1 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your point is absolutely valid, but what's happening at Twitter really is only relevant to social media news. There's no tech changing or advancing, just a really bad marketing decision. I personally do not believe that this is tech news or relevant to it.

4 more...

Change your dsn to

Edit: Firefox on Android has unlocked origin as well nowadays

Seconding Tail scale, if you have already tried it though, there is also ZeroTier

I find you're inclusion of your sources to be quite... Attractive.

Point 4 is more important than some may think, you can dial 911 without an active SIM. For this reason alone I have old phones in all my gloveboxes.

Plus a couple years ago my folks were floating the river and their dry bag somehow stopped being I dry bag, I don't remember the story cause I wasn't there. But, when they got home, I was able to set them up with passable phones while the ones they ordered online came in the mail.

Most corps block vpn traffic, I know there are ways to "tunnel" traffic to get around this but I'm not very familiar with them

I used to pirate a lot more when I couldn't afford to fill my media desires. Nowadays I'm a bit more principalled, I'm not paying collector prices for old super Nintendo games for instance. That shit gets emulated and if I've already bought a game on console, especially if I bought a standard and "complete" edition, I'll likely piratd a PC copy for modding and the like.

Though sometimes a piece of art is created by a morally bankrupt company and while I typically just ignore the things they produce, sometimes I really want to try it, so I pirate it. 

Of course not, they'd call it crudite

It's an iOS feature, I'm pretty sure. Works on just about any hyperlink I think, I just sell the things though. I don't actually use them.

Like 2nd shift or morning shift?

Yeah I have a hard time with that already..


The unripe ones are firmer and can handle long truck rides a bit better

I love you

You didn't, we were the value and we're here with you.

It doesn't have to be an answer that's for everybody