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I really, really want to see Jordan Klepper debate with interview Trump and not hold back at all.

Seconded. Seth had to pitch the show to Fox as a sort of live-action family guy and kept it going for the first few episodes, but it quickly sheds that vibe and keeps getting better.

Dealers will cry about their inventory while refusing to budge on various “market adjustments”.

Boo hoo. Be competitive and watch the inventory flow.

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Don’t you think he looks tired?

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Instead of “hating” can’t we just universally agree that the ultra-wealthy using private jets as their primary means of transportation is horrible for the environment and hold them all accountable for their part, considering their emissions are much larger than the average person and is only enabled by the money made in part from the emissions of others?

It shouldn’t matter who they are or how many jets they have. Maybe they shouldn’t use private jets all the time if they don’t want the bad publicity.

What about the time we enslaved people who weren’t white for over a century and then almost split in half over it?

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It’ll be hilarious if they spend all their money and still lose.

Because Apple doesn’t rely on selling or advertising your data as a business segment. That alone makes them the lesser evil.

Still an evil, just less.

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The cost of living keeps going up and corporations are buying all the housing out from under individual buyers but yes Bloomberg this is more important news.

“Latter stage of its life cycle” basically means anything past the halfway point, and it’s already been out for like 4 years.

Considering how long it has taken for PS4 games to stop being published and for PS5 games to really get going, it’ll be a relevant console for several more years at least.

It’s not like it falls apart the second the PS6 is announced. I don’t like the thought of an accelerated console lifecycle either but this is such a vague statement a LOT of these reactions seems a little extreme for now.

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Would they defend the child’s right to life if they were still in the womb? Or is that just performative theatrics for their voter base?


Republicans, please weigh in here. How do these contradictory truths live harmoniously in your head?

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Wholesome Gymbro Venom is the best thing I’ve seen so far this year.

Designed by Vince Gilligan

You put a paper clip in there and press the nose to marbleize your Janet.

Not macOS, this is Linux with a macOS-like theme.

Easy tell, macOS has the window buttons on the left, and most Mac apps no longer have a full screen button on the title bar. That’s what the green button does, which is also in the wrong place in this screenshot.

God I’m a nerd.

Paying the ransom is the stupidest thing you can do when you’re hit with an attack.


  • Emboldens the attacker to keep attacking you because now they know you’ll pay them

  • Funds the attacker’s future attacks

  • No guarantee they’ll actually stop or recover your data

  • No guarantee they’ve actually left your environment without a complete rebuild.

A better use of ransom money would be to invest in a decent cybersecurity infrastructure to prevent this from happening in the first place, and to keep offsite backups.

**Never trust your attacker. **

Capitalism marches onward.

Considering not everyone has iCloud and iPod touches with cameras exist, I’m calling BS on this one. I’ve never seen or heard of this.

Also that USB-C thing. I’ve heard so many people claim that Apple wanted to somehow “fix” their implementation of USB-C to require Apple-licensed cables (or that they did), but have never seen any proof of this actually being real.

My USB-C equipped iPhone works with every cable I’ve ever tried it with, Apple or otherwise.

Apple is a shitty corporation, but they have enough to be upset at them about without people making shit up or perpetuating falsehoods without fact-checking them first.

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Pretty soon the only safe food around is going to be billionaires… 😋

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We lose more than a 9/11’s worth of people every day still due to COVID. The presence of other factors that result in death in no way erases this amount of loss, and yet we’re so numb to this it almost feels like it isn’t happening anymore to most of us.

Unfortunately I think we’re all too desensitized from the last decade or so to care if anything does happen, but I genuinely hope I’m wrong. It’s not looking good, though.

Disclaimer: not an expert, this is just how I understand it after some googling:

There isn’t a single standard for 3nm, despite the seemingly obvious size-related connotations. It’s more of a marketing term used by chip manufacturers to refer to their version of the next generation of chip-making processes they each have to create something smaller than the previous revision.

Any time you shrink a processor you’re using less materials, which means it’s cheaper and allows more room for other things.

Less materials also means less resistance, so a smaller chip is inherently either more power efficient, faster, or a little of both (depending on the chip and the design the manufacturer decides to go with).

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That’s not because it’s not a communist society, that’s because our government is run by shills paid by corporations to keep it that way.

Who runs a communist society? The people? Do we all take turns being president? What happens if it’s a bad dude’s turn and they don’t want to relinquish power?

The problem isn’t necessarily the economic system, the problem is the leadership appointed, combined with the people’s willful ignorance of their actions. Late-stage capitalism is definitely a problem, but in its current implementation more of a symptom of the points above.

tl;dr every system suffers from the same vulnerability: shitty people

Then just remind them that they have something in common 😂

Cool story bro

Don’t get me started on how coddled the modern anus is.

This is how we get Doc Ock.

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Every time I listen to this song it sounds like they’re saying “I would beat off a guy”. 😂

You’re misunderstanding entirely and are blinded by the emotional reaction of what you assume Apple to be doing.

iPhones do NOT exceed a charging rate for 20W, so using a 60W cable isn’t going to do shit. You’re upset because they’re selling USB-C cables capable of charging beyond that number so you assume they’re upselling iPhone owners rather than simply making cables rated to charge their laptops which also have USB-C. Honestly it sounds like you’re angrier at the clusterfuck that is USB-C spec than you are at anything apples done.

How dare they make charging cables for your laptop, right? And how dare your iPhone be limited to charge slower than a laptop. /s

What competitor usb-c cables are being nerfed by Apple? Where are you getting this information? I heard lots of rumors about this prior to the keynote this week, but so far there’s no evidence of this happening. Are you still outraged over a rumor?

The non-pro phones are limited to USB 2 speeds for several reasons:

  1. They’re re-using parts from the iPhone 14 Pro, which had lightning, which was USB2.

  2. Most people do not transfer data to/from their phones using a cable anymore. Those that do are usually pros moving large files, and should be getting an iPhone pro for that workload.

  3. most people who fall into the tiny camp of transferring data to/from their phones with a cable and aren’t pros aren’t transferring large enough files for it to matter much anyway.

  4. non-pro iPhones will probably be brought up to USB 3 speeds in the next year or two, at which point you’re going to have to find something else to be outraged about.

Nobody is being forced to buy an adapter, why are you still so upset at its existence?

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Which is stupid, because I’ll happily buy content I like with the guarantee it’ll never be taken from me. That’s not a real risk with physical media so why should that be acceptable with digital media?

He may have been an asshole but Steve Jobs said it best:

Customers want to own their content

And to reuse the same Gaben quote often repeated here:

Piracy is an issue of service, not price.

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Apple has still managed to fuck their customers over by making so that only their overpriced “high-speed” USB-C cables can work at anything better than USB 2.0 standard.

Not true. Be mad at Apple for legitimate things please, but manufacturing outrage is just silly and undermines actually shitty things they do. Apple has not nerfed their USB-C cables in any way.

One thing they have done is limit the USB-C PD charging speed in phones to not exceed 20W, which I imagine has more to do with long-term battery life than it does with upselling you, because there’s nothing for them to upsell to you there.

Regarding the adapter, don’t buy it if you don’t need it. As it turns out, many lightning accessories have been sold over the last 11 years. Chances are, someone out there will be happy buying an adapter before buying a new accessory.

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Also you could just… their public financial statements and compare to other tech companies. Google is very much an advertising company, and it’s a huge part of their reported profits. The fact that you could ignore that and think Apple is worse simply because you feel like they are is just a silly debate strategy.

I’m happy to be proven wrong, but need a little more than some anon’s vague doubts first.

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Question: How the shit does the US legal system claim that “High crimes and Misdemeanors” disqualifies someone from being President, but 34 FELONIES is ok?

Answer: because the people in charge don’t care.

I’m glad he’s been convicted but any idiot can see that this should disqualify him.

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Your turn ;)

this guy would fuck and kill your children if it made him an extra buck, he doesn't give a fuck about you.

Lol this is the most confidently incorrect statement about Woz I’ve ever read.

I can’t believe you just linked laptop charging cables that use USB-C as “proof” Apple is upselling iPhone users hahahaha.

I’m curious, are you just mad because iPhones are listed as “compatible”? Because that’s literally a benefit of moving to USB-C. The cables are compatible because they use the same physical connector. Would you rather Apple arbitrarily restrict which USB-C cable of theirs your iPhone works with? Or are you mad your phone can’t charge as fast as your laptop?


It also corrupted data when it did that.

The people complaining about Apple “slowing their phone” are the same people that complained about their phone dying while it still showed the battery at 30% and losing data from it.

It did that because the battery couldn’t supply enough power to run the phone. So which would you prefer? Randomly corrupt data due to a consumed battery, or a slightly slower phone that could maintain stability until you had the chance to replace the battery or phone?

The real mistake Apple made was in the messaging and lack of comprehensive release notes, allowing the news cycle to dominate the narrative.