0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Agreed, I'd rather use GOG but they don't accept my card :/

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Fucking hell, the liberals are using trans people as an excuse to throw the palestinians under the bus.

Look, if you're going to disregard the palestinians' human rights, then there will come a time when you'll do the same for trans people, and they are amart enough to know that.

The queer people's greatest strength is solidarity so spoiler alert, this won't really fly, how about you use your vote as a bargaining chip instead of sTrATegIcALly voting no questions asked?

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Anti fascist sabotage is bad because violence, hmm 🧐

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Friend I'm not a friend of liberals myself but can we please not use ableistic terms that end with "-tard"?

Reserve that shit for the right wing

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Liberals will still blame his (and Hillary Clinton's) critics instead of the democrats' bad policies and hubris for electing Donald Trump even though those same liberals still talk, think and act like republicans and willing just as much to throw the handicapped, the queer, the women and the racial minorities under the bus all just for neo-liberal policies that are not too different from Trump's.

speaking of, much of what was done against abortion was not reversed and is destined to keep being dangled above those liberals' head, and then they'll say we shouldn't criticize the holy neo liberal savior so he could reverse Trump's clownery just for this to go all over again.

Must be devastating, take care, friend.

It does one thing: make every contract have a clause specifically to combat this...

Thanks for posting the article, it's very long but worth the read.

I wish i didn't currently live at a family members's house, so i could actually decide what i eat and get away from these disgusting practices.

For others, please refrain from arguing about this like this is some spccer match, i don't like what I'm seeing from the other comments, this should be taken seriously.

The meat industrial requires inhumanity to prosper, just like any other corporation, bit this one deals with animals for said animals' entire lives, this is systemized misery.

If any vegan is reading this, i might do a post requesting this later, but any resources for reading more or for moving to a more sustainable and less cruel way of living would be helpful.

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~pssst, worker run co-ops~

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Direct action and or forcing the hands of politicians so more people have an incentive to vote

Trying to get people to support genocide and half assed half measures (that keep the door open for making things worse than they were before, which is very in line with the ruling class' interests), and when they don't, imply they support fascism 😌

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cough cough Hannibal Directive

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Hit the nail on its head goddamn

Security over AI my ball-cheeks

Neither is voting blindly, which can be used as a justification for Biden doing nothing against the genocide. Being passive is making things worse.

"Fellatory" is just so funny to me, thank you very much for that

I've just seen an Israeli soldier with the punisher symbol on his flag patch, this was getting insane the moment it started. With how much surveillance is going on here in israel, is there anything israelis can do?

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Barely any of the functions actually moved, I'd rather the control panel stay just in case regardless, because i still find old fixes to problems i have on old forums and such.

Which is also why my system language is set to english, so everything on the control panel will have a searchable name instead of a half assed translation that I'll have to translate back.

Here you go, wanted to make this a first post but didn't know where to post this disgusting shit

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Advocating people put political pressure on a candidate to change policy = lazy.

Getting off your ass once every few years to vote, and do it unconditionally = the embodiment of activism.

ps. Calling me lazy for not voting in the americans' elections is a very smart move.

w h a t

Only good library is the standard library, packages are much better 😤

That's just the ruling class acting blind, disguising as a neutral news source

Gazans aren't foreign dumbass

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That's a really wild guess lol, no, I'm Israeli. It's most likely because I don't use a normal credit card but something else that is anonymous and lower risk.

Right "libertarians" are more susceptible to power vacuums, provably so, with so many experiments going down the same way. Reason for that is that they aren't really against authority, just not their kind of authority.

If you aren't entrenching the need for active resistance to power and hierarchy, you are expected to fall the same way, that kind of attitude is very much present in actual anarchists, left anarchists.

Not the OP, but sadly, the israeli state has a vested interest in supporting rabbis like him who act as an arm of extreme statist propaganda.

Even though the "disciples" of these kinds of rhetoric are not likely to serve in the military, they will egg on the existing population and do their spiel of making bullshit stories up.

And while I'd love to be in a position to go all "not all of us are like that", and while I'm aware there are some Israelis who fight to get food in gaza, my entire family and most of my friends and colleagues spout this kind of extreme rhetoric, and i honestly feel like I'm slowly losing my mind over it.

There is not much willing in any community, and not much hope anything will change internally for the time being.

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I get it, i know how it is. I'm an Israeli anarchist, you can tell by a previous post and my user name.

I'm making a bit of a fuss over it because i find this trend within myself, having grown up in a nationalist family and a religious school, i tend to say those words as instinct as well and am trying to unlearn this behavior.

I grew up as an edgy teen as well so i guess i can relate, but now I'm intp young adulthood and trying to be better to not repel potential friends.

Agree, even more so considering the fact that the military usually discourages these kind of displays.

Seems they're showing their true colors.

Also, an identical directive was given the morning of October 7th 2023.

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This picture honestly looks more like C++ than JS, and before you yell at me, JS doesn't have any standards let alone competing standards so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

This is in Hebrew because this is what i read at the time, you'd have to look up another article in English yourself if you want to.

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Only conclusion left is that the ofilficers didn't mind to begin with

The original post was a self fulfilling prophecy and we all knew it from the very beginning!

You are going out of your way to misinterpret what i say, i didn't mention a third party.

First instance of the word: "supporting genocide" as in voting for someone who will facilitate said genocide via funding.

Second instance of the word: "supporting fascism" by refraining to vote for someone who will facilitate genocide but will stop the fascism creep ongoing in the USA using (in my not so humble opinion) crappy legislation which can be easily reverted.

To defend myself more directly, one wouldn't ask a Palestinian American to vote for Biden, that is, unless you lack basic decency, ehich means the tactic that the person above me uses wouldn't be effective for anyone seeing themselves as a victim or even victim-adjacent to the ongoing genocide.

And I'm saying that working outside of the system or trying to apply political pressure is a tactic that is abandoned by liberals by default, which makes their tactic ineffective against the creep of fascism.

Excuse my long ass comment, wanted to drop the sarcasm for a sec and say what i really mean.

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You are assuming that the only options that exist are voting for either guy or not voting. Which is the main thing I'm trying to bring attention to as you are not the first person to comment in such a manner.

Also, Biden isn't really doing much to reverse what Trump did, including stuff that affect immigrants.

If your main means to get more voters is shaming them instead of shaming your politicians then this lesser-of-two-evils game will only get worse, it had gone worse several times already.

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I know it isn't a "symbol of the IDF", but an IDF soldier wore it on his arm and he successfully got out of his base and got up on that bus, meaning officers could have stopped this kind of clownery.

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the worst Dark Souls game is still miles ahead of 95% of the other day-one-dlc-riddled, mtx-infested triple-a trash released since

Looking at you Dragon's Dogma 2, absolute disappointment.

I had my PC built for me while all i had to do was specify parts, tried to get fans with no light just to avoid this, got the almost exact model but with lights.

Now if i use my PC at night my room glows pink (not for any particular reason besides it being the most dominant in my rainbow led fans)

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There's an extra device which is required to control them, yes i already tried the bios.

Basically yes, rainbow, at least it's not rotating and is just a static rainbow circle.