2 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Putting the Vatican below the Bible belt is going to be a disaster

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I ditched Xitter ages ago yet this does not surprise me after everything that's happened

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There's literally no answer to this, infuriating

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Just scrape off a layer under the toad, it's fine

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As an American, it confuses me as well

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I'm 22, 23 next month. The reason you're being labeled as a child is the way you type. The vibes people are getting from your messages/posts do convey a pre-teen person. Tone down the exclamation points and capitalize the beginning of sentences. Emotion Faces should probably be reserved for chats with friends or family as on the internet they are tied to younger people. Here's a re-written version of your post as an example:

"Whenever I post or talk to people on an online forum or something, they think that I'm a child or child-like. But I'm not, I am a 20 y/o. It's fine if they think that, but I think it's disrespectful."

Showering, I'll get to it eventually, and if someone reminds me i won't

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My best friend works front end at our local bird hobby store and watching her turn from loud and excited talking with me to her customer service voice when a customer walks in or the phone rings is absolute whiplash

Nearly anything from the Onion or Florida

Begin an essay on chronic migraines :)

Edit: with a following essay on how she doesn't owe you shit

Looney Toons their ass and saw the state off of the country

Showering has never become a habit for me. Hygiene has never become a habit. I have to physically make myself do those things and often enough, I don't have the spoons to do them

Coraline. I can watch breakdowns of that movie on YouTube, and even watched a several hour long breakdown of the Beldam and the entire story, but I still can't watch the movie itself

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The only building i know you can do that to is the old Pizza Hut buildings, they're just built different

Biting/Knawing/Anxiety picking at my lips and fingers, it's not fun

I wish i did :(

Every time I to to either PetCo or PetSmart I have to visit the cats

Follow the sub and never have to post as you're technically never leaving

The chaotic method, i like it!

Cow hoof trimming and various restoration videos.

I found the Hoof GP like... a week ago? And haven't stopped watching his videos

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My youngest cat has orange in her and when presented with her tail, she tries to eat it

I just hate cameras and how I look in pictures, I'm just more self-consious than anything

:O I love it! Following your story has been a wild ride and to think its based off of a real game session is insane

Mods, can we ban this post? Please?

I've never watched FMA but I have seen enough memes to know what this is about


You're not the only one...

I recently bought some Red Wing safety boots and my GOD are they comfortable. Mom calls them "Shit-Kickers" and I will happily wear them in any weather for many years


I once completely burned a tortilla trying to make a quesadilla

I was trying to get an answer to my math homework then got banned from the website for solving their captcha too fast

Good thing my favorite eeveelution is flareon then-

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That's the main reason I don't believe in any higher power. Sure there might be one, but where's that evidence? I can't use any of my senses to reach a solid conclusion on that subject. I'm quite happy to just let other people deal with religion

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I remember seeing parts of one episode where she had a literal skinsuit try to take over her body to make her "a normal girl"

Now that I think about it, they read us Where The Red Fern Grows in 5th grade when I was 11, and the next year they had us watch it

We were barely teenagers and they hit us with that

The really loud claps, like wall shaking ones were them cheering at a strike

Happened last night when I passed a CVS with two fire EMTs and three engines

The third option: thinking it's a fart and instead you shit yourself