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Trying this too

Automatic Reply: You have the right to remain silent, but it won’t help you because your texts have already assured your conviction. Police are currently triangulating your location using GPS signals from this device. Even if the device is powered off, the authorities will continue receiving geolocation, as well as audio & video signals. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE & WHERE YOU’RE HIDING.

All of the CEOs and C Suites generally, who are screwing over every human they have previously built positive relationships with, may be creating a vacuum for some bright activist investor type who despise these post modern C Suite’s lazy self-serving greed. Edit: this was just posted on Twitter, obviously I am not alone in my posted comment from yesterday.

I’ve just bought my very first Xbox. It’s Series X, and although I like it well enough, I’ll probably never buy another Microsoft product. My software & my games need to be on my discs, not the cloud. I’m not interested in renting or leasing games with the game pass. I’ve already started amassing a nice collection of used/older Xbox games from various sources, probably have enough to keep me busy for the next decade. So, this mantra of “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” isn’t going to work in my case.

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This happened to me in college. The dorms were “locked” over the holidays and student residents were not allowed to even access the dorm building, when we returned back to school after new year’s, the hallway and apartment doors had been vandalized. The university passed the bill on to each of the residents of the building, even without any way we could have stopped it, since campus police would’ve arrested anyone found attempting to get into our dorms.

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Linus shits on entrepreneurship with his continual BS with easily caught bad data. No reputable companies should touch him. Anything he pushes to his viewers should be suspicious. I’ll be wondering how much LMG gets under the table for posting positive reviews.

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You can always use for the required email. No muss no fuss

In Doom I had to rip off a dudes arm to gain access to the security controls on core cooling shutdown. If you don’t want to lose an arm to stop a demon horde, you’re better off just using your girlfriend’s fingerprints

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It’s all just theaterics and the republicans need more rehearsals before taking stage.

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Yep, I’ve pirated so much that my whole crew all refer to me as Captain Jack Sparrow. My MO is to fire a warning shot over the bow of every movie studio and if they don’t quickly capitulate, I’ll raise the Jolly Roger and take them by force. That’s the only true pirate’s modus operandi.

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I have always striven to remain at the cutting edge of obsolescence. It is fun to keep old tech going

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As an act of rebellion and as an early worm, I just give them the bird

I bought my Technics Direct-drive turntable Model SL-Q20 in 1981 or 1982, still working like a champ.

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I get where you’re coming from, but for me, I HATE the Adobe corporation, so the shitpost feeling of Abode truly abides.

Exactly what they did to me. I fought them on it. It was basically a shakedown racket and to get my diploma I decided it was better to pay and hold a grudge and have it written on my tombstone for posterity.

It has always been my understanding that uBlock and uBlock Origin were two totally different extensions for ad blocking. Is this not correct? Back several year ago when ad blockers were new, I recall seeing two different Firefox listings for them, and people would caution users to get uBlock Origin and not the other truncated named one

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I have used Vivaldi and even led my kid to use it, but I still always go back to Firefox and/or LibreWolf for peace of mind and extensions like uBlock Origin and Anesidora.

I can’t get it to play. YouTube is disabling lemmy,world ;)

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He hasn’t answered yet, that’s not a good sign.

It’s the best look for YouTube app, since my first iPod touch.

T-mobile bought Mint mobile back in March, so welcome back to T-Mobile

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I know you’re right, it’s a Sisyphean task to push back against the tides of corporate greed, but I still will push and save my old school games for archival purposes for my grandchildren, and I will hope that they appreciate my death by the big corporate boulder, was for their gaming freedom.

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Did, back in the day. I’d put on my Pink Floyd “Dark Side of the Moon” and we’d get real high.

I think so, because two comments clearly had more info than was available in my click.

Own nothing produced by Disney, and be ecstatic..

Yep, my neighborhood friend had one. I discovered that my keys, when shook, would hit the frequencies to do stuff too. His dad was annoyed by it and I don’t know if he figured out how his TV would spontaneously change to channels

Another issue which is connected to labeling users “pirates” is the data caps and bandwidth throttling by mobile carriers and ISPs. Users make agreements with carriers for data and bandwidth for x.x price, but YouTube “steals” data limits and bandwidth by ads. Shouldn’t we expect them to pay us for our lost bandwidth and data caps?

It can’t be a one way street for a corporation to label users as unethical reprobates or “pirates” while he steals my paid for data limits and bandwidth.

Will wearing polarized sunglasses thwart the eye scanning? This world timeline is starting to freak me out.

I am assuming that is metaphorical?

No… I get it totally. That why I know my girl’s worth my time, she’s willing to potentially give up her arm for me to still play DOOM 8 days a week

The teen stated “The dude’s first mistake was making a perverse gesture with his hand and then he told me to “Whack on and Whack off!””

Irony is Ridley Scott conscripting the Blade Runner to hunt and kill Rachael.

If he makes it to the general election ballot, I know someone who may come out of post-suffrage withdrawal, to cast a ballot.

Thanks for answering. Is a old computer with thunderbolt 2 port able to connect thunderbolt 3 & 4 monitors or storage devices? I’m tempted to get an old thunderbolt 2 card for my computer, but don’t know if it’s really a useable port in 2023

I have a question about spelunking and parasites. Do bats carry ticks or mites that may potentially cause infections? Or is there any noxious bugs that might cause issues for you in caves? My college age son went spelunking in April and he said he removed a tick, but he’s got several similar bite lesions that have never gone away. He and his friends did encounter bats in the caves.

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I don’t take joy in suffering of anyone. My only experience of the Burning man festival is on the hilarious episode of “Malcom in the Middle.” Also, rain in the desert is often a mixed blessing

I won’t use the term “piracy”. Just because the man says “up is down” doesn’t make it so. Piracy, historically is using threat of force and/or harm to force capitulation. In history past, pirates would fire across the bow to allow the target to choose to fight/flee or capitulate and pay the pirates, which is extortion. Technically, ransomware hackers are, by the historical definition, the true pirates. Individuals watching videos without ads is, by definition, individuals watching videos without ads.

I diagnosed myself yesterday after seeing that Goth Clown meme, I looked at that stupid meme several times throughout the day before realizing it was a Cloth Gown. I know now for certain that I am dyslexic. I’m going to get a medic alert bracelet, just in case I’m found unconscious

Thanks. He did have a very faint bullseye, he got on to doxycycline for three weeks three different times. The urgent care did a tick panel and it supposedly was negative for Lyme and all associated infections. Dermatologist is doing lab work on two biopsies from the bite/rash locations. We’re expecting that back in a week or so.

Preferred DOS 6.22. Win95 was glorified Win3.11FWG

We could do with more wisdom of Diogenes of Sinope.