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Joined 12 months ago

My bad, I had DNS on the brain when I wrote that earlier. Good catch on your part w/ :67 and :68. Sounds as though you're able to pull an IP now?

No prob, let us know how it goes. Also, thinking more about it, you may want to go the static IP route for 2 reasons

  1. You wont be introducing a 2nd dhcp server to your home/production network
  2. You'll always know the IP of the guest VM(s)

w/ regards to the first issue I guess you could just allow :53 and bootps from the dhcp subnet that virt manager created. Something like
sudo ufw allow from to any port 53 where is the subnet virt-manager created for dhcp

I think that'll allow both tcp and udp. I haven't used ufw in a while, my RHEL based distros switched to firewalld, but the concepts are the same, just different syntax. I do believe you'll need udp open as IIRC during DORA the initial DISCOVER is sent over udp, and somewhere between OFFER and REQUEST it switches to tcp...but I also haven't had to troubleshoot dhcp in a while, and I have forgotten a lot. Either way let us know how it goes!

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Are you allowing dhcp (:53 tvp/udp) through the FW? If not try
sudo ufw allow bootps
sudo ufw allow 53/udp
sudo ufw allow 53/tcp

or maybe give it a static IP on the defined virt-manager network and allow traffic from that IP
sudo ufw allow from or whatever the dhcp network is

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This meat suit I woke up in once, I've had it as long as I can remember

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Keebler Pizzarias. They had 3 flavours IIRC, the Pepperoni was my favourite, I used to inhale those things

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I had my pitchfork at the ready when I clicked that link 😆

...but I get their point

You could try orgs such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International, with the caveat that they have been accused of favouring one side, or another in particular instances. To echo what you may consider a violation may not carry the same weight from someone else's perspective.

Here's a HRW report from 2021. You could also look at what other non-western countries publish (ex: China), keeping in mind everyone has their own agenda and/or perspective

Thankfully I wash all of my fruits and vegetables prior to consumption, because basically everything I like to eat has been making the top 12
The Dirty Dozen

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That's not just old enough to vote, that's old enough to buy a beer! Makes me miss my 2000 prerunner

You could try ZeroTier. I've not used it personally, but it's free if you host your own instance. Your traffic gets routed through that VM, and everything behaves like it's on the same LAN

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A very majestic floof! Please give him some skritches for me

Where I live, aphids and mites are the biggest pests, but for home gardeners we can just pick them off, or use ladybugs if it gets really bad

That's a great idea! I haven't burned myself lately reaching into my toaster oven, but it's only a matter of time

Anyone try Timberborn? I'm a fan of Spacehaven and Foundation, and Timberborn looked interesting

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Project Farm has done a few videos on knife sharpeners. His testing is usually pretty straight to the point

I actually was just re-watching them as my whetstone has seen better days, and I'm pretty sure it's now too curved to continue on

That was the first thing I thought of! Watching the side bow out, but not break or collapse, when my guy face planted was pretty awesome 😂

Instead of kickboxing you could try splitting your time between running, and strength training. Cardio will help with the sedentary nature of university course work, and strength training (weight lifting) will provide greater muscle control and definition. As long as you don't over do either, you should be able to defend yourself, and your loved ones, while remaining fit and healthy. These are also good habits to develop so that you can continue after your time at your university is complete....just my .02

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give youtube a shot!