Bob Robertson IX

@Bob Robertson IX
0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Did you even notice how many times you said 'I'?

Jobs are going to be lost

And it is now a self-fulfilling prophesy because a lot of people just lost out on working on his studio expansion project.

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It sounds very dangerous to have a solar system that close to a nuclear facility, much less that close to Earth.

I was at a Courtyard by Marriott and they had a fully accessible TV that allowed me to connect my SteamDeck and play from the bed. I will definitely stick with Courtyard for my business travel just for this alone.

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Yet they'll still do incredibly well because the movie makers can launder money through churches, tax free, to buy all available tickets to give out for free to the church congregations. This then makes the movie appear to be better and more popular than it really is.

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Anyone care to share the text of the article?

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Or maybe Biden could just have Seal Team 6 take out several Supreme Court Justices?

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Amazingly, none of our troops in WWII hooked up with any Nazis they met online.

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The trick is to then open the image in Gimp and export it.

This is in regards to the N.R.A. bringing a suit against a NY official who had threatened banks and insurance companies in an effort to stop them from doing business with the N.R.A. after the Parkland shootings.

Customers and shareholders of those banks and insurance companies can put pressure on them to stop doing business with the N.R.A., but government officials, especially in official acts, cannot.

I'm sure if the details of this case were changed so that it took place in Texas, and instead of the N.R.A., it was Planned Parenthood... it would still be a unanimous opinion, right?

Venues have always sucked. Ticketmaster/LiveNation are trash corporations, but music venues have always been about doing things as cheaply as possible and providing the barest of minimal services.

While I do hate Ticketmaster with a passion, I have to admit that about 6 years ago I went to local venue that had been gobbled up by LiveNation and I was amazed at the transformations they had performed. Bathrooms had actual attendants, people whose job it was to keep the line moving. They would watch stalls and urinals and then tell the next person in line when one was free. Pavilion seating had wait service, so you didn't actually have to get out of your seat to get an overpriced beer or food. The place was clean, fresh paint was on everything. I was at a concert at this venue last year and it still looked nice and these services hadn't gone away.

I'm not saying that LiveNation should have the monopoly it has on live shows, but there has to be some kind of middle ground between keeping it fair, but also incentivizing venue owners to keep things looking nice and providing useful services.

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Here's the one I got... not sure which is worse.

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All nations have uncomfortable aspects of their history that they need to come to terms with. It was a dumb thing to say for a President, especially if there's no proof, but it's also a dumb thing to get upset over for a Prime Minister when it is a part of their history.

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Delusional, not wiser. There's no way Republicans would put a woman up for Speaker.

My doctor just had me shit in a box.

Honestly, I think I'd rather do a colonoscopy next time if the blood test isn't a normal thing by then. Shitting into a box, then taping it up and delivering it to UPS felt like a war crime.

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I agree, I was of the mindset that I wasn't going to buy it at launch because too many games are broken at launch, but then I the reviews were all great, and I learned that there would be no microtranactions and I realized that this is the type of game I want to reward by buying early and paying full price. I've not been disappointed.

How do you tax assets that aren’t worth anything until sold?

I have to pay property taxes on my home and car each year. These are assets that I'm not selling, yet I'm still being taxed on their value. It's amazing that they've figured out a way to do it for the working class but not for the ruling class.

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Oh look there, a link to twitter... like there's any way you can trust anything posted to that platform.

This was before Google was a thing, much less reverse lookup with Google Images. The point I was making is that this kind of thing happened even before Photoshop. Photoshop made it look even more realistic. AI is the next step. And even the current AI abilities are nothing compared to what they are going to be even 6 months from now. Yes, this is a problem, but it has been a problem for a long time and anyone who has wanted to create fake nudes of someone has had the ability to easily do so for at least a generation now. We might be at the point now where if you want to make sure you don't have fake nudes created of you, then you don't have images of yourself published. However now that everyone has high quality cameras in their pockets, this won't 100% protect you.

One I've literally used more than once: "If I die, I'm going to look very stupid"

I'm also fond of: "There's only one way to find out"

I've been dry herb vaping CBD nightly for around 3 years and I've found that it depends a LOT on the strain. Some have had no effect at all, while other strains can knock me on my ass.

The stains that don't have much effect can still be good if the flavor it right because I'll mix it in with other stains. I've gotten pretty good at being able to dose appropriately with a nice balance between flavor and effect.

For times when I'm looking for a bit 'more' of a hit, I'll mix in some full strength THC bud too, but mostly I just stick with the CBD flower.

My current favorites are THERAPY from Fields of Hemp (though, it's rare any more that they have it in stock), and OLYMPUS MONS from Holy City Farms.

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Can you elaborate on how creating heat in summer time helps save money on cooling your home?

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I was concerned about the jellyfish, until I realized they were riding on a torpedo.

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Why are you insulting fat people by associating them with him?

Or cowards?

Or pieces of shit?

Have they said how many rounds the woman was able to get off before she was killed? I'm starting to wonder if the answer is 0.

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Awesome! Now do it to keep the cops from being able to force you to unlock your phone under duress.

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The Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf are both under $30k, and there's a Mini Cooper that's just barely over $30k. There's only 1 other car from Chevy that's cheaper than the Bolt, and only 2 models from Mini cheaper than their EV. Nissan seems to be a leader with cheap cars, with 6 cheaper models than the Leaf. When you add in the tax rebates for buying electric that reduces the price an additional $7500.

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We don't need to get rid of student loans, we need to get rid of interest on student loans. The government should not be making money off of students trying to get an education.

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Same, I'm with State Farm and meet with my agent every few years to make sure my coverage makes sense. The last time I met with her she was able to get me better coverage for what I need at a lower monthly cost. My rates have gone up and down a little over the years, but nothing major in either direction.

Except it isn't just a name change because with this change you can no longer use it for person to person payments.

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I work in IT and the one that kills me is when someone says or writes "On premise" when they mean "On premises". I have worked for cloud companies and even the official literature is wrong. It has gotten to the point where so many people get it wrong that the official meaning is going to be changed because people are dumb and we can't have nice things.

Words have meaning, stop fucking them up!

I don't know... ~$600 saved with 10 hours of work, that's $60/hr. Even if she ends up paying someone $50 to put the belt back on, that's still not a bad way to spend some time on a holiday weekend.

I don't buy books from them any longer because their packaging is so poor that most of the time books arrive to me damaged from being tossed into a too large box for shipping.

Holy City Farms has a pretty good sale going on at the moment, unless you live in South Carolina.

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The US could easily match what China’s doing

Not with the unions in the US they can't. Part of the reason China is able to produce cheap cars is because they have cheap labor.

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Fuck that... I'm a manager and I'm always creating memes on my phone at work that's much higher quality than this.

Also, managers also know that office life sucks, we're just trying to keep the wheels moving and the paychecks coming.