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Joined 1 years ago

"Disagree and commit" = do what I say or quit. Worker exploitation has many douchey buzz phrases.

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That will work for now. But the open web is under attack.

More and more content is being locked inside of apps, pay walls, etc. Google search sucks because they only show you paid promoted content. Thus WEI bullshit is just another step in the direction of taking away free and open access. If this shit is left unchecked, mainstream websites will stop working with open web browsers like Firefox.

Their goal is to charge fees and subscriptions for everything. And to take away freedom of choice and open access. They don't want to compete with value or quality content. They want to remove our ability to even use the competition.

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Please be careful, as YouTube is owned by Google, and getting banned by Google is potentially devastating for some people. Google's products and services dominant the web and mobile, unfortunately.

I'm not saying you will get banned, just pointing out the potential risk.

The whole thing is a cluster. Ad blockers are a necessity IMO.

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There's a theory that societies experience 40 years of progress followed by 40 years of regression in an endless cycle. I hope the theory is wrong. I can't take decades of these idiots running things.

I was only vaguely aware of this guy. When he released his ratcheting driver gadget a while back, it popped up on a YT review channel that I do watch. Out of curiosity I looked into it.

This Linus guy immediately struck me as a weasel and a d-bag. I don't have any super powers of observation. People should trust their instincts better. Human instincts are bad compared to animals, but one thing we're all pretty naturally good at is detecting scumbags. Listen to your instincts, folks. His "charm" is as real as CheezWhiz.

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I mostly agree with you.

But I also think it's important to think of the neighbors we disagree with very differently than how we view right wing politicians and corporate executives. Our neighbors may have some shitty opinions and ignorant positions, but they might be decent people at heart. No right wing politician or billionaire CEO is going to be decent at heart.

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Cringe is far too overused IMHO. Especially online.

If something is "lame" it's probably unoriginal, derivative, boring, or annoying.


Been bitching about this for years to deaf ears.

Old enough to remember when folks took pride in how few lines of code they could write to get something done. Not unreadably dense undocumented code. Just lean, clean, and efficient.

There's still a place for large complex software, but 99% of business apps that just move text strings, datetime values, and decimals around from point A to point B aren't that place.

I have stopped using Brave. Fuck those guys.

I just wish Firefox would update less frequently. It's way too often.

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So their cynical move is to send more traffic to reddit at the same time reddit's quality has gone down the toilet. Sounds like Google alright.

The people who charge $300 for textbooks are surprised people don't want to pay $300 for textbooks. Typical.

I'm really bad at remembering how to drive places, and always have been. Zero sense of direction. Pre-GPS life sucked ass for me in that respect.

But I do miss pre-internet socializing. Phone (voice) calls, cocktail parties, cookouts with the neighbors, and work mixers could all be very pleasant experiences.

Also miss not being tracked and recorded every minute of every day. It's creepy AF how we leave digital trails everywhere we go now.

Cybersecurity is expensive and doesn't contribute directly to profits. It can prevent serious damages (legal, financial, and reputation) but that requires long-term thinking. Most executives don't look past quarterly earnings.

I'm sort of the opposite. I liked Joplin but found myself needing the features of Obsidian. I do know what you mean about Obsidian getting in the way. While it's easy to start using it, there is a bit of a learning curve to using it well. And it can be a little quirky-annoying at times.

I think that's one reason there are so many software offerings in this space. There's a wide range of preferences when it comes to features vs simplicity.

For me, Obsidian is just about perfect without any extensions, but I'm also glad it is extensible if you need them. The configurability and customization, while using standard markup, and keeping the vault storage sizes small were the major pros for me.

Some other products I've tried in this space were just too much for me. Huge save files, overdone UXs, and proprietary formats. Joplin and Obsidian were both a breath of fresh air when I found them.

Black Box Down listeners: "Well...AKSHUALLY...."

Just kidding, I love that podcast.

The kitchens are an issue, and the larger point about profits is spot on.

We desperately need more affordable high-density housing in the US. Unfortunately these places are often miserable to live in. Noisy, cramped, and cheaply made.

They don't have to be miserable. There are designs, and construction materials and methods that work better.

Working class people deserve more.

Dumb question, will it be possible to create a browser that will trick the shitty new web into thinking you're using an approved non-ad-blocking-browser while you still block the malware/ads?

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They think "the gubment" or "libtards" are trying to control them, make them look foolish, and/or force obedience/compliance down on them. In my opinion, it's mostly projection. Their weird power fantasies make them imagine others are trying to dominate them, when in truth it's just common sense medical advice.

I know this sounds like an internet edgelord, but it's like they want us to build the guillotines.

I always wondered if Linus was actually a slimy POS

I believe you. Not everyone on here will, though.

They ban people for all kinds of crap. Some of it is for violating their TOS. I'm guessing some is just arbitrary corporate BS, too. I mean it is Hooli, er, Google.

Trying to circumvent their anti-ad-blocking detection on YouTube could get you banned on YouTube or maybe more.

I think reddit will linger for a very long time even as the quality goes down the toilet. There are millions of casuals on there just doomscrolling that don't seem to mind the ads and the horrible official app/new website. It's still interesting to follow the story as it unfolds, but I'm also slowly losing that interest as I continue to explore lemmy. We'll all mostly forget about it at some point, and that will be a good day for us, regardless of what happens to reddit and it's disengaged remnants of a user base.

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Thanks for the history, I am not surprised it evolved like that. Reminds me of Agile. It was a great concept that morphed into 'micromanagement with extra steps' in many shops.

They're like some arrogant grifter couple from Better Call Saul.

Dang, what a menace! People will tolerate all kinds of abuse if they have an otherwise cool job. You see it all the time in sports and entertainment.

I find my fellow Americans to be too obnoxious, belligerent, and trigger happy to go to theaters or concerts anymore. I don't even feel very safe driving in my normal-sized car to work or the grocery, as I'm surrounded by reckless idoots in giant SUVs and pickup trucks. We've regressed in so many ways.

It almost looks like the art style is doing a reverse Garfield. It's bizarre and hard to look at.

Right, but if I take your perfectly reasonable and mature position then I can't prove to the web how edgy and superior I am!

This reads like it was AI generated.

Sadly HR exists to protect the company from the employees, not the other way around. This is always the case in the USA. Not sure about other places.

I appreciate them attempting to be scientific in a very messy space. But polling and surveys are notoriously unreliable for quite a few years now. There's many reasons for this, but one is pretty simple: people lie. Everyone is trying to play shitty little manipulation games on each other. It's a post-truth world, unfortunately.

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In a few topics / threads I have noticed more nastiness (some of it thinly veiled as condescension). Even a little bit of it on beehaw. But, it's still not as bad as I remember on reddit. I have blocked some people and communities on lemmy, and that has helped clean up my feed.

Thanks. A helpful response instead of a smarmy one. Refreshing.

Evidence is better than instinct, no argument there. But you don't always have access to evidence, and ignoring your instincts to jump on a fan bandwagon is ill advised.

Liftoff on Android works pretty well.

Is there a date range on the bad ones? I own 3 different 2TB extreme portables (around 4-5 years old) and have had zero issues with them. They are not the model specified tho (i.e, they are not SDSSDE81-2T00).

Yup, illegal does not mean immoral or unethical. It just means some rich or powerful person doesn't like what you're doing. There's a lot of overlap, of course. Many illegal acts are also immoral or unethical. But it's not a 100% overlapping Venn diagram. Also YT is kind of evil, so it's piracy against an evil corporation as much as the content creator. The smarter content creators have sponsors and embedded ads and don't rely on YT for anything.

Mask fit and machine settings can be tricky to get dialed in, and they make a big difference. There's a pretty good YouTuber with a channel called CPAP Reviews that may be useful for you. Your doctor and DME provider should be a good resource, and in many cases they sadly this can be hit or miss.

In spite of the technical issues and mild learning curve, I am really enjoying Lemmy more and more as I continue using it.