2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Most of the MSM also ignores it, just like they do a lot of stuff

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Always making it about race

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I stopped reading at "In another, red state governors joined blue state governors in resisting efforts to federalize their national guard units" This is something Biden and Harris have already tried to do but governors across the nation oushed back on it.

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John Roberts is also the one that saved Obamacare but you never hear about that...

Every time they don't vote the way the dems want them to they want to change the rules. It always comes back to bite them later though

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So they say...a Republican that donates to Democrats. Got it

Deep state cronies.

Any amount is if you're a Republican. It just doesn't make sense, why wouldn't he donate to his own party and instead donate to the opposition?

Good luck with that

"No longer rising as much" to Biden it means prices are coming down

He donates to Democrats. That doesn't just make it hard to understand, but hard to believe and if someones political affiliations are strong enough to be making donations, it's hard to believe they would just up and join the other side all of a sudden. Me personally, I believe it's a lie

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Let me get this straight. So, we exchanged Russian prisoners in order for Russia to give us Russian prisoners? Seriously?

I agree, the media and the Whitehouse has been covering for him for a long time but now the cats out of the bag and I've heard a couple people say they were covering for him because they feared blowback from the Whitehouse

That's what they do. A lot of people thought Lemmy would be different than Reddit when it comes to that, but it's just as bad. I think downvotes destroyed Reddit in a lot of ways because so many people abuse it

The DNC wouldn't let anyone challenge Biden. It's corruption pure and simple. Whether they have a backup or not Putting someone in Presidency in Bidens shape is wrong on so many levels.

So what? That's wrong on so many levels and it's just more proof of the collusion thats been happening between the Dems and the MSM

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Here come the downvotes. If it were Trump it would be front page news already, lol. And now everyone wants to act like this is normal

I don't think he got into his groove at all. This guy is toast. And what's with all the whispering?

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Sounds about right. They should just cancel his speech, but they'll probably just pump him full of Adderall to get through it. This is just elder abuse. Joe doesn't realize it, poor guy just does what he's told. That explains why he's always saying he'll get in trouble if he answers questions and stuff.

That's ridiculous, when did Trump stage a hate crime?

Says who? You? I read the community rules and guidelines. I didn't see anything there that said only one viewpoint was welcome, but please point it if there is something I missed


This is what happens under Democrat control

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Police cant make them ingest the pills to see if they drop dead or not and fentanyl pills are disguised as other pills all the time. And it's not like they're being singled out, anytime you get arrested and have pills on you, it's not like they hold them for you until you're out of jail. You never see them pills again.

Wow, just gets worse and worse. Seems like the MSM is finally getting out of bed with the Biden administration

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Civil law? They're breaking criminal law

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Right..that's why it's mostly military aged men coming

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Well, he challenged Biden again and he wouldn't accept so...

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Garbage article. Because they want voters to show an id to vote they're accused of being racist that don't want minorities to vote. The article also says Trump claimed Milwaukee was a horrible city but it conveniently leaves out what he said before and after. More fake news

Raw Story is just a leftwing propaganda site

Sure, if you say so

When did they threaten violence? Source?

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Anything to distract from Biden

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Nope, just a hard working patriot here. I don't understand why it is that anyone who disagrees with the left gets accused of being paid or accused of being a bot

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I see you changed your comment. Just because someone just joined lemmy doesn't make them part of project 2025

2 more... if you're new to Lemmy you're part of project 2025? Got it

No different than when Kamala called Biden a racist

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Right...because you're so great at critical thinking

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Shouldn't have broke into the country to begin with.

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