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Joined 12 months ago

I'm so sick of this complacency with the idea of paying into social security your whole life to fund the boomer retirees just to have it taken from us as one final fuck you. The vocalized consensus among everyone needs to be its not getting taken from us, if anything it will be fixed and made more robust and any politician that acts to remove it from us will have their heads removed from their bodies.

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If the product is already on the car it is scummy as fuck to charge a subscription, the end. The higher price of high end vehicles is justified by the cost of adding those features to the vehicle. If they're already there and off, you're getting ripped off

Sounds like your buffet should plan for more crab legs to be made each time

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If you need any evidence that both sides are fully capable of cooperating to pass legislation and that their animosity towards each other is theater, look no further than the bills they quickly push through together with little to no opposition.

Potty mouth language is ViLe wEstErn bEhavIor, meanwhile UAE has slaves and treats women as 2nd class citizens.

Because corporate profits have gone unchecked for far too long and Wallstreet is sprinting us towards home ownership only being accessible to companies they own and all Americans are renters.

I remember when biden told the striking rail workers they could get fucked and go to prison. What was that, last year?

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Most people don't even know how many music venues the monopoly has acquired over the past 20 years

Would you consider someone screaming gibberish at you, communicating?

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Your logic completes ignores costs of business. Property taxes. Utilities. Staffing. Those must still be covered

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Critiscm of Israel and their treatment of Palestinians is not antisemitic. It is not supporting genocide. Take a look in the mirror.

Good , she can lose, again.

Fuck cars is nothing but city dwellers that think their lifestyle is scalable to suburbs or the sticks.

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Don't get me wrong, I'll still be voting for biden since the Republicans can't find a better person than trump in the entire country.

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Not tankie enough*

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Having sex is easy. Being able to balance childcare and afford raising children is a feat that grows ever more difficult by the day

Bernie would have challenged the billionaire classes power and hoarding of wealth. The democrats knew he was a slam dunk against trump, but chose to risk losing the election in favor of protecting the status quo.

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And was that the case since it first went on sale?

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And when are the American people going to demand an end to this shit? They represented less than 3% of sfh ownership in 2012. How long until everyone must rent? How long until people are forced to sell due to taxes driving them out of ownership due to inflated pricing from these ghouls?

They've significantly overcharged for their products for the past 20 years. If you can't get people to give a fuck about the bottom line, good luck getting them to care about anything else

Show me on this doll where the gaming laptop hurt you

Wait until you learn about zillows rise and fall. Including how they and all the other sfr companies used the zestimate to skyrocket their home values and rents during covid

Average entry level home in my state is over 250k. 20% down payment is 50k. How many years will it take for someone actually making 115k to save that up? Stop boot licking

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There's companies that own over 100k single family homes, while regularly circle jerking each other on linked in about how "they are dedicated to provided affordable housing to those in need"

Excusing crazy people doing crazy things cause they give you free stuff is the shittiest take I've seen on lemmy

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You'll hate to hear this, but restaurants struggling to fill positions and having to offer more benefits and pay to attract wait staff is the only way to end tipping culture. Tipping will never end itself.

oMg boTh sIdeS aRe nOt tHe sAmE.... except for when it comes to eroding freedoms

And Wallstreet is buying every home they can get their hands on. You'll rent and be happy about it!

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Toll the shit out of anyone trying to go highway speeds

I support the 2nd. I also support single payer healthcare, including dental coverage and expanded mental Healthcare services. Then again, I dont support Republicans.

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He's also yet to declassify weed even though he carrot on a sticked it leading into the general and then again before primaries. He could do it any time and has not.

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What you are describing is deflation and it's only happened twice during the history of the United States. It is also generally looked at as a bad thing.

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Unrelated riders should be banned. The end. Any bills that are longer than 5 pages should be required to have a factual unbiased tldr eli5 so that anyone can understand what it means... no wordsmithing double speak bullshit like the patriot act. These are bi partisan things in my experience, but neither side actually pushes these effots.. hmm I wonder why

Could run on legalizing weed and win in a landslide. Unfortunately the best they'll do is campaign on divisive issues like weapon bans

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Bold to assume he didnt already fuck her

Did anyone care about nuclear secrets getting sold to the Saudis for 2 billion?

Look at them including perfect dark in the list as if they'd have the balls to make another sequel after they botched the last one after essentially using it as a launch exclusive title for the 360... such a shame. Perfect dark 64 was a masterpiece.

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Instead of spending 4 years saying we can't do anything, maybe he should have taken a page out of trumps book and churned out so many executive orders the Republicans couldn't keep up with trying to fight them all.

Maybe he could have used his influence to empower local political efforts where impact can be more powerful.

There's plenty of things that could be done, but we excuse inaction.

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Everything they bitch about is a projection

"Chose".... how is being outnumbered at the polls a choice?

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