4 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same here. I'm kind of suspecting that Reddit isn't going to be giving me my data anytime soon, if ever!

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You can't become a billionaire without being incredibly evil. They are literally working to kill off all life on the planet.

As for giving them the benefit of the doubt? Seriously? Anyone who suggests that has got to be getting a nice paycheck from the plutocrats.

God, I hope so. I don't see any way to stop the billionaires from killing off our species, at this point. But I want to at least see those psychotic monsters suffer before we all go!

Good idea! I just posted a link to r/politicalhumor.

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Anyone else reminded of this scene from Firefly?

Chi1d p0rn posters, among others. According to them, and I have no reason to doubt them.

Aaaannnddd...autodeleted by bot. Links to other sites are forbidden.

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Yeah, I'm another old school early adopter who was on the internet since the '80s. No way the enshittification and souring of Reddit was caused by boomers and Gen xers. Most of them wouldn't know how to get on, and those who would... Honestly, I'm the only boomer I know who is on there. Well, unless you go to some of the subreddits that are specifically for people over 50. And those people are incredibly nice! One of the few things I will really miss about Reddit.

There hasn't been direct democracy for decades. Every major party candidate for federal office has absolute allegiance to the ruling plutocrats. You literally cannot vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs and the oligarchs.

There is a mobile app for kbin, though. It's not great, but it exists. I'm using it right now!

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They're missing the Alien Queen from Aliens, Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China, Bennett from Commando, ED-209, Dick Jones, and Clarence Boddicker from RoboCop, The Thing from John Carpenter's The Thing, Roy Batty from Bladerunner...I'm sure there are more.

Inertia is the most powerful force in the universe...of human psychology.

I'm a supertaster and hypervigilant, so all my senses are dialed up to 11. My memory is also unusually good. Also my son claims I have "Poon vision", but I'm not crazy about that idea.

That should certainly be entertaining. Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't try it last time. But why the half measures? Why not just have all his political opponents shot?

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Because the system gives them no other real choice. When all major parties serve the interests of the oligarchs, the people know that they're being screwed. Which makes them angry. And since the powers that be absolutely will not allow the emergence of a truly populist movement or leader, the people have no other option but to support a charismatic authoritarian leader who promises them whatever they want. I suspect that most of the people know that those leaders are lying, but at least they acknowledge that the people are being screwed!

Note that while the establishment never allows a leftist populist movement, they're fine with an authoritarian one. Translation: our owners won't allow their cattle to run free, but they're happy to have us all choose a leader to send us to the slaughterhouse for their profit.

But aren't Squabbles and Tilde both not federated, and therefore potentially subject to changes or even an IPO by the owners?

I boycott all the products of big corporations as much as possible. I'm not even slightly tempted to try Threads.

And yet Even if India did join the United States as the 51st state, It occurs to me that The billionaires incorporations would still be in charge. Which is to say, although the huge population of Meta is a concern, I fear the power of Mark Zuckerberg's billions far more.

Thirty-nine years ago I worked night shift during college. I'm still trying to straighten out my circadian rhythms. it's nothing to do with Lemmiwinks, then?

I am disappointed.

Reddit will REALLY be good when those apathetic users are all that's left to produce content and moderate subs! /s

The internet and even the web didn't need profit for many long years before the web went commercial. I've been publishing my own website since 1996 without advertising or asking for donations. I just publish it because I love the topic. Profit is NOT the be-all and end-all of existence.

Don't believe me? How much would you sell your children for?

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