1 Post – 422 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's dying. An event that was literally unthingkable a few months ago and was probably unachievable a few weeks ago.

Little by little, reddit is crumbling. The number of userbase doesn't matter now. If the spam bots overtake reddit, then it's over for them.

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Why chant bring back Twitter, I mean if it was rebranded back to Twitter, it's still owned by Elon and it's still shit.

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For a 12 year gap between increase. That's a fairly small one. I don't get the outrage. Our sugar prices have increased more than 5 times in just a span of mere months in our country in comparison. Gas prices fluctuates more than the temperature does.

For a dollar increase, you'd think the world was ending judging by the reaction of internet people.

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If it's garbage then I'll downvote it and maybe block the user if they continue to post garbage in the future.

Yes it's effort, but is it constructive?

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This article may have been paid for, by threads/Instagram aka meta.

That's all the author mentions.

We must prevent these kinds of bots on getting a foothold here.

I acknowledge that we do have bots here [lemmy], reposting top posts from reddit. As we grow in number. We must also scale down these bots until the day that only moderating related bots are existing in our ecosystem.

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too late, Twitter has got OP to sign a contract already.

Kaliwa, Kanan (left, right respectively)

Edit; this is in the Tagalog language, we use English for our gadgets

Mid tier phones have sd card support, 3.5mm jack replaceable battery.

You only have to know where to look.

removable battery

sd card

3.5mm jack

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Its been 22 mins.

Sad to bring you guys the bad news it but it was confirmed that OP was electrified while changing the AAA batteries in his keyboard. Apparently it also has a feature to scale up the voltages of the battery and OP accidentally pressed it.

RIP in piece OP

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As an husband, my wife definitely appreciates it if we cook together. I enjoy it, she enjoys it, and it makes our food more delicious. Plus it's am exercise in how you work as a team as a family.

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Yeah I've literally made accounts in squabbles and lemmy at the same time. At first squabbles was great, but somehow there's something there that I couldn't describe. I continued to go to lemmy but I've stopped going to squabbles for weeks now. And suddenly this!

Sometimes our instinct is spot on and we got to listen to it more often.

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Harvey: *shaking because he knew that was the one on reddit /r/piracy 12 years ago, drunk posting for shits and giggles

not seeing does not equate to not existing.

let us not blind ourselves to their antics. awareness is key to prevent ourselves from being exploited.

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Op purposely used Lenny, to get more engagements.

Uou know, the old adage of saying something wrong in the internet to get the right answers quicker

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Well, you see, our work environment is optimized to use chrome so there is really no other choice.

I wouldn't sacrifice my irl income just to tell google to go fuck itself.

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Can you elaborate on this, it's the first time I've heard of I2P torrenting

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I see your work doesn't have invasive programs that check idle mouse and idle keyboard behaviors.

this is an old one but i can't help thinking, what if they installed it without my knowledge, after all, my work laptop was given to me already pre prepared by our IT department.

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That's just a smart tv acting dumb. Or a smart TV that was taught wrong, as a joke.

Or auto forward it to their customer service email, or company email.

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Rip in happiness then

trust vs necessary.

I don't trust them but they are a necessary evil for some tasks. like messaging apps, what use is Signal or other secure/foss messaging app if the people you need to communicate with uses meta products. so it is necessary for me to use meta products in order to facilitate communication with some group of people.

Operating system our company only uses windows and provide a laptop with windows as an OS. now why would I go to trouble myself in reformatting this laptop to unstall other OS when it isn't even mine and would get me into trouble, not to mention break compatibility with my worke ecosystem. so, i use windows.

so yeah, it applies to others as well

What's wrong with you, America?

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They say we've got it all wrong, it's not the items we're stealing. It's he money they think they should've gotten from that item.

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It's illegal to share experiences now?

They shared theirs so you can have context on how bad the situation is on gaza. Chill on your projections bro.

*must..... not........ react, must..... not........ react..... .. . . . .

Personally I will try to be active in contributing to ideas for lemmy improvement. If you are having a problem in the UI/UX part of lemmy. Then is is a good idea to let your voice be heard and suggest some QOL improvements. That way the devs have more options to look at when considering some UI/UX alterations.

Ata canned sardines for a week.

By Wednesday I was beginning to make mistakes at work.

By Friday I had more mistakes in that day compared to 3 months of workday. I was having a hard time understanding instructions and documents.

I did it to save lunch money.

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That's not fraud, that's called "working smarter". Not giving us a raise to account for inflation, now that's fraud.

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yeah, more or less. but I appreciate them speeding it up, since, you know, taking into account our short attention span.

I do. I find it helps reduce common cold and cough infections. And i really will never stop wearing it when in a mall or any space with lots of strangers.

Our laptop is locked. We cannot just install programs into it and there are regular audits on the content of the laptop so no portable applications also.

Of course on my personal laptop I've always used FF since I became aware of it, about the year 2007 or so.

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It would be amazing if we could have a "WordPress community of the day/week" bot so we could discover them.

This is so exciting.

social media corporations can be made liable under the law, well how about here in Lemmy, where the instance owner may not even know that companies are creating bots and posting discrete advertisements, or hiring trolls/shills to advertise for them?

And stress, damn stress 24/7 ever since mobile phones appeared. Some company tequires you to answer even if it's your off day.

The negative impact is that we're here discussing this in the fediverse rather than reddit.

It may be a drop in the bucket for them. But a seed has been planted. And if we care for it right. It will grow eventually.

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This is a fantastic explanation. Thank you.

Or create one.

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Arrrrrr! RD be the GOAT.

I tried to summarize this article using bing chat, google bard and perplexity ai.

You know what's curious about all three of their summaries?

All three omitted the part where the US knew of the shelling and abuse.

Bing chat was even reluctant to acknowledge that part when asked directly. It took me having to quote directly and copy paste the part of the article to have it acknowledge the fact. Fyi it was literally the first sentence of the article.

What an obvious case of AI bias. I hope open source LLM has none of this.