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Joined 1 years ago

There’ll need to be a serious rethink about the safety design.

The owner is on record saying he thinks safety regulations are bogus an he's actively looked to cutting corners because you can't live in safety our whole life.

This whole thing was a stupid mess. I can't even really muster any sympathy for this situation because everyone made boneheaded decisions every step of the process. Including controlling thrust and control surfaces with a wireless PC controller because you're too much of a spedthrift to spend 10k on some deep sea cable glands and build an actual fly by wire system for your 1.25 million dollar trips to the bottom of the oceans.

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It's all coming together now. Elon is his role model and reddit's light treatment of alt-right nonsense under the guise of "free speech" is because he's a true believer (most have always suspected this). Not that it's all that surprising I guess, he is a CEO.

Yup. There are a whole host of awful groups I do not want to interact with even tangentially through a second or tertiary community. I much prefer this setup.

To a lot of evangelicals and conservative nutjobs? Quite literally it is.

This is why "alternative" medicine is so popular in their circles. Essentially anything spiritual or holistic instead of things based in science and reason. This is why essential oils and quackery is used in place of things like vaccines. People like him are the reason my s/o can't get a D&C for her endo because it's so fucking close to an abortion in their eyes.

I fucking hate it in this country.

It's less the focus on consolidation and more getting out the very problematic leadership from Activision (Bobby and his crew). Not that Microsoft is a bastion of progressive thought or leadership, but it's suspected they would be much less likely to have covered up things like the Cosby room, suicide due to harassment, or the theft of breast milk. Activision's leadership has some deep seated problems with sexism in general.

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Fidelity dropping reddit's valuation by ~40% made me go "oh boy that's bad news" when I saw it at the start of the month.

Imagine thinking you're cashing out at 10 billion and now you're only getting 6. The horror.

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I wonder how much they were going to contribute to the community in the first place? lol

Pretty much that. They're not even hard questions to answer, you could even lie. But, the day or two wait period and general approval process means you weed out a lot of the undesirables who are looking for a quick way to upset and bully people. It's a good thing.

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The return of phpbb, who had that on their 2023 bingo card?

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Anyone who's played an online game in the past 30+ years knows that nothing is secure on a client machine. You have to rotate offsets and encryption keys constantly, and even then you buy yourself a few days at the most. You'd think google would have actual good engineers, what are they paying all that money for?

Same, I started over there but the community over here is definitely more in line with what I am looking for. I also have no interest in trying to block dozens of communities because of the openness of their registration. Last night had some legitimately awful crap show up.

Human accounts and generally the main content creators on top of it. The ones who create posts, the ones who drive discussion and commentary.

The bulk of their ad revenue probably comes from lurkers and consumers, but their platform is built entirely on the aggregation of a small subset of the power users. You need both. He doesn't seem to really understand that. Sure you can replace mods, maybe they're better, maybe they're worse, but you can't replace content creators and force conversation.

He's definitely sweating bullets by the way he's throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

That's 100% what it is. They just want to subject you to their inane opinions and bully and troll people. The admins made the right call I think.

Like mentions, they did intend to clean house by dropping the board with a buyout.

I, personally, am not too bothered by the consolidation of game studios. There are plenty of AAA game developers and indie devs are filling other niches (and sometimes become AAA themselves). It's a different industry from something like making cars with high production costs and huge barriers to entry.

The dumb part is Reddit could've had it too if they had a sane management/board of directors.

Don't let the bootlickers fool you that spez was just along for the ride and duped into modding shitty subreddits or keeping it open under the guise of free speech, he actively enjoyed that content too.

Plus discord's forum piece is straight up garbage. Moving your entire platform to discord is as crazy as doing it to reddit honestly.

I remember going to the vmware communities looking for help almost 20 years ago and some smug person was really upset that I didn't use the right wording when I was starting out. He spent something like 2 whole days worth of posting. It was a chore to divine what he was saying while stumbling through his weird rant/lecture about proper terminology. I eventually called him out on it and never went back.

So long story short, communities and companies who don't nip this kind of behavior in the bud and heavily moderate the assholes almost universally turn into the next expertsexchange community. Stack Overflow kind of leaned heavily into enshitification because of this, they eventually just stopped caring about what was being put on their forums, maintaining high content quality, and getting rid of argumentative power-users. Ironically reddit was a much nicer community and usually you'd find an answer or get help without the attitude, especially in the IT space.

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Sure, that is pretty crappy. But I liken that to employees who build their budgets and personal financing around bonuses. Nice to have, but not a guarantee and wrong thing to assume you'll get them. Always assume equity will be zero, IPOs benefit C-levels and investors heavily.

I can't find much on reddit's equity offerings for employees but I imagine it's, at best, a pittance. Their other benefits are top notch though. No wonder they "don't turn a profit".

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It also happens on Reddit too. There's like 3 AITA subs, a few subs for Making a Murderer because I guess someone had some issues with the mods of the original one being a cop or something.

I don't see anything different with lemmy honestly, but it would be nice to have the option to kind of merge into bigger ones. I imagine that's in the roadmap at some point.

There's very little reason to do so. You could get robbed by anyone on the way to wherever you're going, it just so happens to be the police this time. I don't really understand the "I don't trust banks" nonsense. All that said, fuck the cops, and fuck this civil forfeiture shit.

I'm thinking that's why that memo got leaked, there's already dissension among the ranks. I'm sure he's absolutely livid like his idol Mr Musk.

The amount of anxiety I have when asking a question there is insane. And I have 6k+ rep. They weren’t wrong, I do know the site well. I have used it a lot. But like, of me, an experienced user, is afraid to ask a question that’s messed up.

Yup that's practically the same problem I had. I posted maybe one question over the past 15 years. I got crapped on by one of their power users for not doing something properly and I never posted or asked a question again. I don't even remember what account I originally used, either.

This is sort of why I like ChatGPT, I don't get harassed for asking something incredibly stupid, and the crappy answers are about as bad as the "marked as duplicate" nonsense that gets me nowhere anyways. Why bother trying to interface with those communities ever again? IT in general already tilts heavily towards salty misanthropes, I'll pass on that.

Also not something I'm looking forward to. I wish it were feasible to run your own.

Not many have good calendar and contact list integration, especially if you're using an android smart phone.

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Honestly what's an extra few hundred a year in taxes on the multiple thousands I'm already being asked to pay? Our district went free meals during covid and just kept it up. Free breakfast and lunch and there's no more stigma for getting it since it's everyone getting it.

Everyone seems happy about this, and it helps kids do better in school. Better than wasting all that food just because someone can't pay the $1-3.

We're trying to get my s/o and her kid out of Florida but her ex husband is kind of a shitbag and purposefully avoiding family court to keep her locked there. It's straight up awful. We're already on a like 10 month wait for this process.

There's also a really good chance she gets locked there for custody for the next decade. Which sucks because she absolutely needs medical care for her bits and bobs and Florida is actively fighting her on it because they're close to abortions in their nature. Several doctors giving her the run around for endo treatment and such.

Don't forget the 4 AITA subs, a few subs for some fandoms because admins can be trash (Making a Murderer has like 3 itself). It's fragmented on reddit too.

Yup, and fascists have a long history of culling their own. Most fascist groups have the equivalent of a night of the long knives event. Absolutely nobody is safe, and doubly so if you have anything that's different about you.

My thought is are they from different lots and are the batteries from different manufacturers and different lots? You don't want to have 5 devices and them all from the same batch and all fail in the same way. A company not concerned by safety probably wouldn't consider any of this. I also bet their SOP didn't include changing batteries every time, so you have to rule out that these spares probably weren't getting charged up or have their batteries replaced either.

Look out yahoo mail, here I come.

What's old is new again, I guess.

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You've convinced me to check them out... it looks promising.

I wonder if I can link proton to the android contacts list somehow.

Even so, any sort of wait tends to weed out the folks who want to troll, so it's good!

Right? The water and ghg emission is nearly at the same level as fruits and veggies from what I can tell. That's intense. Energy use is still pretty high but I imagine that'll get optimized over time. Low key excited to try it too, I wasn't too sold on the meat alternatives from beyondmeat, but this looks very interesting.

The fact that everything but my purchase history moved over when I changed my email lends me to believe it's related as a stopgap from a compromised account and they just used this as a way to wipe their hands clean of the whole thing. I didn't double check to see if my linked bank account moved but I'm guessing that's another thing that was dropped.

I have no clue if that's the reason why, they literally will not tell me!

It's just I hardly used the thing so I can't think of any other terms of service I've broken.

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