2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Such unexpected behavior from a person who was unfaithful to their spouse and who brought a cameraperson into a public bathroom. I'm shocked (/s)

Mine is the tail plug, but UO is a strong second.

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Me epilating my body hair

r/pics was forced to reopen but they complied maliciously by limiting themselves to pics of John Oliver. If there are any sympathetic mods left, maybe r/piracy could be limited to pictures of pirates? I deleted both of my reddit accounts so I wouldn't be able to vote if there was a poll.

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I was browsing for plug-ins and extensions and after I installed a bunch, it just appeared.

What about the other 98?

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Recently, there came out a way of recompiling N64 games for PC without a decompilation and with mostly working results. It is technically possible to apply the hack patch and then recompile it for PC. I don't know if there's a way to apply HD texture packs on top of that though (edit: there seems to be in the video, but I haven't looked into how).

I'll know the Fediverse is mainstream when I inevitably see this post and comments in a top 10 list or being read by an AI voice and posted to a video sharing site as part of an automated content farm.

That's Captain John Oliver!

Wow, 18 years old. Born as a result of puppy milling, then put into a shelter after the mill was shut down. I would not expect a dog born in those circumstances to be as healthy as to live for that long. The owner obviously took very good care of them and I'm sure they lived a very happy life.

I think the binary they distributed still included the art and sound assets; the users didn't have to provide their own. And "clean-room" design is more than just providing source code. You need to provide a "paper trial" / commit history and documentation of how the final code was derived from the original code. My mistake, clean room is when you recreate the project without reading the original/compiled code at all. Specifications are written based on observed behaviors of the original user-facing program and new code is written according to that.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but wasn't there a way to release this while avoiding the issue of copyright? My understanding is that publishing "clean-room" reverse engineered code is legal. The graphics and sound can't be redistributed, but you can distribute a tool to rip those assests from a ROM and let the users provide a ROM they own. This is what Ship of Harkinian does no?

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Somehow, it seems, you managed to cause PipedLinkBot to repost your YouTube link instead of the Piped link, which then triggers PipedLinkBot to reply to itself infinitely. Maybe because the link is to an unlisted video?

I don't know how to get it to stop. Maybe a moderator can ban it temporarily.

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I was stubborn about this for so long, and I'm still not entirely sure I understand it, but here is a perspective that made me doubt my belief.

Imagine the Monty Hall Problem, but with 100 doors and only one grand prize. You pick one; it obviously has a 1/100 chance of being a grand prize. Then Monty reveals 98 doors without grand prizes in them such that the only doors left are the one you chose and one that Monty left unopened. Monty obviously arranged for one of those two doors to have the grand prize behind it. The "choice to switch" is really just a second round of the game, but with a 1/2 chance of winning (wrong, your odds change only if you "participate" in round two).

If you stick with your door, you are relying on your initial 1/100 chance of winning. If you switch, you are getting the 1/2 odds of the "second round".

Apparently with three doors, switching gives you a 2/3 chance of winning, but I don't understand the math of how to get that answer and I wouldn't be able to calculate the odds of the 100 door version. I just know intuitivey that switching is better.

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Reminds me of this PS4 gift opening. And of course, this classic.

"I'm gonna Dipsy my Tinky Winky in your Po until you Laa-Laa"

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding the "groundhogs day" power, but couldn't you spend a year tracking winning lottery numbers, bets, and/or stocks and then "loop" that year and act on that knowledge in the repeat year? Then you would also essentially get +1 year of life and way more than $π million. I would also use the first loop to take medical tests of my health as much as possible since it wouldn't matter if I went into debt in the first loop.

I guess the downside would be that any progress you've made on personal goals would have to be redone. Or maybe you don't get to decide the starting point of when you would loop back to. Or just my luck, there would be some butterfly-effect shit and I would end up worse off in the repeat loop because my investments would have failed.

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I may be remembering this video essay from Shaun a little inaccurately, but I recall that Japan was preparing a surrender anyway, and was in talks with the USA, but the argument was whether the surrender would be unconditional or conditional (Japan wanted to keep the emperor in power). The US was worried about an impending Soviet invasion of Japan because they didn't want the Soviet Union to have influence in post-war negotiaions (i.e. landgrabs). The US didn't want to send in troops for a land invasion, so they decided to hasten Japan's surrender with the atomic bombings of major cities (terrorism tactics, in my opinion, just like the much deadlier firebombings).

Americans (including me) are commonly taught that the bombs were the only choice in order to prevent lost lives of American troops, but the impression I remember getting from the video is that (my opinion) there was never a risk of an American ground troop invasion, and not a risk of another Japanese attack. Japan would have either surrendered or been invaded by the Soviets.

The kicker is that Japan surrendered unconditionally to the US, but in the end, the US decided that the emperor should stay in power anyway, so those civilian deaths to the atomic bombs were always unnecessary.

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I would rarely choose to fast travel if I had engaging and interesting means of travel like bunny hopping and strafe jumping in Quake, or wall-riding like Lucio in Overwatch. This assumes the world was built to facilitate this kind of movement and there were challenging obsticles, enemies, treasures, secrets, and other points of interest scattered among a variety of paths for the player to choose. Obviously much easier said than done; Super Mario Oddessy and Sonic Frontiers tried to do something like this on a smaller scale (relative to the large open worlds of other games) with varying levels of success.

Exploration was fun in the BotW and TotK Zelda games, but I found myself relying on fast travel by the midpoint of each of those entries because the enemy camps and treasures just weren't worth the time nor effort. Dashing on horses wasn't mechanically deep enough and Ultra Handing vehicles was either too inconvient or resulted in "path of least resistance" designs that led me to hoverbike to new locations very cheaply and easily.

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I think they might be confusing Karl with RWhiteGoose (now Goose's Gaming Folklore), who is another Goldeneye speedrunner that does videos featuring speedruning accomplishments across the community. Goose is a neo-nazi.

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I thought decompiling with Ghidra was okay too, I may have just misunderstood the wiki article when I double checked post-commenting and crossed out my comment. I'm not entirely sure what comprises "proprietary techniques". But I'm pretty sure that documentation needs to be provided in order to keep it on the legal side. Hopefully this project can come back and recieve continued support ala similar decomp projects.

Really pushing her into the deep end, sink-or-swim style. I just hope Pelican Town doesn't chew her up and spit her out too hard.

I remember someone porting Mario 64 movement to Minecraft a few years ago. The original is outdated, but here are a few mods I just found for version 1.20.1. Note that I haven't tested these yet.

Obviously vanilla Minecraft wasn't balanced around these movement techniques, but they certainly can't be any more overpowered than elytra+rockets.

Super Mario 64 movement in Minecraft

Quake movement in Minecraft

I helped my parents sand their log walls just before Christmas. After we stain and seal the logs, they want to tear up their ugly grey carpet and install hardwood floors. The argument now is how dark they want the floors to be. Yours looks so good! I'm sending them your picture for reference. (They have Wheaten Terriers)

Oh wait does "groundhogs day for a full year" mean that you complete a year then at the end you start that year over? Or is it that you repeat the same single day 365 times? Because repeating the same single day wouldn't give someone enough info to invest or win a lottery (they close sales more than a day before drawing winners). I'm not sure I could out-earn $π million in a single day even with 365 attempts and +3 charisma... unless it was some kind of criminal heist, but then it couldn't be known if I would be caught on a later date.

It would do both with just one "groundhog year" pill. Live a year with my current wealth and use the experience of that year to plan out how to earn money when it repeats. At the same time I would use that first year to measure my health so that I could take precautions or act on all that accumulated knowledge when the year repeats. There would still be a second pill to choose, and I think I'd choose the +3 charm because I could also really use it.

But I don't think this would work how I envisioned because I misunderstood the "groundhog" pill. I think it's supposed to mean that you repeat the same day 365 times, which wouldn't work for lottery/investing. So then I agree, taking the $π million and +3 charm is probably the best.

Annoying normies with protest until they leave is like the politics inverse of campaigns softening their messages to appeal to suburban mothers.

This is worded better than what I said. The second round isn't 1/2 because the door you initially picked was 1/100.

"That's okay baby, it happens to a lot of girls. I keep some Tubby Custard in my nightstand."

End time zones. Instead of converting what time it is somewhere else, I'd rather convert what time dawn/mid-day/dusk is.