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Joined 4 months ago

This barely qualifies as technology news, come on. Also let the dude burn, fuck giving him any publicity.

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I have experience with our PM and BAs throwing draft stories in mid sprint that required PO follow up. So basically a complete waste of time.

They know exactly what they're doing. They're never ignorant of this shit, it's 100 percent intentional. So much for not being evil.

I have a friend that works in Texas and his IT department literally forced all their employees who have been WFH since COVID to start coming into the office 5 days a week again. So literally the opposite of what this article is stating. Companies need to be held liable for this shit, especially if they have infrastructure in place to easily adopt WFH.

Why the fuck is Trump even able to run? He's literally a fucking criminal, and was impeached. I dont understand how our political system or even judicial systems work at this point.

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I'm so fucking sick of it. I just want to go back to old Android and Windows. Fuck both these bloated corps who keep inching away at shit they know goddamn well they're doing. Seriously. Leave my shit alone. Let me root it and customize and fuck it up as I please. Leave me the fuck alone. /rant

What's that? Another copypasta hot off the press? Don't mind if I do tyvm!

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Yeah, as weird as it sounds older Texans see California as some sort of threat, some weird liberalist state that is too far gone to save or some shit. Almost any political conversation thats had about red vs blue ends up mentioning California. It is the typical 'old man shaking fist at clouds' group though. Younger peeps either dont care or say something like 'why would you want to move there??' Wothout any way to backup why they said it.

'Lashes out' every time I see this shit I just imagine him throwing a tantrum like the petulant geriatric child he is.

Yes. This is pretty fucking apparent but again, cant do shit about it because corps have paid off our politicians and we can do fuck all about it because we have no way to properly revolt lest we all risk bankruptcy and lose everything.

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Well they need to quit it. My meds are unaffordable enough due to high demand. I am of course kidding but seriously, sick of meds either not being available due to shortages or just expensive af.

Graphics are amazing, has Ultrawide support, and the game play is everything you'd expect from a HW title. The single player story though is fucking god awful and pathetically short. I'm holding out hope for the DLCs since they 'killed the Big Bad' in the main Campaign. War Games seems like it's fun and promising as well. I haven't played WG a lot as I was focused on the SPC, but the couple rounds I played it seems a fun twist to add something fresh to RTS.

I saw like no marketing for this game at all, and on top of that didn't they restrict it to Epic? Definitely a dumb choice. Shame because I want Control 2 to happen. Hopefully this doesn't affect that.

Has anyone else played Rimworld? I picked it up but feel like Im lost. Ive watched a couple vods and seem to be doing everytjing correctly but idk. Just seems like Im nit advancing or maybe missing something??

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Shift your blame to the housing market for jacking prices up for well over 40 years. Yes they used wfh as another excuse but seriously housing market has been fucked looooong before wfh

Man we really aren't going to make it are we? Like it's not bad enough that big oil has been fucking progress to a greener future for the past 50+ years, right? When shit starts to get REALLY bad is when the US decides to go through some sort of fucking idiot renaissance where ignorance is winning most battles and we have fucking morons just punching more holes in the already sinking ship.

Rice cooker you should definitely get if you eat rice on a normal basis. You can get them super cheap like $20

My theory is so you cant work a second job thus reducing risk of accidents. Just a theory though.

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Oh it's guaran-fuckin-teed.

God what I would pay for some sort of remaster or even a new title with mechanics like Cataclysm. That game was one of the best expansions I've played for a game.

I have both and agree with your statement. I had a paragraph typed up but it's a lot to edit and it's late. Call me lazy. The tl;dr version is supporting evidence for the dogs portion, and outlines that people need to have access to abortion, and/or screening on if they're responsible enough to have kids. And now it's a paragraph again. Ugh.

You know what thats EXACTLY what I did. Thanks for the clarification!

Cataclysm was fuckin amazing. Enough so that I'm going to reinstall it. Thank you GoG.

I dove back into Division 2. Played the heck out of it on release but the RNG was just so fucking bad. Like...not D4 bad, but pretty close. Now the game is a lot more relaxed, and in some cases will allow you to select the type of loot youd like, as a percentage chance when rare loot drops. Anyway, besides that I've been spreading my democraseed in Helldivers 2 with some friends. Blows my mind we are doing Suicide on a normal basos now when that used to be a wet dream. Not a brag, I just usually cant hack it in shooters anymore. I also have Raft in the rotation. Really good zen game that I highly recommend. Can usually pick it up for cheap too.

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I do 'light' software development for a SAAS. I use a single ultra wide. It has PiP settings so I can display my personal if I'd like while working, or have everything displayed on the work side as a triple window or dual window setup. The flexibility is great but overall ultra wides are still niche and a general pain in the ass. Good luck getting any game to run more than 90fps when you're pushing a 5k resolution and 240 refresh.

Hey so I just looked up Proton and see no mention on their main marketing page for email aliases or password manager. Where can I find thst? I'm intrigued obviously haha. I've been woth Norn for a couple years but dont do anything crazy or get additional benefits.

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Ah, another believer in the spread of true Democracy. Hail brother.

This definitely had more of an 'Action Shooter' feel and not 'Suspense Horror' like the movie, but was still a solid game. I'd like if someone else built a similar themed game but more toward horror. Dead Space obviously knocks it out of the park here, just saying another similar, more horror based would be awesome.

Okay thats a level of crazy I never thought Id see. Trading in digital items for enough cash to buy a freakin VR set. Madness. Congrats!

Back in the day when game bundles werent a super common thing, Humble Bundle was the absolute GOAT when it came to acquiring a massive amount of titles for cheap as dirt. The best part too was you could choose how much of your donation went to different places. I realize its like that now as well but theyre a mere shadow of what they once were. There were so many times I would see 1 or 2 titles I wanted, pick up an entire bundle, then later find 1 or 2 indie diamonds in the pack I wasnt expecting.

Agreed on all points. I tried getting into Eternal a couple times and still haven't finished it. It's more than likely a good game but it doesn't have the flow of the first.

I'll give that a shot. Thanks for the suggestions!

I appreciate your type up! Thanks for taking the time. Didnt come off as a shill at all was explanatory and informative which is what I was looking for. Thanks again and habe a great weekemd!

Oh you can solo the entirety of Raft no issues, on any difficulty. I've done a few playthroughs as I've had it since it first went into early access. Haven't done the harder difficulties, but did Normal, Easy, and Peaceful. All doable solo. Have fun!

All I do is play games and browse the web for the most part. Am I going to suffer compatibility issues if I switch to Linux? Also is Steam OS a solid choice for a Linux gaming distro?

Man there was a whole reddit thread of replies I had saved at one point of other one liner vids like that. Was always good for a laugh on a glum day.

Do you have recommendations on brands or general pricing info?

That js so weird. You playing on PC or a console? I feel like Im more prone to it on console due to look settings.

No I'm saying our politicians suck so much ass that they're literally 50+ years behind the curve. How the fuck are lead pipes still a thing at all??? Shit should have been done decades ago.

Ah, the old 'carrot on a stick' method. That'll win voters for sure!