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Joined 1 years ago

I wouldn’t call the blackout milquetoast. It made the global news for days. What is needed is additional followup, which we seen such as moderators just giving up, setting the sub to NSFW, etc.

At any rate, I’m gone. Reddit management sucks. There was so many ways to allow third party apps while charging the AI models. Tiered API rates, license agreements and terms of use, mandate third party app API users allow their advertising, etc.

I was happy to pay $5/mo to keep using Apollo. Now I’m gone and wouldn’t go back after we saw Reddit’s masterclass in how not to run a business.

ngl, I hope they figure out more malicious compliance to make the Reddit management looks like fools before nuking it from orbit.

Unpopular opinion but alcohol is basically poison. Weed still fucks you up and in no way should anyone be doing anything significant while high. It’s not the same as coffee.

This payout has got to be fractions of a penny per 100 gold or something similar to the low rates artists are paid for Spotify plays or YouTube views.

You are going to love this.

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Twitter isn’t paying any bills. They have a contract with us as well and haven’t been paying anything for months.

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Any idea on what the monthly cost is going to run?

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If you copied pasted your config and don’t know what each line does, delete it.

I’ll give it a shot. Running self hosted or a VPS isn’t an issue. Thanks.

Input Mono patched for NerdFonts.

I can’t but it’s part of what enables their platform.

I’m not going to argue anything on that clip but it did make me laugh. People can be very clever.