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Joined 3 months ago

The beauty of Lemmy is the federation. Don't like how an instance is being moderated? Make your own.

Nothing made by humans will ever be perfect, but at least with Lemmy the control isn't in the hands of a megacorp trying to profit from us.

AFAIK, the unilateral nature of TOS/EULA agreements in the day of Software as a Service hasn't been litigated. Which means there isn't a court's opinion on the scope or limits of a TOS/EULA and what changes can be made.

Currently, Adobe has the full force of contract law to initiate this change without any input from consumers because a case about this has never made it to the courts.

It'll be interesting to see where this goes, but Adobe will likely backpedal on their language in the TOS before any case gets to a Judge because the last thing any company wants is for a TOS/EULA agreement to be fundamentally undermined by a court.

So often just swapping the user agent from Firefox to Chrome makes these sites work flawlessly. So they're putting in extra code to detect Firefox and serve a "we don't support your browser" page when they could just... not. And if a user complains about X, they could say we don't test on Firefox, try on Chrome.

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Likely the only reason why the SC came down on this the way they did was because of the nebulous standing.

Generally, you can't come to court without a realized injury. Meaning you've been actually hurt, not that you have the potential to be hurt. It's the difference between arguing "This law may prevent me from getting a marriage certificate as a homosexual individual" and "I legally applied for a marriage license and was denied one". Whether or not you think it's a good idea, it reduces the case load of courts around the country.

The Mifepristone case was brought all the SC by a group of people who couldn't show an actual injury. Their arguments all centered around "Some of the people we represent might be affected by the fact that Mifepristone is so flagrantly prescribed, and dealing with the fallout of an abortion goes against the beliefs of these specific people we represent". And the SC rejected that on standing alone, because it would open the flood gates for all sorts of lawsuits. "My child is threatened by the manufacture of AR-15 rifles by X company because they're used in school shootings!" etc.

That is the only reason why this case was decided the way it was. If you want to protect Women's rights, you need to turn out in your local elections every chance you get.

Even if law enforcement can get a warrant, unless there's a backdoor in the encryption then the data stays private. That's the whole point of encryption.

The fundamental problem is law enforcement feeling entitled to snoop on private communications with a warrant vs the inherent security flaw with making a backdoor in encrypted communications. The backdoor will eventually get exploited, either by reverse engineering/tinkering or someone leaking keys, and then encryption becomes useless. The only way encryption works is if the data can only be decrypted by one key.

Anyone else remember when TSA published a picture of the master key set for TSA approved luggage locks and people had modeled and printed replicas within hours?

Never ask a company to pick between the right thing and profit.

It's fundamentally impossible for a publicly traded company not to choose profit over 'The Right Thing', fullstop. Shareholders feel that have a fundamental right to growth, and if Google's CEO were to choose 'The Right Thing' over profit, the shareholders can oust them in favor of a CEO willing to choose profits.

Enshittification is where every public company ends up, because the line MUST go up, no other alternative is acceptable.

I made the swap after they forced Windows 7 update behavior to change. You used to be able to download updates but you got to choose when to install them. Then they changed it to either they're on and fully automatic, or fully off.

At the time, I was running a computer repair company, and my work computer running Win7 was running a data recovery on an accidentally formatted drive for almost two days. After I had left and the program finished, Windows was all "Oh, the computer is idle now. Let me give you a 15 minute warning that I'm going to install updates and reboot if you don't cancel".

After the second time, I formatted my work computer. Shortly after, I did the same to my gaming PC. Haven't looked back once.

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The real issue is it's too easy for Republicans to paint it as weaponizing of official powers against political rivals who are absolutely innocent. The fear from Democrats is that holding him accountable would damage their public image badly enough to lose them seats in the House/Senate, thus giving the Republicans more power. Imagine a Trump Presidency with both the House and Congress controlled by MAGA Republicans.

If you want to know how Republican voters could see it that way, just watch Faux News for a few days. I work for an ISP that delivers TV services, and it's scary how many old people have Fox turned on 24/7.

Project 2024 scares the shit out of me. I've applied for passports for me and my two daughters, if Trump wins the next election I'm getting the fuck off this carnival ride.

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As a single father to two girls (ages 8 and 10) Republicans can fuck ALL of the way off. When they didn't call out Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy with Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland vs Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, you lost me for the rest of my life.

The part that really gets my goat on abortion is it only affects those without the means to travel. The rich and well connected (so basically every politician) can just fly to a country that treats its citizens with empathy when their daughter gets pregnant from a rape for an abortion, but they'll look down from their ivory towers and tell MY daughter she somehow asked for it, and should therefore live with the consequences. The choices this next election seem to be Biden or Trump. I can't change who is running, I can only choose who I would pick to win. Who do you plan on voting for?

Windows is way more documented. Not necessarily by Microsoft but by the absolute waste community.

If I had a nickle for every BSOD error code I researched only to find "have you tried running sfc /scannow? What about a refresh? You tried both and nothing worked? Just reinstall!"

More documented my ass. Linux at least tells me what's wrong. "No space left on device" or "missing dependency" is way better than "Error code 0x0000007e"

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In a system rigged to support one party over another.

If the constitution isn't equally enforced, it might not have categories of importance written in, but it's functionally no different.

The whole idea of the three different branches of government was supposed to be that each would keep the others in check. Once the Senate refused to convict Trump for contempt of Congress, I could see the writing on the wall. The houses are no longer co-equal, and one party likes it that way because it means they get to do shit like take away abortion from those godless libtards.

The founding Fathers likely couldn't imagine a Congress that wouldn't impeach a Supreme Court Justice for such flagrant self-enrichment. But they were thinking about Congress as a more ideological body rather than a political entity. They couldn't imagine Justices being aligned with political bodies; that was part of the idea of a lifetime appointment. Put someone in a job for life and they should be immune from partisan political bullshit from the outside.

They couldn't envision justices who would trade everything for a lifetime appointment to support their preferred political flavor.

IMO, the solution is to let every President nominate a new SC justice, and retire the oldest one every election.

Some of us manage to break the cycle, but despite how much I love Linux (ups and downs) I understand that it isn't for everyone currently.

What most people want is a stable system they can just use without understanding much if anything about how the underlying systems work. They don't care that wifi drivers can be fixed through a few terminal commands, they rail against the fact they have to do much of anything at all besides click [Next >]. And I can't blame them; that's what Microsoft has trained them for.

So many people with random toolbars and junk extensions in their browsers because the [Next >] button is how they get past whatever problem they have. The average user isn't very tech savvy, and it takes someone with a desire to learn to truly thrive in a Linux environment.

I've converted my mom to Kubuntu, and she does well, but she's also an outlier (she has an expired CCNA certification).

Linux suffers from a catch 22: there's not enough users because there's not a lot of commercial support because there's not enough users because... And the people who are donating their time to make it better are saints as far as I'm concerned, but there's only so much people can do for free. Things truly have gotten better, but until more typical user types can adopt Linux with little to no fuss, not much will change.

And that fact hurts my soul.

run win.exe
Open AOL
Log in

If you win the house and Senate with a majority then, you remove those that are extremely corrupt.

Democrats would need a supermajority in the Senate to achieve that. Anything less than 2/3rds and nobody gets removed.

The power to make laws, like codifying Roe vs Wade, lies with congress.

I'm peeved about the SC ruling too, but they didn't unilaterally hand over all governmental power to the executive.

I think my favorite part of swapping has been forgetting how Windows does things. I'm so embedded in Linux and how it works every day that I don't remember where to go for certain things in Windows without having to search.

I remember some power user shortcuts like run prompt shortcuts (appwiz.cpl or control userpasswords2) but I used to be able to walk people through how to get certain pages in the Windows UI, and I couldn't do it today.

Because the president had unilateral authority to make laws, right?

Nevermind Mitch McConnell standing up in the senate and saying they'd refuse to cooperate with Obama, it's Obama's fault.

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