Bloved Madman

3 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I like to tinker with anything tech related.

The ever aging battle of living in a digital world with global reach whilst being forced to live and comply within the lines drawn in sand.

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Vice Admiral Stirling, please can you explain why you have been tormenting over 1000 episodes of a cartoon called "the one price" and from a Russian website? You understand that you are on a Vanguard class submarine and are commander of the fleet?


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It's like we have learnt nothing, "let's strip another celestial body of its minerals then fuck off onto the next when we have had our fill."

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So you think its OK to send a unsolicited pic of your genitaila, to your dad, given that its because he misgendered you?

Anyone sending unsolicited pics of their balooga, is never OK... In fact. It could actually be a crime. Neither of you come off well in this interaction.

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Always take precautions, there are no waters that are truly safe for a pirate.

You would only likely get caught if you either do something stupid or someone tells Microsoft or Adobe with evidence, even then, the process to grass on them is a ballache, so if someone does actually take the time to do it, then you must have pissed them off so bad you might deserve it.

Why not use FOSS alternatives, or at least say you do?

If your stealing assets and IP, its just a matter of when you get caught, not if.

I use unraid with 5x8TB drives, 1tb ssd as a cache drive for new transfers (writing to an ssd is faster, it then moves to the array after) 500GB NVME drive for appdata and applications and a 250GB ssd for VMs and ISOs

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I tried just the fan on it's own, but gravity always left it sat at the bottem of my case.

Clearly you missed my point... sending indecent images to ANY unwilling and unknowing participant is deplorable and could be a sex crime. How is it different to running around a park and flashing people?

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I seem to be getting a good number votes in both directions, to those down voting me, do you think unsolicited cock/pussy pics are OK? Cus if you do, you are the problem. The dad was in the wrong for ignorning her daughter being her self, but OP is no better with that response.

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You have lost it, you are defending the sending of unsolicited indecent photos to individuals who did not ask, nor want them. Both OP and OPs dad are in the wrong here.

Defending one person sending an indecent photos to an unwilling recipient is the same as defending them all.

Leave me alone.

Also I don't get spammed with spam emails, I have better controls around how and when I use my email address to avoid being on marketing lists et al.

Gotta love a good TLA.

Its all consumer hardware but it's a dedicated box running unraid.

  • I3 12100
  • 16GB DDR4 ram
  • LSI raid card
  • Case that allows for lots of 3.5inch drives

It is, but its well worth it. What i found is that my comments from 2 or more years ago weren't showing on my profile. So although my profile seems empty, I still have historic comments on the platform that I can't get to unless I know every comment I made and where.

Shit joke removed as unsure of the political inclination of the comenters and I CBA with interaction with a righty whitey.

This isn't a high rpm fan, it's enough to keep the LSI card cool.

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I feel like you are trying to pivot this argument because you cant put your point across without exposing yourself.

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Look, I dont know why you are trying to defend someone who sent an unsolicited indecent photos, but please leave me alone, we are going in circles.

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They are both ligit sources for news.

Those 3 points sound like a reason to be a threat to national secuirry for any nation that's not golfing buddies with China.

Would it not be super cool to have all those minerals until we have extracted that much from the moon that it's orbit becomes unstable and then spirals into earth?

They is.

Hot to touch, and now its warn to touch.

100% on Lemmy, I used a script to remove all my comments and posts from my account. The account is still there, but totally empty. Is Kbin accessable via Lemmy and vice-versa? Reddit is dead to me,

Get a pixel and install GrapheneOS. The whole install process is painless and easy.

There is also this about SafetyNet Attestation

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I've gone with Unraid and consumer level hardware (intel i3 12100 and 16gb of standard ddr4 ram) the only "server hardware" I have, is an LSI HBA card that's in IT mode so I can connect more HDDs.

I'm even used SMR drives in my array, just use a good CMR drive for parity and the biggest SSD you can get for your cache drive and you will be good to go.

Let's hope that TG Aus is the next Top gear UK. Moog will make an amazing host

Honestly, the ezflash jr is the cheaper option and has some amazing fatures, although the project seems to have been abandoned, they are selling the cart still, the beta FW let's the RTC to work.

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When you absolutely need to use Windows Defender... On Linux. Or when you need to use Cortana /s

Ita easy to do in unraid, you set it up per share, so say you have a "media" share you can change the settings to include a cache drive and then set it to write to the cache drive first and then more to array. If you don't have a cache drive or want to add a other you can do that by installing the ssd, booting up, stopping the array and adding in a new cache drive (you can add it to your existing cache pool to increase its size or create a new one and keep them separate for separate uses)

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What about on aliexpress?

forced conscription.

Check out Spaceinvader One on YT, he alone is all you need when it comes to everything and anything unraid.

Always, if it's not, you need more zip ties.

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Its the stock CPU cooler that comes with the newer Intel's (this is a 12th gen i3)

The short lived car throttle podcast was amazing. The Auto Alex podcast could be my new fav (only 2 episodes are out, so it's still early days)

I don't need it for windows applications, its basically something I can use for light photo and video editing and uploading to my server, all the heavy lifting is done on my PC which has windows because of adobe and better support for X264 and X265 when video editing.

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You talk about context, and then come out with that shit?! The context here is that OPs dad misgendered her (OP indicates that this is something that has been going on for a while, to a point where it has caused irreparable damage to their relationship) so by means of retaliation to this particular interaction, but assumingly out of frustration of the constant bullshit he puts her through, she takes a photo of her vagina and sends it to her dad... Both are acting out of malice; ergo, both are cunts.

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Even the 4 banger was solid. Has the same engine as the/mk1 mx5.

They made a newer version of this too, plus it was an estate, had a sport version with a 2L I4 which to this day I think is a nice looking car (from the front)