18 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

So in the future no need to install 32 bit packages of wine in a 64 system??? πŸ‘€

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Use ublock origin, it will change your life

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Fedora kde

The meme is becoming a reality. Systemd really is going to try to be everything lmao

Let's gooooo πŸ”₯

Linux mint for sure

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I really like seeing codeberg being used more.

Also I'm definitely keeping my eyes on this repo once in a while πŸ‘€πŸ§πŸ΅

If you are on Linux you could simply run a firejailed wine on the executable and not worry about much, if the firejailling stops something from working then the executable is kinda fishy since firajailed games should work (I tried it and it works)

Honestly I didn't even knew that codeberg existed. A Open Source gitub would be pretty pog ngl

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That's unfortunate, less linux on the market is kinda sad

I would say the general job market is getting worse πŸ€”

Ideally it would be better to see eventually a variety of OSs based on linux, maybe forks of steamOS.

But for the time being, definitely adopting steamOS would be better.

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Yup, it hijacks the price more. Like how computers could be cheaper if they hadn't windows

Fedora is indeed a pretty solid option its very stable and you are still up to date when it comes to packages.

One distro that I personally use and I'm going to shill is void. Its bleeding edge but its surprisingly stable. If you don't mind reading documentation and researching similarly to arch you shouldn't have a problem (since you are accustomed to endeavourOS).

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Are there any plans on adding features that enable easier interaction with other federated platforms like mastodon and peertube (for example being able to comment/interact with peertube videos and mastodon posts)?

Still the exploit is easier to avoid compared to windows viruses and stuff. Even with the linux popularity increasing there is already out there good solutions to prevent this kinda stuff like have SELinux installed, use firejail to run suspicious files, use proxies to visit weird sites (you can use proxychains + tor, a bit overkill but works if you don't have a local proxy), etc.

Not to mention that one of the attack vectors of this exploit requires using a systemd feature which is the sysnetd which isnt going to work on other init systems. Reason why a lot of times minimalism can be superior to just having all the features + unnecessary ones out of the box.

I don't personally use that much RSS in my computer (more on the phone) but I do know of a terminal RSS reader called newsboat.

In terms of android, I use feeder, its available on fdroid and you can also install it via obtainium

If you are an advanced linux user then I would suggest giving a try to the following distros: arch, void, gentoo and (like you said in the post) nixOS.

The reason behind is that this distros are focused on the tinkering aspect of linux, the experience of setting up everything the way you want.

If you want to give a shot to WMs I would suggest i3, sway, dwm, dwl, river, bspwm, Qtile and hyperland (maybe focus more on the Wayland ones if you want to try the latest software).

I would suggest using Firefox on mobile, you can add the ublock extension there as well

I have been using Wayland on void for a while and have no particular issue with it. There is screen sharing on stuff like zoom that isn't working at the moment (unless you use gnome) which is a bit annoying but not really serious enough to force a change to xorg. Also Wayland has more clean code then xorg and I do like the potential it has, specially when it comes to security.

Nothing against xorg, if you can use Wayland its better imo but otherwise xorg is fine as well.

Damn, that's a cool way to explain how that tech works in a chewing gum package

This is wild πŸ’€

Very insightful article. Good to know more about Linux's history 🍡

I would suggest trying other distros like some people here mention like popOS, nobara, garuda, open suse (try the semi-rolling release one), fedora, endeavourOS, etc.

This might give you a better experience out of the box without too much tinkering, since sometimes compatibilities with the hardware and with some software can occur (for example I tried to do a garuda install in the past and it didn't work for me but to a lot of people it worked).

Also when you get more experienced with linux, you probably can fix those issues more easily, but for now probably the best option is to try a different distro and see how it goes.

Better wayland support nice πŸ”₯πŸ’―

Like others suggested, lemmy communities and some news sites like HackerNews.

But also some YouTube channels like Mental Outlaw, The Linux experiment and Brodie Robertson (most of them also have Odysee channels if you don't want to use YouTube). Also Luke Smith (actually he shills a lot of foss software).

I would recommend trying out first sway just because the configuration is very straightforward and you easily find on the internet configuration files of other people, most of the setup is already done for you out of the box as well.

After getting used to sway I would then recommend moving into WMs that require more tinkering, like hyperland you mention on the post.

Also if you ended up removing animations and don't really care that much, you might want to try other projects that have different focuses such as the minimalism of dwl or the different approach of tilling with tags with river (it all ends up on preference after getting used to this kinda of graphical servers)

Edit: FYI, most of the ricing (aesthetics) tends to come from the status bar you choose, the colors you choose to configure on files and the background image (I would say background img being the most important cause everything is built around it (colors, themeing, etc) )

I have found this article that might be useful

Really awesome project. I like their ambition to compete with google (brave search is independent also but bad track record apparently)

The data lost that occurred due to the lack of differentiation between year 1900 and 2000 on calendar systems of the older computers?

Linux mint I would say its the one that tends to have better support in a large amount of hardware and it was the first one that I was able to stick with

Linux mint, if there is any problem try popOS.

Also would recommend trying out the distros before you install them in a virtual machine since it's easier to try multiple distros without the hassle of setting them up. Since you are in windows at the moment, you probably should try virtualbox

Edit: ventoy is a pretty cool project for when you want to setup a pen with the installation isos to the baremetal.

Typing on PC with 2 of them, one checking the phone and the other grabing a snack/drink 😎

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Welcome aboard! 🐧

If you decide later to test other distros I would highly recommend using a virtual machine in virtualbox. Saves the hassle when it comes to testing distros πŸ‘

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Yes, biologically speaking there is a fungus that can control and takeover ants body.


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You can install them like any other package from dnf/apt and then run them with startX (if its X11) or start them via their name if they are Wayland compositors (all this in the tty, the black screen with just letter outputs)

Thx, I will check out Guix. Seems a very interesting distro πŸ”₯

Congrats! Hope you keep having a great experience with linux 😁🐧

Nice, lets keep the moment going. Another great year for Linux and open source.

Definitely going to keep my eyes on it πŸ‘€πŸ‘