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Joined 1 years ago

I pretty much agree with this. If you look at the accounts of the people complaining, how many of them have posts hitting the frontpage? I'm not saying I have any data, I'm just speculating that most people who are power users, whether they use 3rd party apps or not, can recognize how shitty reddit went about this and won't complain about the protest.

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I've been thinking about this for a little while now and I think Fedditor is the best choice.

  1. Between Kbin and Lemmy, there's already two choices of software platforms for Reddit-esque link aggregators that work together. In the future there may be more. I think the term should be inclusive.
  2. Fedditor is play on redditor, a widely used term for users of the privately owned Reddit. A fedditor is a user of a Fediverse alternative.
  3. Since ActivityPub is an underlying protocol that interfaces with the rest of the Fediverse, I think emphasizing the Fediverse aspect and the "reddit-esque" aspect is more important than the specific software platform.
  4. People may use different terms for Kbin vs Lemmy vs future alternatives (or ones I just don't know about), but they may also use different terms for the instance they use or for the magazine/group that they are a part of. I think if any term becomes widespread, it should be an inclusive term that fall underneath a more general term such as Fedditor.
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I feel really bad for you, you're spending all this time making this place while I'm blowing off work just to play here. Hope you get a chance to kick up your feet and enjoy the communities you've enabled here soon!

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He's said that very few people use 3rd party apps, but at the same time, he says "And the opportunity cost of not having those users on our platform, on our advertising platform, is really significant," So are 3rd party apps very unpopular, or are they taking away a really significant number of users? He's essentially saying- nobody uses Apollo, but Reddit is dying without Apollo's users.

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@fubo I'm confused, this literally backs up what he said.

I think reddit is more replaceable than Twitter. It seems the stickiness of Twitter has to do with the specific individuals on there. People don't want to leave not because they get news about famous people, but because the actual famous people are on there. And the famous people don't get the same status recognition on other platforms, so they want to stay their too. I can get my news from anywhere, and reddit was just the best tool to facilitate that. Lots of communities used Reddit, but you can build that community other places too, reddit was just a really suitable place to do so.

Slightly correcting the math here. 2 people is one relationship (AB). 3 people is 3 relationships (AB, AC, BC). Add another person and it's 6 relationships (AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD). Add a another person (5th) and it's 10 relationships (AB, AC, AD, AE, BC, BD, BE, CD, CE, DE).

The formula for a relationship with X people is the Sum of all numbers between 1 and X-1,

I'm assuming everyone is bisexual because that's my personal policy in life.

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I've heard that if you tried to edit a comment in a community that had already gone private, that it could prevent you from editing it. Are you sure you were able to edit and delete the comments you're seeing? Normally if you delete your account without editing/deleting, the comment stays up and it just changes the username to deleted. I used Power Delete Suite on Sunday and don't see any of my comments have been restored, but most subreddits hadn't gone dark yet on the 11th.

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I hope not! (I am from Kbin)

To my understanding it's a somewhat reasonable approach that has its upsides and downsides. I believe Twitter apps were all designed that way back in the day as well.

In the Venn diagram of people who will pay for ESO and people who will pay for ES6, I'm sure there's a ton of overlap, but there's probably some ESO players that aren't necessarily huge fans of single player games, and I know for a fact a huge portion of people who played ES5 and will play ES6 will never play ESO. They are not the exact same group of consumers.


@delitomatoes @NABDad @danielbln @fartsparkles

There are examples in the second link, but I can paste them here for you:

J.D. started as fairly emotionally needy due to him wanting a father figure to replace his own dysfunctional family. Fast forward to season five where J.D. is an appletini (light on the tini)-swilling "sensey" (that's "sensitive person") who can't hold on to his "man cards" (which would be taken away from him if he did something girly) for a full day. This is lampshaded by Zach Braff in the bloopers to Season 8.
"You haven't been here in a while, my character's really gay now."
Carla was initially a tough cookie Team Mom. As the seasons went on, the writers Flanderised her obsession with gossip and her domineering tendencies over Turk. She also went from giving advice to forcing her opinions on everyone else and admitting that taking the moral high ground "is like crack for me".
Elliot went from being a pretty normal, slightly quirky, girl with no interest in kids and a high degree of efficiency coupled with no personal skills to highly neurotic, obsessed with getting married and having kids, and the most compassionate doctor in the hospital that was only there because she wanted to help people. The family part is at least somewhat justified by the fact that she as she got old she had a stronger desire to settle down.

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I think this is going too far. Reddit isn't doing something SO horrible that we need to drive them out of business by boycotting advertisers. Boycott reddit, 100%, but do we really need to try and punish companies that just do business with them? It's not like Fox News or Twitter where they've directly taken an odious ideological stance, they're just running their business badly. I disagree so I won't be their customer. I'll tell other people that they're doing dumb things with their site and should leave it. But I'm not going to go further than that.

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I've been thinking about this for a little while now and I think Fedditor is the best choice.

  1. Between Lemmy and Kbin, there's already two choices of software platforms for Reddit-esque link aggregators that work together. In the future there may be more. I think the term should be inclusive.

  2. Fedditor is play on redditor, a widely used term for users of the privately owned Reddit. A fedditor is a user of a Fediverse alternative.

  3. Since ActivityPub is an underlying protocol that interfaces with the rest of the Fediverse, I think emphasizing the Fediverse aspect and the "reddit-esque" aspect is more important than the specific software platform.

People may use different terms for Lemmy vs Kbin vs future alternatives (or ones I just don't know about), but they may also use different terms for the instance they use or for the magazine/group that they are a part of. I think if any term becomes widespread, it should be an inclusive term that fall underneath a more general term such as Fedditor.

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@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 we have to preemptively defederate with any corporation! The fediverse must always stay small and never improve other companies. The vision is for open technology that few can use, right? I'm just worried that if Flipboard helps make the fediverse more appealing by providing more content for our users, that they can pull a fast one and defederate from us later, and then all of our users will leave and go to Flipboard instead! The only way to prevent that from happening is to make sure they never hear about Flipboard in the first place. Please reference any arguments used for defederating from Meta if you need more "sky is falling" arguments to whip you into a frenzy of senseless fear.

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My takeaways from this are fuck /u/spez and @ernest fucks.

I give them tons of credit for this! With Twitter becoming, in my opinion, basically a Nazi echo chamber, the corporate brands and public personalities staying on the platform basically lends it legitimacy. It says "it's normal to hang out in public places where hate groups thrive and are encouraged". Microsoft making this choice is sending a public message that Reddit's conduct is making the place unsafe - that it's not perfectly normal to hang out in the subreddit that are lacking moderation.

It's not necessarily a perfect comparison because I think Twitter's leadership is directly doing things to promote harmful and hateful content, whereas reddit I think is just hurting it's relationship with its own community, but the throughline is the lack of moderation making the content more extreme.

Yes, this! I have been thinking, everytime I would have liked the Admins to step in and help, it's been "our hands are tied". I'm fairly certain the subreddif /r/XKCD had some weird shit going on so the main sub for it had to be like /r/XKCD_comic or some shit like that. And the Admins refused to do anything about a troll controlling the main subreddit handle. But now they mods are using their godlike powers for good, Admins can't wait to jump in and fuck things up. I guess mods are gods only when it hurts users, but when they are actually doing what their users want- fuck em?

I set my location to a different country to get a cheaper rate. It's a pain the in the ass to set up but might be worthwhile. My family plan is like $4.

Same, I'm developing a crippling fediverse addiction right now. Hopefully this drama wraps up soon because I'm using this new platform way too much watching it unfold haha. Maybe in July I'll only spend a couple of hours a day on here.

If we really want to get away from reddit, we could follow the standard convention when it comes to user designations. A person who uses
Facebook is called a Facebook user. A person who uses Twitter is called a Twitter user. A person who uses Android is an Android user. Reddit is somewhat unique among the most popular websites as people identify other users like they're in a fandom rather than people who have an account on a particular website. I'm not sure if other fedditors want to even think about themselves as part of a fediverse fandom. I do think redditor was a fortuitous term for reddit to happen upon because it flows from standard convention (it sounds a lot better than reddinite, reddinese, reddan). If you start from wanting to designate a user of the Fediverse or ActivityPub protocol, I think Fedinite or Feditor are two obvious choices. I went with Fedditor with the double consonant as an homage, but I think if migration was coming from a website where everyone was just called "Forum Users", Feditor would still be a top suggestion.

And it lives on even today.
Digg shut down, was sold, and the present website is completely different.



It sucks when a show is spinning it's wheels and a significant actor moves on to greener pastures, but you get it. It really sucks when a show rockets off and actors leave because the show has made them into a star who get offered bigger projects to capitalize on their fame. Mucking things up for the thing that made you famous is such BS.

part of the issue is that kbin has been hit by so much traffic that they've activated cloud flare to protect it, which I understand is causing content from other parts of the fediverse to not come in at times. There may be more content here than you are able to access at this exact moment due to the technical issues of growing several orders of magnitude in size.

They released a teaser trailer 5 years ago. It's surprising to me that the game wasn't being worked on in all that time.

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Best comment here, please remember to boost this post so people can see it!

I'm still struggling with actually adding new magazines, would you be able to link to water drinkers for me?

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I'm getting an error when I try to login with Google.

Access blocked: Authorization Error Missing required parameter: client_id Learn more about this error If you are a developer of this app, see error details. Error 400: invalid_request


@delitomatoes Many sitcoms have an overarching romance arc between two leads that gets stretched out for eternity. I don't know how much I can vouch for "The Office" handling other storylines, but the getting Pam and Jim together 1/3rd of the way through the series, and then not having them constantly breaking up and dating other people and then getting back together (like Friends) was a real breath of fresh air. The show really proved they could survive as an anthology without having the main romantic arc to fall back on. Of course, later on they introduce serious romantic arcs for other characters.


@Damaskox Apple Store- does this mean you'd rewrite for iOS, or is it already compatible? If so, would you be able to throw up a .IPA on the github? With a stock iPhone, users can sideload apps for testing purposes for up to a week at a time- you wouldn't need to make testflight or put it on the store until you are ready. Altserver is something people use to refresh the permission indefinitely.

I'm getting an error when I try to login with Google.

Access blocked: Authorization Error Missing required parameter: client_id Learn more about this error If you are a developer of this app, see error details. Error 400: invalid_request


@delitomatoes @NABDad @danielbln @fartsparkles @Potatos_are_not_friends

Fair points, I have only watched a few episodes myself and was merely copying the source since others weren't seeing it.



my experience is eerily similar to yours. Used it a bit in the first few days, popped in on occasion. Deleted my account today. When I first went on, one of the questions I asked was "is this FOSS or privately owned" and got bombarded with that cadre of users explaining why it's better and safer for it to be owned by one person and that Jake would never make bad decisions like this exact one. At one point a user was being so agressive about how I should just trust Jake that I said I must be talking to his mom.

I also briefly had a Voat account when I thought Reddit was cracking down too much/too arbitrarily, and quickly realized that I was not in good company. I’ve been very optimistic about this Reddit exodus because it really doesn't have the same ideological bent to it, so the diaspora isn't just the dregs of reddit.


@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 they only work if people care about it, so double edged sword.

They are presented with the same choice every single day to condemn people to die by hoarding their unfathomable wealth. Anyone of them could singlehandedly end all deaths from polio or TB, but instead every single day they decide that the idea of only being worth $2 million dollars is so horrifying that they'd rather allow the deaths to continue unabated.

@Mmccue I was being sarcastic, I think the fediverse is about improving how people use social media- not driving all existing social media extinct. The idea that people would be unhappy that enormous companies are adopting the fediverse, which inherently loosens their grip on their audience and relinquished some of their power- it seems insane. Pre-emptive defederation seems insane.



Yes same. I'm making a conscious effort to leave a comment (like this one) rather than just up voting.