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Joined 12 months ago

Please do not shoot cats! Meow!

You really should see a doctor with this!

Not really easy if he does not have the actual money. Which, it seems, he does not.

Would you consider divorcing Bezos a good deed?..

It must taste like sadness

There, solved it for you. Next!

From what I know, none of the apps in the play store is the real thing, for obvious reasons: how do you think Google would allow it? Hence the ratings.

And no permissions required at all.

However strong is my desire for DJT to tank, the statement "stock market is reality" does not reflect the said reality. It is the definition of fantasy, where valuations are driven by nothing fundamental. Only beliefs and expectations matter, and these change daily. Say, if Trump actually manages to win the election - and there is a terrifyingly high chance for that, - this joke of a company can actually skyrocket in valuation, as someone with money can try to buy his favour. Not that it will hold high for long, of course - just saying that manipulation is a reality (see what i did?).

Two things, actually. "You are fired", and "You are hired". Also, does "I do" count?

You got my name wrong, but that is ok. It was not Putin who voted for Trump, and not him who keeps supporting him even now. Though Putin must feel really good about them, I am sure. Anyway, keep daydreaming your country into collapse if you like. This empire must also end, as all of them.

Judging by the stock value - not at all. Enough ppl are THAT optimistic.

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For the record, I would. Also, what she is doing is great. Regardless of what you and I think about it.

How is that going btw? Did they ramp it up to the required $12m a day?

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Then you really are the target audience for all these "go active" advice, which is actually great! The thing is, exercises are great for most relatively healthy people (the ones who do not require professional mental help), as they strengthen your body in the same way as savings strengthen your financials. You just can do a little more of anything with it. So - you are not a lost cause, congrats! ) That said, you do not need a gym to stay fit. Not sure where you live, but there are normally public spaces with fitness equipment available in many urban areas. Or you can google some fitness sets that only need a flat surface for you to do. Something like this would be a good start. And remember, that too shall pass.

Would that not be illegal?

The definition of rip off may vary. Still, that would be a saner marketing approach, in my view.

As I understand, all the businesses are trying to replicate the IT-born business model of subscription for features. It should not be a thing in the real world, and I hope these managers come to sense, the sooner the better.

Hm, not sure if I can agree here. There may be a handful of people like that - but that is not the market worth developing as far as I can see. You would normally either travel, or spend your time in front of 3 screens full of text. Also, having anything on your head for a long time (if you are coding, for example) is tiring. Even simple sunglasses are, not talking about a bulky headset. And, as someone also mentioned, there really must be an excellent screen for your eyes not to bleed after a long session of reading. Never tried this headset, but have serious doubts. Watching a movie is different, but at this price point you are likely getting a royally good home set up, so yet again, travel only. Again, a niche thing.

Then there is some CAD stuff, but cannot comment there. How many people in the world need that, anyway?

This leaves games as a real (though still relatively niche) market, yet to see what Apple has to offer there.

So, as I can see, if Apple wants a new big thing, we are still waiting for a killer app. And a breakthrough in tech, of course.

An interesting thread. As a father of a young daughter I do share the same concerns and would be cautious with sending my kid to a sleepover like that. That is, if i don't know the guy well enough. And i do not care if anyone calls me a bigot for me being protective for the person I am legally required to protect.
That is, of course this would be not the only possible red flag for me, and until my girl is capable of looking after herself (that may happen earlier than legal age, judging by her strong spirit and success in various sports), I'll continue to be cautious. On the other hand, I'd do my best to not share this line of reasoning with the girl herself. This particular case does not seem like a good learning opportunity for a "stranger danger" lesson.

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I am blessed by not being an American, so no blood boiling due to that. Russian by birth however, so plenty of other reasons to freak out in the fucked modern world...

I am afraid you are right. Am driving a non-connected old car, and intend to buy a new one without that crap.

I do struggle to understand why the general population is so untroubled with this constant privacy breaching creep (a bit less worried with subs as when it comes to monies, people are a bit more alert). I have a lot of smart friends who click the "agree to everything you want from me" button everywhere, and they see no issue with it.

That is also striking to me. Not the 100k example above, there always are outliers, but the situation overall.

It seems electric cars in general and Teslas in particular (given their headstart), having way less physical components that could break, must be considerably more reliable.

But no.

My opinion is that nothing like D+ or Netflix or whatever should be on a central console in the first place. If it is there, there will always be a driver watching it instead of a road and killing someone as a result.

Until FSD is a thing, entertainment should be reserved for passengers.

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Stickers like "Do not attempt to dry your cat in the microwave oven" are there for a reason.

Sorry, does it mean that you can use NFC payments with your card anywhere, as it is with G pay/wallet?

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I have seen too many absolutists with claims that sound really nice, until they meet the reality. Like the ones who were trying to cancel Rowling, for example. All of that does not mean, of course, that we all should wear bulletproof vests all the time because someone may start shooting any moment (and not only in the U of S, we here across the pond also see someone with crazy eyes stabbing random people from time to time. US is on another level though). Just need to use the brain and take potential risks into account.

For clarity: Google is THE for-profit behaviour manipulator selling the manipulation to whoever is having the budget for it. YT, search and all the other products are there to enable that manipulation. No more, no less.

I did not, and have no plans to as i find the whole idea of touch screen controls in a car infuriating. That goes not for Tesla only, of course.

Ok. You are right. It does sound crazy.

Mostly agree, but. As far as I understand it, for TSLA the majority of the bull run is due to relatively small investors riding the hype. Big stakes are indeed rare to change hands, and mostly outside the marketplaces. Should the small guys really change their mind on the stocks, they (or at least the first wave) will easily dump it, and that will move the market by a lot. We can probably see it in YTD results, but still there is no dumping, in my opinion. Just a correction, so far.
Personally would not buy now, though )

Nope, i have the whole instance blocked - enough shit in my life without them. It is actually quite amusing how the hard right ppl in Russia and the US are somehow gravitating to each other. Given the fact that they also hate each other for being from the enemy states (they always have very strong beliefs on the subject of who is the enemy), it is puzzling how they can voluntarily be so close in other aspects.

Please do not take this as a rejection of the necessity to fuck that bastard, but these people most likely have no connection to him. They are your own, homegrown problem that you need to deal with. And given the numbers, in a non-violent way, unless you really are into civil wars.

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On the issue of high beams. Where I live there are now quite a few teslas, and they are the culprit in like 90% of cases when i get blinded at night. Is that due to the particularly irritating colour temp of their headlights, or the automatic high beam is the reason?

The meme is great, but. For all of you out there who did not try it yet: never, never shave your balls! Trim it.

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But,.. but!.. oh, fuck them.

What kind of people that travel a lot you think may benefit? Genuinely curious. All the guys who do travel can mostly do everything with their phone because they have other guys working for them in the office doing the actual multiple screens stuff. Or maybe these are the only ones I saw in my life on the road )

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It really only needs 2 modes: intense and quick. So here goes 2 buttons. A timer to use cheaper power at night can be of some benefit if you have a tariff supporting it. The rest is... unnecessary. And yes, this is my strong opinion of a man with wifi in his dishwasher that will never get connected.

Meaning they'd better ramp it up a little closer to $12m daily to get there on time. That is, if the platform do not wake up and enforce its own rules.

The benefit of unified hardware and not having subscriptions can be easily combined: just replace subscriptions with a one-off charge for any feature. Warranty void if enabled not in a dealer shop. I think that would create much less noise than offering a monthly sub. Yes, I know, not great for the quarterly results, but then - so much less hate from your customers. And yes, touch screens in a car should wait until there is a full, proper self-driving capability in place.

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