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Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone who attempts to escape.

Not to mention, standing in front of a car driven by a POC who has every reason to expect the cops to shoot them anyway. That person is already frightened and likely panicked and not thinking clearly. Putting yourself in front of a car with a panicked driver who is justifiably in fear for their life is incredibly stupid.

Also, what is with cops just repeating the same command over and over again and refusing to otherwise interact with the person. Are they trying to make the situation worse? Why not try and de-escalate the situation. Oh, that's right, they want a reason to shoot people.

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So, if Donnie is convicted of instigating the Jan-6 insurrection, could they they hit him with Felony Murder charges? People died as a direct result of the insurrection and D.C. has a Felony Murder rule.

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I can't tell who are scorpions and who are frogs, but I'm looking forward to watching them all drowning in the river.

The car was moving very slowly. The cop had a choice. Get out of the way and arrest her later, or go straight to extra-judicial execution. He made the wrong choice.

Probably too late. If the DA doesn't need anything they have, they are not going to offer them anything to flip. IANAL, but as I understand it, it's generally just the first one to flip that gets a deal. Everyone else is fucked unless they know something that the first guy to flip didn't.

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When I go to bed I put my pill bottle in one place. When I take the pill in the morning, I put it in a different place. I've considered buying one of those timer bottle caps. They fit generic pill bottles and have timer built into the top. You can look at the timer and see how long it's been since you opened the bottle last.

Nonsense. It's a job like any other. Stop projecting your morality on everyone else. She didn't do anything wrong at all. She didn't hurt anyone. You have no right to judge her.

I'm sure they are also pretty effective for people with more nefarious uses for them.

I don't think she was playing alone in the yard. The uncle was there and told her to go inside and she ignored him. As for coyotes, with a rottie and springer in the yard, no coyote would be an issue.

However, if you tell the kid to go inside by their mom, tell the mom that you did so. Uncle was a dumb shit. You can't count on a three year old to do as they're told.

There are too many politicians in DC who are too old to handle the most basic parts of their job without the assistance of aids. People need to stop voting for these dinosaurs.

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Yep, according to this Guardian article.

Today we were unlucky, but remember we have only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always.” The IRA’s statement after its bomb exploded in a bathroom on the sixth floor of the Grand Hotel, Brighton, in October 1984, was cleverly sinister but, with its repeated emphasis on luck, oddly airy. It took responsibility off the shoulders of the killers and placed it on those of Dame Fortune.

I have crossed a road at a run to beat an approaching car before, and had I been struck it definitely would've been my fault for not practicing proper safety.

I'm with you on this, however, the speed of the cop is an issue. At three times the speed limit, an approaching car would reach you much faster than you would expect it too. This girl may have glanced, seen the cop in the distance, and never realized how fast he was going. Frankly, if an emergency responder if taking an action this far outside the norm, they should also be taking great care because innocent bystanders cannot be expected to anticipate the responders actions.

It's one thing to indict a hamberder. To indict the ketchup stained wall it was thrown against is quite another.

"The most pressing problem is not that they’re [AI] going to take our jobs, not that they’re going to change warfare, but that they’re going to destroy human trust. They’re going to move us into a world where you can’t tell truth from falsehood. You don’t know who to trust. Trust turns out to be one of the most important features of civilization, and we are now at great risk of destroying the links of trust that have made civilization possible." - Daniel C. Dennett

In a few years you will not know what is true or false unless you see it in person with your own eyes. Even video and audio proof are going by the wayside.

Nobody is saying you can't have an opinion on it. They're saying that the ignorance of your opinion is explained by that fact that this asshole's boot isn't on your neck.

You missed where it says they were recording and singing too. If you pay to go see a musical, your don't want some no-talent bint in the seat behind you screeching along with the songs. In addition, you don't want an ignoramus in front of you holding up their phone to record it for their social media page. Plus, they were warned multiple times and kept it up.

As a publicly held company, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their share holders. Fox News, as its name suggests, sells itself to share holders as a news organization. When they repeatedly present easily fact checked conspiracy theories as news, they open themselves up to lawsuits that damage the value of the organization and therefor cost the shareholders money.

Fox News is being sued for violating their fiduciary duty to their shareholders by failing to do basic due diligence in making sure that their reporting is honest and accurate, something every other major news organization does. News organizations do this because failing to due so can lead to lawsuits that can cost millions of dollars. Fox allowed and even encouraged, I believe, on air personalities to repeatedly make false claims about Dominion Voting Systems. That action led to Fox being sued for $2.7 billion. Fox recently settled that suit for $787.5 million. That is a huge hit to their shareholders. Fox also promoted the same falsehoods against another company, Smartmatic. Smartmatic is also suing Fox for $2.7 billion dollars and their is little reason to think that suit will end any better for Fox News than the Dominion suit did.

There has been a lot of talk lately due to testimony given before Congress from a former Pentagon employee with the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office who claimed (second hand) that the USA had intact and partially intact alien vehicles

“We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch told the Debrief. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.”

Grusch said analysis determined that this material was “of exotic origin” – meaning “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin”.

Now, in my opinion, just because someone has impressive credentials doesn't mean that they're not a loon. On the other hand, I feel that the results of any tax funded research into such matters should be fully public.

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Because they don't want to see it. They want to feel superior to everyone else by claiming the moral high ground but don't actually want to adhere to the morality they pretend to believe in. Feed the poor? Not with my tax dollars! Love thy neighbor? No way! One side is Muslims and the others are black! The meek shall inherit the Earth? Not on my watch!

I wonder if Congress can withhold SCOTUS operational funding until something is done?

They could do a hell of a lot more than that. The Constitution defines the SCOTUS and states:

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.

Congress has the power to modify the powers of the Supreme court. They could, if they had the will, take away the vast majority of the power of SCOTUS. Congress could add exceptions to the SCOTUS' appellate powers for all matters except matters "affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party." With the President's assistance, Congress could even expand the court and alter the current majority.

They could do all this, but they won't, and for the same reason they won't impeach the blatantly ethically bereft members of the court. Because the Republicans are benefiting from the status quo and they will never allow the Democrats to change it as long as they have more than 40 seats in the Senate and a majority in the House.

No one is above the law.

Sadly, the evidence appears to suggest otherwise. Until the Democrats and Republicans in Congress get together and pass laws to enforce ethics rules on the SCOTUS, as they have with all other federal courts, then the members of SCOTUS are indeed above the law.

It's an app. Maybe it requires GPS access so they can track that data point. VPN says USA, GPS says Germany, they block access.

Where are you that insect populations are exploding? All the reports for some time say that populations are declining globally.

That would be nice. That way if Trump kicks in office we'll have our first female president and she'll be perfect for the GOP. After all, it was their lord and savior, Saint Reagan, who said "Someone once said that politics is the second-oldest profession. I'm beginning to think it bears resemblance to the first." By that metric she is well suited for Republican politics.

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Yes, but topologists can't tell a doughnut from a coffee cup so they're clearly insane.

Yep. When's the last time you saw a drag queen beat a kid to death with a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird?

Color me shocked. The only thing I'm wondering is why the name length needs to be greater than 7 for the query?

Home mag-lev. Build the super-conductor into the flooring of your home. Equip heavy furniture and appliances with electromagnets in the feet. Dial up the power on the magnets and the furniture will float up and you can slide it to it's new location. Dial down the magnets and furniture will settle back to the ground.

He claims to hate the same people they hate. He was a Democrat until he decided to run as a Republican.

"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat,” Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. “It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats." - Donald Trump

Whether or not he really hates them is anyone's guess. Personally, I think that after his foray in birther-land, he realized that Republican voters would like it if he dropped the mask and let his racism shine through. Now he just spews hate at anyone right wing voters hate and they lap it up.

Ha, a computer in grade school? You young pup! When I was in high school we were writing programs using punch cards you had to feed into a reader!

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Seriously? Law and Order? I thought they were more of a Matlock kind of audience.

Assuming that the theoretical aliens lack faster-than-light travel, it would make more sense for them to send automated probes to explore star systems rather than sending living beings on multi-decade (at least) trips. If alien technology has really been discovered it would most likely be a crashed drone or something like that. AI guided probes designed to operate in stealth while studying a new civilization would surely be the best first option.

He's just mad he's not getting a cut.

Yep, give him enough rope and he'll hang himself. He won't be able to stop himself.

Immigrants coming to the country to request asylum is in no way an invasion by any literal usage of the term. Further, no state is in "imminent Danger as will not admit of delay." DeSantis is just playing this up to drum up support of racists. Frankly, I wish people in the USA would realize that this nation was built on immigration. Every person in this country who is not 100% Native American is descended from immigrants and I'd wager that includes every single person in that town hall.

Of course they flee on roads. Far faster way of escape than taking a hiking trail or a bike path.