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The number of BlÄhaj I share accommodation with is countably finite.

Yes basically, it's also less complex. Due to this there's more research data to support it for under 18s than genital surgery.

See the section "Consideration of ages for gender-affirming medical and surgical treatment for adolescents" in WPATH v8 which covers this in depth.

In my experience it is still possible, and you can even get a bit more control as to what you hyperfocus on.

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For pre-op is generally what is recommended.

Unfortunately she passed away before writing the post-op version.

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Any thoughts maybe I should contemplate to try to get an answer for myself?

I would suggest not focusing on labels, but rather actions. Labels are tools, not boxes.

Do you want to dress differently? Try different a name or pronouns? Take HRT? How does thinking about these questions make you feel? may also be useful. I'd also suggest looking up the term "gender envy".

Yes, it took me maybe 6-12 months after I was out to stop doing it.

Still happens rarely, usually for phrases that are gendered that I'd not be using often. is the one I've been using.

I think I read something about her sister handling it now.

You're not likely to have the energy to do anything beyond lounging around for at least a week or two, I'd plan on taking at least a month off work.

Testosterone can convert to estradiol via aromatase, however there's no metabolic pathway in the other direction.

I know the feeling of medication sucking, I'm 11 months in on finding the right medications and think I've finally hit the end of that journey. My body is weird in fun ways including, it turns out, being extremely sensitive to stimulants. The first bout of tachycardia was not fun, but by the fourth one it's more an annoyance on the pathway to finding the right medication. These days I even need to be careful if/when I have my single cup of caffeinated tea per day. For me 3mg Intuniv and 5mg methylphenidate hydrochloride instant release in the morning seems to be optimal, the former for task initiation the latter for distraction. The methylphenidate often is still working through to the following morning.

I got to my late 30s before even realising I had ADHD (the gender dysphoria I also didn't realise I had didn't help), and by then had independently developed basically all of the standard coping strategies:

  • I always update my calendar with events, for example booking my next dental appointment is in there as a recurring event
  • I have a big todo list always open on my computer to add things on, both to page out things from my brain and to track things I want to do (with deadlines where there is one). This will often duplicate the calendar events.
  • Internally, even with the above I still fret about not missing events. So it is extremely rare that I will miss an event.
  • I have a running shopping list on my phone, great for ensuring I don't miss something. Or buy something I've already gotten a replacement for.
  • I have a reasonable food/groceries stockpile, so even if I forget to buy say flour I've pretty much always an extra bag which'll give me a few weeks/months grace
  • I keep some easily cooked frozen food in the freezer for the days I'm just not up to cooking properly
  • I avoid buying food which I know I'd snack on excessively
  • I will place things so I remember tasks. If I need to say wash my clothes, I'll leave the basin out on the kitchen table to remind me.
  • The only bills I don't pay automatically are ones where the provider doesn't offer that
  • If my brain gets distracted and I move off a thought/task, my brain cycles though things fast enough that I'll usually come across it again within a few hours and then handle it - plus remember that I forgot it so will be more driven not to get distracted again

One of the issues I face is that if there something that I feel must be done (e.g. take my meds, following some of the above coping strategies, or do some specific work with a deadline) I will do so via sheer force of will even if that ends up harming my mental health. I am a bit better at managing my workload these days.

The fact that despite all of the above strategies and being objectively and outwardly very successful, that ADHD was clearly a major detriment to my life and mental health is why I aggressively sought medication.

Realising that ADHD was the culprit for many of my behaviours also helped, so I now roll with my brain jumping all over the place rather than beating myself up over it and other ADHD behaviours. So for example if I have an idea for doing something that's stuck in my mind, I'm just going to do it and not try to force myself to do the task I was "meant" to do.

I hope some of that is useful to you.

Trans youth can access HRT, and in some cases surgeries. The only age-related requirement in WPATH v8 is that puberty has started, there's no need to wait until 18.

For reference cis people typically start puberty around age 11, though 8-14 is the starting range.

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Pretty much.

The anti-trans groups champion her book, so I think it's safe to say that she is not impartial.

Took me maybe a year to fully stop doing.

Nimona and there's a bit in The Legend of Korra.

For anime there's Wandering Son (trans), Yuri on Ice (gay, didn't see the hype myself), and I'm currently working through S1 of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury which my housemate and I refer to as Space Lesbians - though technically its more bi. I watch subs, so can't comment on dubs.

I'm vaguely in a similar boat, I had developed basically all the ADHD coping strategies and seem to have masked very well. I basically force myself to be organised so I don't for example miss appointments, and not necessarily in a healthy way.

I only realised I had ADHD about a year ago in my 30s. I got the diagnosis in the end, and medications have been helpful though we're still working on finding just the right combination.

If the medications help then that's good, and if not hopefully something else will.

For me I noticed minor benefits after 4 days, and it took about 2 weeks for it to more fully kick in.

Personally the other side effects ended up with me going off it. The focus benefits stayed, though the low mood it turned out it was causing took 3 weeks to go away after I stopped.

my male genitals are not working well

This is a common side effect.

Usually feminising HRT decreases sweating, however as with all things trans medicine it can vary a lot by person.

It's either my alarm clock or 5.1 speakers, both of which would be somewhere over 20 years old.

You'll want a -a on that cp to preserve permissions.

usermod -l and a symlink is my plan.

When I was on it I found it helped with distraction, but not task initiation, and the various dosages made no difference. Given that and some of the side effects I ended up going off it.

Guanfacine handled the task initiation for me, but not the distraction.

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The downside is that the adverse effects of the meds can prevent you from being able to do much, so its about finding just the right dosage for your body.

When I previously looked into that, there's no literature on taking both. However I hear for some people that guanfacine alone is sufficient.

joined in at this point to discuss recommendations. Those included an inclusive preschool classroom and applied behavior analysis (ABA)

Nothing concerning here at all.

Normal was probably around 8, queer questioning only started in my late 20s, and I only figured out I was trans a decade on again. Still haven't fully figured out my sexuality, but labels are tools rather than boxes.

Diagnosed ADHD (combined type), getting close to finding the right medication.

Undiagnosed autism, I've suspected for many years and am trying to get a bit more involved in the community to better understand myself.

That's probably pg/ml, in which case the "official" target is 100-200. The more important question is if your T is suppressed, which is <50 ng/dl.