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Joined 13 months ago

You said “or” there when really it should be “and”

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I live with my sister and her husband. We have a decent size house with a yard that neither of us would be able to afford alone.

I swear people don’t realize that Robocop and Starship Troopers is satire. Like how do you not see the obvious social commentary

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It’s free “Park Passes” Not “Free Park” Passes. These were free passes given to employees to be a me to enter the park with their families for free.

Ive never seen a healthier looking 30 year old

I don’t think he looks in his 30s. I’d say he’s actually looking his age, apart from the hair dye.

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He smoked weed at someone’s house a few times this year and was under multiple hours long interrogations

Except he wasn’t a “carpenter” in the sense that we think of it. He wasn’t a woodworker building tall tables and chairs. The translation would be more accurate as “builder” or “construction worker”. Would still be in good shape, but nothing out of the ordinary.

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Basic cable has always had commercials along with the over the air channels. Premium channels didn’t.

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My favorite thing about my microwave is that if I punch “180” into the 4 character display, it will count down 80 seconds, then switch to 59, meaning it took 180 as 1 minute, 80 seconds, not 3 minutes

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Watch Dogs 2 was the only one I actually enjoyed playing.

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Unless it’s a Boeing 737 Max 9

Also their cheaper option is great for 1/3 or less of the price

Very likely within the next few years unfortunately

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Country music is only awful after 9/11

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I like the distinction of “Volumes” as the creators intended, and as reflected in the DVDs, and then seasons referring to the broadcast seasons.

Any McDonald’s around me hasn’t had self service fountains for years. I assumed up to now it’s been a franchisee decision

Because steel is heavier than feathers.

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If you read the paragraph thats literally right there it says when certain terms were searched by the user.

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Maybe they’re still just as bad, they just had a lot more chances

You’re vegan aren’t you

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Nah there’s enough space between atoms, they’ll just converge into perfect matrix of flesh and door

I’m fortunate to make such little money that my income driven repayment is $0 a month. But that doesn’t stop interest and so many people don’t even have that option

Multiple airlines in the US already have majority Airbus fleets. It’s not quite as hard to avoid as you might think

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Appears to be ceramic, not glass

I mean it completely depends on what you’re buying. Don’t blame Amazon that your $15 wireless earbuds with no brand name feels cheap and gets hot.

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You set it to whore

Corn dog does not belong on that list. You don’t eat the stick

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You don’t get sex cutscenes but your charter definitely fucks in starfield. When you sleep when your romantic companion is following you they will have dialogue that you slept together.

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They haven’t learned from 3 of their best and most popular games?

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Was it the giant VICE text that gave it away?

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I assumed that after literally nobody or any media outlets have talked about it since release. Telltale sign of bang on average game. Probably great for potter fans and boring for those who don’t care or haven’t seen the films/read the books.

Incredibly lucky they decided to skip the rent on the storage unit. I used to work at one and some units, if paid up, will sit for decades. Glad this could be resolved before too much time had passed

They made their money. They knew sooner or later they would get caught but it doesn’t matter any money they made more than covers it. Same for companies who decide letting people die and paying claims is cheaper than a full recall

Please drink a verification can

They’re also compeltely ignoring food deserts

So by your logic nobody on earth should ever create any porn because a child can lie and watch it

I don’t wonder. People with power have been murdering innocents and getting away with it forever. ACAB

Okay fair, just flagged my brain for the repeated phrase at the beginning and end

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Yes it’s called “making sales”

I’ve never understood this “dish” I’d pretty much 100% if the time prefer a fried egg on an in tact piece of toast.