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Joined 12 months ago

As someone who is interested in starting into the world of linux, was having a second hard drive necessary for creating a dual boot system or were you able to do it all on one hard drive?

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update. I was able to see the instance from this instance, but when I try to go to the instance itself it doesn't work. Not sure what's going on but I'm gonna try to join their stuff. Thanks

I presently have both uBlockorigin and Brave's native adblockers at work, so not sure how it slipped through there. Definitely gonna look at the userscript manager though

I have family members who are otherwise not worried about having to save money who are dropping netflix as soon as they get done binge watching their current show. Why? because they are paying for four people to use the account, and because of their new rules their parents aren't getting to use the account since they don't live in the same house.

I hate to break it to you netflix, but octagenarians who have no idea how modern technology works aren't going to understand how to setup an account, and they definitely aren't going to want to deal with having to call their children every week when they are asked for the "permission code" just to have the privelege of accessing what their children are already paying for.

On top of this, I'm sure their children don't want to have to deal with having to input this on a weekly (or however so often) schedule. It's a frustrating situation all around, and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea.

Yeah probably. I saw where either yesterday or a couple of days ago they posted a link to some sort of japanese website that they were going to start something like that on, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me.

I was super busy at work when they announced it and didn't have time to create an account. Really regretting that now, but this is a great community too so it is what it is

yeah that's pretty crazy lmao

I have firefox as it were

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as it were, I wouldn't have, but it was in the FMHY wiki as a starred site, so I figured it was trusted

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yeah, that's always been the way I've understood it, but it seems like not many laptops these days have multiple drives

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oh, that's definitely less than ideal. I can see why a seperate harddrive is almost more than necessary

I see! The three partition system seems very handy.

movie and tv streaming and sports. I wonder if it wasn't one of the sports sites as it was a sports betting pop up, but the susflix was the only site that seemed to have anything bad according to the virustotal site.

I think I will definitely check out a virtual box first! My uncle actually recommended that to me at our 4th of July gathering and I thought it was a wonderful idea, I just haven't sat down and done it yet.

I currently have two different SSDs on my desktop- do you think that it's possible to put a linux distro on my secondary one that I use for videogame storage without causing any problems to my videogame data, or would it be better to get a whole new drive for it? Thanks again for all your help!

awesome, thanks so much! I really appreciate it

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My desktop does have a dedicated gpu in my pcie slot. I just assume my laptop has integrated graphics with the board, its an average/below average hp pavilion from around 2018.

I have 2 SSDs in my desktop, with one containing gaming storage and the other being the boot drive. I would prefer to experiment with linux on my laptop though, and I'm pretty sure it only has the 1 TB HDD. However, all sensitive data should be moved from that shortly so that I may have room to tinker/play around with it.

that's awesome mate, I will be saving this for later for sure.

Clicked through and saw the Thomas show- absolutely loved that one as a kid. Will say, the narrator that replaced Ringo, Carlin, and Baldwin has one of the most irritating voices I have ever heard. It's still soothing, but annoying in a weird way that I don't know how to describe

why don't you just teach your kids to be pretentious hipsters from a young age and let them look down upon other kids for being part of the mainstream?

hey sorry if other people have already answered this, but you can usually use jdownloader to rip audio straight out of youtube. I've been doing that for ages, but sometimes the playlists I want to rip have way more tunes than I want to rip and the quality is all over the place so I want more consistency. It works really well though if you want to curate your own youtube playlists and then rip them.

It should be noted that this also works with video in youtube too- you can rip your favorite videos in their entirety

so the way it worked was that it would only open the popup when the browser was opened and it would open it in a separate window. I could close it out but upon restarting the browser the popup would come back up.

After this I performed a scan with windows defender, which found and quarantined two things it labeled as trojans, and then with malware bytes, which found a couple of other bits of malware that I can't remember how it was labeled. Seems like it's all cleaned up now

I do in my desktop, not on my laptop.

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indeed. I use both. I happen to have brave AND firefox on my laptop, as I've been making the transition to firefox the last few months. I'm entirely on firefox on my desktop, but I mainly use brave on my laptop. I used it to stream the aforementioned things on Saturday

I may end up doing that. Or one of those USB 3.0 Flash Drives.

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I will check Deemix out then for sure, thanks so much for the recommendation! I will come back if I have any questions!


I will look into this. The idea of having to do coding scares me, as I am not the best with it, but I have tinkered around with it before. Thanks for the suggestion!

same, frustrating as heck

Anybody use this site for custom cursors before? Is it safe?

probably but it was on the FMHY wiki with a star, so idk. Kinda weird that one of the best and most trusted pirated resources would have a malware site listed as one of the best options

it wasn't actually netflix, it's literally a site like Fmovies but with the name susflix??