6 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Whatever happens, happens...

Find someone you can share the good and the bad. Someone who won't judge you for how things turned out. Someone who will just listen and appreciate you being there. Be that person to them as well.

It doesn't have to be a partner. It may or may not be your parents. But find that person. And never let them go. You may not talk for years even. But always remember them.

Hold the fuck up

::: spoiler spoiler

It's me

I'm the fuck up

Hold me




I've reached out. Felt shit to log in to twitter again but they have no other means of contact. It's insane.

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But when I'm terminally online and mentally unstable I just pull depression and crippling nihilism.

Bayblade, bayblade, let it rip!

I was about to upload that. Then turns out they use a third party to process this...

During the sign-up process, they referenced even more third parties... so I gave up.

I consent to Persona collecting, using, and utilizing its third-party service providers to process my biometric information in order to verify my identity for fraud prevention, in accordance with the Persona's Privacy Policy. Your biometric information will be stored for no longer than 6 months.

I thought this was funny

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Mini metro Mini motorways

I may or may not have opted to ignore the stress part.

  1. Learning curve
  2. Discovery of infra as code
  3. Seeing the AWS billing console
  4. Realizing it's only for the first day

That honestly looks like the only option. Just gonna set up a github pages with my resume and keep that updated instead.

I'm employed at the moment so this isn't that big a deal.

Real and me

Ty for the tips! Makes sense that a lot of those Radeon settings are default. I did mainly have a slight underclock on the GPU and a minor auto bump on the CPU after tweaking the curve optimizer to -15.

I'll do more digging with the network thing when I'm at my PC and update as I go.

How do I set display scaling below 100%? That was the instinct but there is only a slider and it doesn't go below 100%, some googling got me some xrand commands for making a 1440p profile but that ends up with an out-of-range message on the monitor.

With the gamescope util, the %command% would be the path to the game exe/bin that's usually there?

I did end up finding things like snapping from Powertoys which was my biggest thing now looking for shortcuts for them. Think the other is finding a run menu, I've heard there are some just need to find one.

For Wayland vs X, I'm not sure what this version is running but I'm hoping I don't have to think about that much. The main usage is just games which I got working in an hour tinkering and occasional vscode/ium and Arduino IDE. Still need to tinker with making xprog work or finding an alternative that works with that USB programmer.

Speaking of games, is it possible for Steam to consolidate its sandboxes? I imagine having so many redundant copies of mfc140 and other DLLs would be eating at the space? There also seem to be some effects missing, namely, Bloom. It seems to have issues rendering in comparison to Windows, is this a case of missing DLLs or just the proton layer not translating them yet?

Thank you so much for your time and info, I'm quite excited about making this all work!

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Sorry, i mean the abxy buttons.

My biggest gripe is that it's done through a third party, Persona ID.

They make you agree to another set of terms and conditions which opens you up to even more 3rd parties.

I consent to Persona collecting, using, and utilizing its third-party service providers to process my biometric information in order to verify my identity for fraud prevention, in accordance with the Persona's Privacy Policy. Your biometric information will be stored for no longer than 6 months.

Were this limited to just Microsoft I might have caved.

I wish, lol. Doesn't matter though, haha.

Raytracing performance. Though once I get my fill of cyberpunk that will fade.

The ease of being able to bork stuff when installing packages. I've borked my ability to run games through proton in some way. Between installing native and runtime Steam, and installing Waydroid and its kernel extensions I've made games not work where they are just fine on my Steam Deck. Now I gotta reinstall which kind of sucks and I don't have time for it.

Yep. Unfortunately, this is real.

Why can't I inline two tab bars? I want a center island with a task manager and an island on the right with a system tray.

Otherwise it's peachy.

Looks like they still charge insurance for in-person visits but remote help is included.

The sentiment here seems to be to let Manjaro be and distro hop. I don't have any distro preference outside of a rolling release and a good out of box experience. My understanding is that with a rolling release, I get the most up-to-date I can be without fuffing about with kernel updates manually.

Yep, got into wayland and there it was! Thanks bunches.

netmon logs - demsg -

So I pretty much can narrow it down to Steam. If I download stuff and let it go zoom with uncapped rate, it crashes. I pause the download for a bit and it eventually recovers. Wild.

Yeah, there is a good chunk to make it feel about the same

I've had a good experience with it the couple of times I used it in the past. I tried Rhino before eventually settling on manjaro as I quite like rolling updates, makes it simple for my monkey brain.

No response. Its been a week. Ill just leave linked in be. Whats another dead acc.

Thank you, I've yet to try it as I'm finishing up another game. This will be helpful.

Who do I sue for false advertisement?

aw, alright then.

The trick is that 10 lines of code usually pull in thousands as they are likely function calls.

What about protontricks

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So a bit of google later, it looks like I need to install gst-libav but a sudo pacman -S gst-libav fails because Read-only file system

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Another tip off. During large downloads nothing else except the process doing the downloading works. I don't get it. Technically the network works but only for that one app. It's like something locks for some reason?

Looks promising, I'll check it out!