of states in the U.S. you can legally be denied housing for being LGBTQ+

What's the exact mechanism? Video doesn't elaborate on this

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I accept Venmo

I accept Bitcoin

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The question is when fedia does the same? It's as if these instances were hosted by extremely unstable people.

Is the problem account making or data having persistence/backups?

Ideally both issues should be fixed.

Personally I don't care much about old posts that nobody reads anyway. But my nick, settings, subscriptions, avatar, and block list are important.

So perfect solution should be ability to log in from any instance, not just the one I made my account on.

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Can I export it from an instance that doesn't exist anymore?

Students don’t learn by just going to class then doing nothing afterwards

Really? Then why are they going there in the first place???

And how do you get that juicy job experience allowing you to negotiate higher wage? You spend time on homework given you by your boss???

Jesus I wish I could get paid for just going to school.

Maybe you should be paid for passed exams and decent grades?

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A more robust vision for decentralization would allow for interconnection between these distributed energy resources. But that would require a level of state or local government coordination that has yet to emerge

In other words there's no system of selling surplus solar power back to the grid. So part of the energy is wasted. This is what happens when state is run by morons

Meaning you unpress it, and computer gets 2x faster?

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Would using Odysee turn you into one?

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Never said we should. I said this isn't going to change

Look, if you have better explanation of why housing is so increadibly expensive in US, compared to rest of the world, then be my guest

It's not that they don't want new homes, but that falling prices would impact them negatively. This is more nuanced. For everyone who has mortgage, falling price of their home can be a diesaster

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Real Estate and builders have a lot of lobbying money to keep their assets at high value.

This is probably why it didn't happen, and why it won't happen

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You're only worried about your own bottom line.

First, being worried about my own bottom line is my sacred right.

Second, moving money like this is very similar to the broken window fallacy. Wealth is wasted in the end


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Except this is wasteful. It just took 30k that otherwise would be spent on something else, and spent that on a car. Someone else lost 30k of sales.

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If it was so easy, it would've happened a long time ago.

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No seriously, "carches" isn't even a word, and I can't decrypt any sense out of that sentence