2 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He is Vegan. Irrespective of how we feel about what he did, the failure to address his core ethical beliefs is completely unacceptable. This would never occur if his belief was rooted in ideas of a higher being or afterlife. Not that I'm planning on going to jail anytime soon, but the thought that I would not be able to abide by that daily practice of my life would be incredibly distressing. Unless he is doing it for environmental reasons (I don't know) he likely seeks total animal liberation, and you're going to force feed him stolen animal secretions? Coproducts of dead baby cows, blended up chicks, and beings bred into painful bodies? The alternative is malnutrition? I would highly consider Jainism or Sikhism on this fact alone. Fuck you if you think he should be forced to go against his ethical beliefs.

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Not yet, be the change you want to see in the world.

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It's not just that the novelty has worn off, It's progressively gotten less useful. Any god damn question I ask gets 90,000 qualifiers and it refuses to provide any data at all. I think OpenAI is so terrified of liabilty they have significantly dumbed down it's utility in the public release. I can't even ask ChatGPT to provide a link to study it references, if it references anything at all rather than making ambiguous statements.

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two major companies who

Exploit animal bodies on mass scale. I'm shocked they'd exploit children's bodies too 🥴

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Refresh the page homie, I got you! New update to the pic replaces the old one.

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Veganism is not strictly a dietary choice. Look into ethical veganism. In the UK, Ethical Vegans are a legally protected class. I understand they are not legally protected in America - this does not require me to change my position at all. I made it clear that it's my opinion, and I presented how I would personally feel to be in his position and what I might consider just to have that ethical belief respected.

It's seemingly true. If not admins (who else would it be?), it's absolutely getting botted like crazy. Here's the evidence

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But what about the advertisers! Supporting trans communities is scawwyy 😢 😢 Reddit has priorities after all.

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Since I've updated the main post picture, here's the original I uploaded (with less cut off)

Like many of you, this was a much desired phone for me. Now I'm just left wondering how soon their next phone releases. Been too long. If I'm focused on eco friendly I may as well also stick with what I've got until then.

Update. Open in new tab to see full resolution.

I cannot for the life of me begin to understand who would still want to buy a kia. The company fucking cuts so many corners that inevitably cost the consumer, irrespective of the engine itself being completely unremarkable.

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Likely yes, but bread can have animal product in it. In any case it is not nutritionally complete.

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Vitamin B12, C, D, calcium, & omega 3 will for sure not be nutritionally met.

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Nobody said the guy is entirely ethical ¯\(ツ)

I don't think being forced to consume death/murder is the answer to him not being ethical with people's funds.

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I'm just hoping to get starcraft and Warcraft spinoffs out of this. Lots of potential with those IP's. Since 3 is never getting properly fixed, Warcraft 4 would also be nice.

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Looks like PeerTube is on the way left, & Misskey is just after PeerTube. The only one I'm not sure of is the mascot between Mastodon & Lemmy.

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I support the right to abstain from putting murdered or otherwise non-consenting conscious beings bodily fluid inside your body, irrespective of person. No need to mischaracterize.

The big player battles still to this day have broken lobbies. You can't filter game mode in big player mode either. Which means if you don't care for slayer and you get thrust into a slayer match, too fucking bad. Matter of fact, don't leave or they'll temp ban you. Also, their netcode will kill you through walls as you turn a corner because fuck you.

I put in at least two dozen hours into the multiplayer because there is a lot to love when things are going smoothly, it's just unbelievably unpolished for the amount of money sunk in. They seem to have no idea what the fuck matters to players in an online space, or at the very least don't care.

They ruined Halo a decade ago, and it seems they are just gonna milk whatever shit gets stirred in until the franchise dies.

has even offered him the option of vegetarian meals

That doesn't necessarily work at all. Vegans don't eat food that contain or are prepared with any dairy or egg product. It's very likely all of their vegetarian meals are not Vegan accessible.

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Math equation says, plant eating requires less land, which means fewer workers exploited. Also I'm pretty sure plant farmers don't have a 400% turnover rate. It's almost like even if the math were equal, which it isn't, killing animals all day is bad for your mental health.

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He has been Vegan since at least April 2021. He was not arrested until December 2022. It's not a circus show. The dude's ethical beliefs in regards to Veganism are not in question. They need to be respected.

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During the hair falls in my face phase I just used a beanie or hair tie when it got long enough for that. Five years of growth FYI. I don't use product so cant chime in on that. Would just recommend to be sure you find the right conditioner for your hair.

Ive got curly hair so cant recommend brushing like some of the others here. If you have wavy/curly hair look for advice on that.

When the Vegan is right 😡⬇️

As long as you don't buy an animal, no moral wrong in having a preference in appearance. Adopt and rescue.


If I'm more specific, what Vegans care about is conscious experience. They don't care if something is alive or has some form of reactive biological intelligence. Its not a loose definition of killing that's the problem, it's the killing of conscious beings.

There is no scientific consensus as to the potential for consciousness in plants/trees. Almost nobody affirms that they are. You'll find generally that when we discuss consciousness we describe beings with brains, or if we get in to gray areas, beings that at least have some form of nervous system. Since there is some level of brain plasticity, I tend to take the position that consciousness is an emergent property found in those with a nervous system at bare minimum, but absolutely and especially those with brains. That said, there are particular areas of brains that if compromised will show patterns of lost consciousness, but I just don't affirm that those areas are entirelly responsible.

So if plants and trees are not conscious, and they don't experience reality, and there is no subject, then there is no one to grant rights to. If we were talking about some random planet that had no conscious life on it, a planet that for some reason could never support conscious life but could support plant life, I would have no ethical quandary with a space fairing civilization taking all of those resources and leaving the planet with not but rock.

The need for residential housing complicates the ethics of forest habitat removal but not by that much if we consider what a vegan world looks like. Roughly 37.5% of the world's habitable land could be redistributed as that land currently is required for animal agriculture that otherwise wouldn't be. Roughly the size of North America and Brazil combined. You'd have loads of land that could be reforested but also some land that could be reused for housing purposes. As for current reality, I think there's a strong argument that group housing or apartment blocks would be far better for both people and the planet.

Well homie I've got evidence that suggests he is and you have none that says he isn't so I'm just going to work with that.

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Admittedly if he held a religion that he claimed required meat consumption I would be in favor of not accommodating him. Thankfully, no major religion does this, because as it turns out in trying to seek ethical practice, they all arrive at the idea that abstaining from killing conscious beings is morally good.

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Veganism is not strictly a dietary preference. It is a stance against all forms of exploitation and commodification of animals. Comparing Keto or pescetarianism to ethical veganism is unsound. Veganism is about animal rights, bodily autonomy, & consent.

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This would make a huge difference, I agree. Its not exactly a meal. But they literally only need to give the guy potatoes.

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Can the state require you to eat the body or bodily fluids of someone you affirm has rights to bodily autonomy, someone we know to be wholly innocent because they lack agency?

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Looks like that's the one. Good call.

Yes this chain was very revealing. I've done the same. No need to interact with that ilk. Kudos for humoring his dumb takes long enough that it would encourage me to do the same.

He is not supposed to be malnourished. If the option is malnutrition, or disregard of ethical beliefs, I'd argue they actually are forcing him.

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The Cat Lady. It's a point and click style game that is well recieved even ten years on since its release, and has since become the first in a trilogy of sorts. Good writing, multiple endings, sad+spook with some good twists. Gameplay is definitely limited, art can be a bit unusual, but what it has to offer is worth your time.

My dude you are either being misled or are attempting to mislead. Yes some inedible material from crops we eat is used and in some countries like the US they even feed garbage to pigs.

If you are taking the 'nothing gets wasted approach' it absolutely does, Americans waste 40% of all their food availability for example.

But to the point they absolutely are clearcutting rainforests and other lands specifically to increase feed production for animals. They absolutely feed a shitload of human edible material to animals grown specifically for animals. I'm too lazy to reiterate statistics to a single person who will see it so for the love of God please research this and do not send me any regenerative animal farming bullshit that does not scale.

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I concede, we can't know for sure. They do still got to get him a b12 supp as well. Could be getting that too.

Edit: In retrospect, even with potatoes I think he would still be vitamin A, D, & calcium deficient. He'd need some veggies and fortified soy milk to complete the needs. Still, not a big ask.

Definitely should go with PC enhanced edition these days. Easy to get setup with the new install wizard. Loads of new features, graphical improvements, and bug fixes. Even fixes for bugs that persist in all console versions of the game. Of course, one could wait for the new version to come out in about a year.