6 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 13 months ago seems to have better content

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May I ask where you live? I was in the US some time back and noticed the same thing as you.

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Thank you so much for your work

Definitely, however it seems that nowadays even with alternative clients Twitter and Facebook don't even have that much content to share

Great news!

Great post, thanks!

Reddthat disabled downvotes too

The server meta community probably


Have a look at, hopefully the fix is released soon

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You are welcome! Yes, they really increased their frequency recently


It is a tool, like Lemmy or any other platform is.

If an education specialist creates some content there, and references established research to back up their claims, what is the issue?

A niche example is multilingual parenting, where there are very interesting people debunking stereotypes on teaching your child two languages at the same time

Interesting, I didn't think much about it because it relies on Email, you made me want to give it a try

Dunno about TV shows, but for new shows, there’s lemmy C/s that are good enough to improve on better than word of mouth

Which shows are not TV? Genuinely asking as usually for me shows are TV (or Netflix or whatever). Do you mean more like Broadway style musicals? In any case, do you have any recommendations? I'm mostly active on ! but that's TV

Did you have a look at mbin, mentioned in an earlier comment ? It looks quite promising too

A PC running MS-DOS, 133 MHz. Mostly some text writing and a few games. It was my father computer.

Edit: You know what? You’re honestly right. I was just irritated about it and this was the most convenient place I could find to air my grievance. My apologies. I think the conversation is important but in the future I’ll aim to be less aggrieved about it and not blow it up into something more than it is.

Sounds good!