2 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any advice on where to start for a novice pirate... And i mean brand spankin new

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Good bot

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At this rate i don't see the bulk moving here because it's way less user friendly. Many others have made this point much more fluently than i can, but Lemmy just isn't friendly for non nerds or people who don't want\have the time to put into learning it. Until there's an app for lemmy as widely useable as, say, Apollo was, i doubt the masses will come here. Until then it'll be us committed fediverse dorks who really want to be here - not just any old joe with a phone and wifi who wants to pop in, hurt someone's feelings for funsies, and run away giggling.

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Encourage critical thinking skills and empathy. 👍


I really didn't think Nazis were gonna make such a big comeback when i was a kid.

+1 for hobbies. Clubs. Volunteering. It's about seeing the same people over and over again. Like someone else said, don't be afraid to be the one to invite someone over for dinner or go out and do an activity. Best of luck, I'm on the same journey ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Lol it makes me think of a pie to the face. Which is funny because that's what reddit did to us. I like pie day.

This gonna be the kinda stuff they judge you on when they become sentient

Great job for your first time! I've been painting my nails forever and still look like a 3 year old got into mom's makeup bag sometimes.

  1. polish is made to stick to nails, not skin. If it gets on your finger it'll wash off by the end of the day -ish.

  2. The more coats = the thicker the polish = the longer it takes to dry.

  3. Clear base coats help it stick to the nail. Clear top coats help keep it from chipping.

Happy polishing!

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And they rip off their drivers too. 😑

Used chatgpt to rework my resume recently, holy shit that site is a godsend.

......bummerrrrrr.................. (ತ ͟ʖತ)

I told this joke to my dad and he laughed so this is an endorsed dad joke now

I'm gonna insta sub as soon as it stops giving me the 404 couldn't find community. :p

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The point is great but I'm gonna hop on the r word bandwagon and say, your point will be taken a lot better by any admin if you don't use derogatory terms - they're just gonna write you off as a troll who's business they don't want anyway.

Really that goes for any legitimate argument or debate - using slurs\too many curse words is gonna invalidate you to the opposing party.

Not gonna go in on you about how hurtful that slur is and why we shouldn't use it - watch a YouTube vid or two to see how it's been used against neurodivergent and generally atypical people. 👍

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bfs are just biteable i don't make the rules

Sold the second i saw Brendan is DMing.

I am so beyond sick of this 😐

Yeah, I can feel it in my body before i realize it logically. As i get older its getting easier to recognize the signs and take steps to mitigate before it really sinks it's claws in.

"the BBQ wars" oh my god 😂

But like, protect the children, right?

TIL the supreme court banned the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases.

I hate it here.

(Obligatory 🎶L to the OG🎶)

Can you imagine being the last person to board and being like "Yeah... This seems safe."

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I've been learning German on Duolingo for over a year now (shout out to my 430 day streak) and i could actually get the gist of what you said without having to Google translate. Woo!

For some reason i can't retrieve it to my instance. I have other's retrieved so idk why it's being difficult. bummer cus I just finished a FO4 build today i'd love to share. I'll keep trying over the next couple days

Oh yeah i don't even bother trying to "stay inside the lines" anymore & just go wash my hands after.

Look into gel polish. It stays waaaaaaay longer. Kits on Amazon go from 25 to 30 bucks.

Ha ha I'm scared 🫠

I'd hang this in my living room. You captured the movement beautifully.

Good bot

I got this brand from my esthetician called [comfort zone], it's AMAZING. I use the hydrating mask, hydrating serum and milk cleanser and my skin has never ever been happier. Then Peter Tomas Roth's Water Drench to top it all off. Started dermaplaning recently too, what a revelation lol

This might be the MOST niche community ive seen pop up thus far.

This bisexual approves

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That sounds lovely, happy anniversary to you and your partner!

Excuse me where are the narwhals

That's crazy, the same thing happened to me yesterday

obligatory "me"

Thats a cute little promotional video. Maybe I'm in the minority here but i enjoy the fallout cartoons


Oh i hate that stupid theory. That's like top tier "looking for a conspiracy because we've got nothing better to do"