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Joined 2 months ago

Something tells me that platform exclusivity is a major factor. And yet, they keep doing it.

this has less to do with using AI, more to do with sloppy code reviews and code quality enforcement.

They are the same picture.

I am not a vegan, but I do try to make food choices that are as ethical and healthy as I can... or at least as far as I can afford.

Cats are carnivores. Fact. This is not debatable. But I think you could also meet or exceed a cats nutritional needs from other sources. Whether those sources are readily available and whether a person is sufficiently meeting those needs... that's another can of worms.

Generally, I'd argue that if you are hell-bent on a vegan diet, then you should not own carnivorous pets. No matter how well meaning you are, there is a significant chance that you will inflict harm on your pet, and that is unacceptable.

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I am right there with you on all counts. I’m on openSUSE now and happy as a clam.

"...for a crime they were later they later exonerated of."

Is The Independent a reputable news source? On the flip side, it's clear this wasn't written by AI!

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There's still DuckDuckGo, or Kagi if you are rich.

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You'll need to cite your sources on that, though the APA style guide doesn't have a citation format for "conservative grandparents with dementia."

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Almost like those systems were designed to be monopolistic and anti-competitive from the very beginning…

AI is a neat toy... but that's all it is. It's horrible at almost every real-world application it's been forced into, and that's before you wander into the whole shifting minefield of ethical concerns or consider how wildly untrustworthy they are.

My only problem with Proton is that they don't work with native mail clients (especially mobile). I'd go with FastMail personally, but I do see the appeal of Proton.

More people need to give Gitlab a chance. It’s really come into its own and I agree that Github now feels like typical unfocused, bloated MS software.

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VS Code is a highly configurable editor that can get really close to being like an IDE, but you should really check out the Jetbrains IDEs. Best in class for just about every language they support.

Same here. Gitlab CI was a game-changer for me, too. Any thoughts on where else you’d consider going? Aside from GitHub, that is.

No matter how you feel about Apple in general, Apple TV boxes are really the only way to go these days. Everything else is designed to aggressive sell to you whether you like it or not.

It's either that or use something like a Raspberry Pi and settle for websites, which also have a habit of streaming you lower-quality content.

Does Codeberg have anything like Gitlab CI, or does it need to be paired with other build tools like Jenkins, TeamCity, etc?

It's disappointing that all it took for a headline like "no one has ever so thoroughly dominated Donald Trump" was a question-dodging stereotypical politician. I was very frustrated by the entire debate. Trump's word salad and Kamala's deflection kung-fu... but I understand that I am not the only person in the US, so emotionally charged anecdotes instead of clear answers are what wins the day. But still...

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