0 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Artist, musician, and professional dumbass

Have a turtle for your troubles my good fellow 🐢

(Former ToR, I do transcriptions on here whenever I can!)

Image Transcription:

[An image depicting one thousand and twenty-four light blue 13.7 ounce cans of 'Heinz Beanz' brand baked beans in tomato sauce arranged in a thirty-two by thirty-two rectangle on a white background. The image quality makes the words on the can impossible to make out and very blurry.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

Image Transcription: Text and Image:


This sets a dangerous example, and we need to talk about it.

If you punch a Nazi like this, you're going to break your wrist. Remember, make contact with the largest two knuckles (index and middle finger) and keep a strong wrist. You want to hurt the Nazi, not yourself!

Stay safe out there and keep punching Nazis.

This has been a public service announcement.

[Two images shown side by side. The first shows a young man in a black shirt standing on a crowded sidewalk, his hand raised above his head in the historical "Nazi salute" with a lightly smug expression. There is a person's hand holding up their middle finger prominently in his direction visible from the right side of the screen, but everything past their forearm is out of the image frame. In the second image, the same man in the black shirt is shown with his hand at his side, as a second man in an orange shirt is shown in the middle of punching the taller black-shirted man in the jaw. The fist of the man punching is angled slightly upwards at the wrist, so his fist makes contact at the knuckles on his fingers rather than using the flat surface of a typical punch. The image is captured before the man in the black shirt reacts to the punch. The hand holding up a middle finger is still visible in the right of the frame.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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Image Transcription: Twitter Post:

Elon Musk, @elonmusk

To address extreme levels of data scraping & system manipulation, we've applied the following temporary limits

  • Verified accounts are limited to reaching 6000 posts/day
  • Unverified accounts to 600 posts/day
  • New unverified accounts to 300/day

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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Image Transcription: Meme

['Let me in' - a two panel image of a man in a suit standing outside a closed metal gate, and shaking it vigorously in the second panel with his head tilted back and his mouth open screaming. The second panel also has small amount of motion blur. There is text at the bottom of both images.]



^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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Image Transcription:

[An image depicting two thousand and forty-eight light blue 13.7 ounce cans of 'Heinz Beanz' brand baked beans in tomato sauce arranged in a sixty-four by thirty-two rectangle on a white background. The image quality makes the words on the can impossible to make out and very blurry.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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Image Transcription: Line Graph

[A line graph is shown depicting the number of users on Lemmy over one month's time. The horizontal axis lists the date of each reading, with an interval shown for every day. The earliest date begins at '2023-05-28' and the most recent date is given as '2023-06-26'. The vertical axis measures the number of users, with intervals marked at every 5,000 users, with an upper limit of 50,000 users. There is a green trend like and a blue trend line graphed from plot points at every horizontal interval. The green line is labelled 'Active users monthly' shows increase over time. The line remains flat at approximately 1,000 users from the '05-28' date mark to the '05-31' mark, then begins to gradually increase to approximately 10,000 users, starting to show a trend similar to the beginning of an exponential growth curve. At the '06-11' date mark, the line begins increasing at a relatively steady rate, with the last marked date showing just over 45,000 users. There are two points in which the line shows an apparent indication of levelling off in user count, before then showing a sudden increase in users again, with neither of these points significantly impacting the overall upward trend. These points are at the dates '06-16' and '06-21'. The second graphed line, the blue line, is labelled 'Active Users Half year' and starts at approximately 3,000 users, but follows an almost identical trend shape as the green line as it increases approximately parallel to it. The blue line ends at around 48,000 users at the final graphed point.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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Leaving reddit made me literally touch grass. Guys I went to the park today!

As a 21 year old I would be offended but then I remember I just admitted my exact age on the internet

Swap your car or plane ride for a bus or train

Ok one sec lemme just book a train across the Atlantic ocean rq...

Image Transcription: News Article Screenshot:

[A screenshot of a section of an article by the news outlet "Engadget". Text reads as follows.]

More platform instability could be in Twitter's near future. In 2018, Twitter signed a $1 billion contract with Google to host some of its services on the company's Google Cloud servers. [Hyperlink begins] Platformer reports [Hyperlink ends] Twitter recently refused to pay the search giant ahead of the contract's [Highlighted in yellow] June 30th renewal date. [Highlighting ends] Twitter is reportedly rushing to move as many services off of Google's infrastructure before the contract expires, but the effort is "running behind schedule," putting some tools, including Smyte, a platform the company [Hyperlink begins] acquired in 2018 [Hyperlink ends] to bolster its moderation capabilities, in danger of going offline.

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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They have no concept of "human" or "mother"

Actually, they do. Maybe not in the words we use for it, but a cat can recognize their mother and can determine humans apart from other species. It may not be an complex psychological process of ranking them, but they recognize.

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Image Transcription:

[An image depicting five hundred and twelve light blue 13.7 ounce cans of 'Heinz Beanz' brand baked beans in tomato sauce arranged in a thirty-two by sixteen rectangle on a white background. The image quality makes the words on the can impossible to make out and very blurry.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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The content is facebook-oriented content. Idk if it would even really be the kind of audience that most of the fediverse would be able to sustain.

As it is, reddit was a concern for many people. Facebook? Not a chance.

Besides, large scale defederation discourages Meta from trying to weasel their way into everything like that. Don't encourage them. They want you excited, but overlooking the massive issues.

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I feel like "great idea" and META don't really belong in the same sentence

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One of the reasons I love that I'm in Germany rn. You don't get people casually joking about Nazis then laughing it off like it's nothing. It is literally against the law, and people treat that topic with actual respect.

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I'm screaming.

(But also this feels like just a human phenomenon. Hopefully their research goes beyond "online forums")

"They're lesbians, Harold"

Image Transcription:

[An image depicting a light blue 13.7 ounce can of 'Heinz' brand beans with tomato sauce on a white background.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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"If you could stop killing people by the millions in a mass cultural genocide, that would be great. Thx."

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Image Transcription: Social Media


[In bolded letters] A blue guy named Sully has unique access to a hostile species that maintains the most precious resource in the world. He discovers the species is not what he thought, befriending a young female and eventually fighting against his own kind to protect her.

[The box art for the movie "Monsters, Inc." produced by "Walt Disney's Pixar Studios", and the box art for the movie "Avatar" produced by "Walt Disney's 20th Century Studios" are shown side by side.]

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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This isn't actually a drunk driving poster though. This is a drunk fucking your daughter PSA.

Aight for the last time stop setting up cameras in my fucking room to make these comics

3.0 for me, but one of the frequently referenced key phrases in the reviews (listed as "review topics" you can select) is the phrase "absolute garbage" and ngl I kinda love that

Ngl wing it with confidence and reassurance and when they grow up it'll be even more impressive

These people never seem to realize that even at its most basic level, ensuring equal rights and freedoms requires a level of forfeiting individual freedoms. In order for everyone to have equal right to physical safety, you forego your freedom to punch them in the face without consequence.

These people go to talk about democracy, describe anarchy, then get upset when reality doesn't meet their expectations. Your expectations don't meet reality, bud.

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Put that shit back where it came from before I have to transcribe it dear christ

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Well those are some pretty wet lands over there I'll give it that

Beep boo- I mean you're welcome!

Well, that transcribing thing is volunteers, and I brought it with me haha

And thanks!

Rather than jump to "trauma" here (and believe me, I say this as a person with PTSD), could you elaborate on what you mean by "fear"?

Image Transcription: Comic

[There's no karma?, By Victor Gnarly]

Panel 1

[A hooded figure in black robes, and no face visible save for large, pure red eyes is speaking a room made of stone. The hooded figure speaks in white text bubbles to another character outside of the frame, who responds with black text bubbles]

Hooded figure: So... There's no karma?

Black text bubble: Ye-

Hooded figure: No greedy CEO?

Black text bubble: Yep.

Panel 2

[The out of frame character speaking in black text bubbles is now shown to be a second hooded figure with round red eyes, standing next to hooded figure 1 in the stone room. Hooded figure 1 has a hand outstretched as they speak, while hooded figure 2 is giving them a thumbs up in response. There is a small fire burning on an altar in the background.]

Hooded figure 1: All ad free?

Hooded figure 2: Oh yeah.

Panel 3

[Hooded figure 1 is shown in close up again, pointing a finger to their left, with their eyes wide in a look of surprise]

Hooded figure 1: But why is the logo a-

Panel 4

[Both hooded figure 1 and hooded figure 2 are shown standing on opposite sides of a large drawing of the fediverse icon on the floor, a rainbow pentagram. There is a pure white, slightly transparent glowing figure with wide eyes standing in the centre of the pentagram, their arms outstretched. There is a small white ball on top of an antenna on top of the glowing figure's head, with a beam of white light shining from their head to the ceiling. Squiggles of white energy and red streaks of fire fill the room, emanating from the glowing figure. Hooded figure 1 has their arm slightly raised, as if to shield themselves from the energy in the room]

Hooded figure 1: Pentagram?

Hooded figure 2: Reasons.

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

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It started as one easy to read bean can and I extended the transcription with every update.

Also I'm magic.

"Correcting a broken bone out of alignment is... Strategically re-aligning through use of force to snap it back into position in order to enable proper healing?

That's literally breaking a bone again."

I'm trusting the doctors more than you on this one, buddy

Oh COME ON. This guy is actively mocking Taiwan now, too??

Damn it, Muskrat

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I don't think they question it. Just like if you feed a stray cat, they will often continue to come back

"Human gives food. I stay with human."

It was this evolutionary trait that allowed us to domesticate animals in the first place. I don't know if they have the complex psychological capacity to question or doubt it to that level. It's a trust bond, not a superiority one.

This reminds me of my early Lemmy days when I asked if I had successfully commented and someone replied "No, I can't see your comment" and for a second my dumbass believed them

I thought it would be a really hard shift since I used reddit so much. The more I go between them, the more I realize reddit is just another forum website - it's not even a really good one, either!

This change has been super helpful for me to learn not to get so attached to stuff. The people here are the same as the people there and the stuff I post can go anywhere I want it to, there's nothing extra special about reddit. It's super freeing!

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Image Transcription: Text

[An image featuring white text centred on a black background]

Dawn of

The Final Day

- 24 Hours Remain -

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

Good choice.

Like literally these people are all like "FrEe SpEeCh" like dude if you wanna be a Nazi go be a Nazi I'm not gonna stop you but I'm definitely not gonna support you in it. You will get a hearty kick to the nuts if you approach me with it but like you do you