1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pshaw! CLI and GUI? Real network engineers make hand crafted API calls!

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Memmy, ftw. Loving this mobile client

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Vice had a tech podcast called ‘Cyber’ and they dropped a final episode yesterday. It’s just a bunch of the staff bewildered and mourning the fall of Vice. Pretty interesting.

More amusing was that they did it ‘rogue’. Much of their CDN was inoperable, except for the podcast deliver infrastructure.

I’m really diggin’ it. I was just looking through the list of subs that Lemmy has on their site and found Asked to join, and zero reason to go elsewhere. I can subscribe to damn near anything easily, and my instance has a pretty chill main section(not sure what you call it). Programming focused, but plenty of cat picks, wild bird pictures, random memes…

I think I’m sticking around for a while.

Fuck yeah, dude. Dee and the rest of the band are legends.

Dear internet: please be a true story.

I mean… you gotta have them start the habit somehow

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That first paragraph..z then you really took off. lol

Lol, damn. Makes me wince.

lol. The “Drive of Shame”

Back in the day, Foundry Edge switches had a one command to set the vlans on a trunk interface and separate command to ADD a vlan to that trunk interface.

It was a rite of passage to drive to the customer site and reboot the chassis to get management access back.

What the fuck is th-… oh. 196.

Yeah, I’m in agreement with this sentiment. Threads is an an opportunity as much as it is a threat for the Fediverse.

“Our technology is soooo jaw droppingly powerful, we must warn the public!” It just seems a little self serving. ‘Critihype’ (Motherboard?) was a term I heard recently that sums this up nicely.

I got no problem with this. In the near term, I see no way to pay for journalism otherwise. Email addresses seem like a really short term solution to the AI problem, though.

Very nice! I’m on the other side of that hill in the valley.

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Doing alright. I played hooky from work on Friday and have tomorrow off too. Did some house chores and a handful off the larger todo list.

Stop it! No more Oregon pictures, unless it’s of homeless bears. This place it terrible, everyone.

This is a good idea. At the very least, it’ll put the idea in their brands a maybe bring them along. Worst case scenario, it might spur you to start a community…

Didn’t you mean Speak… Meow?

Oh man. Please let the fire gods spare us this year.

Regardless; lovely shot. I seldom see Hood from that side.

Yep. The idea of a paradox of tolerance is that, if you believe tolerance to be a moral precept, then you inherently will be tolerating others intolerant actions, speech, etc. Not sure why this is a thing, unless it’s meant to dunk on the idea that people should strive for being tolerant of others.

That said, the article is correctly pointing out that tolerance is not a moral precept, but rather a social contract To exercise tolerance need not implicitly accept intolerant behaviors of others. Intolerance exhibited from others is a break in such a contract. The contract requires willing participants in tolerance.

Pull this down. This is not how Oregon looks. All of Oregon looks like the shittiest parts of Portland.

There was a podcast miniseries called “Flipping the Bird” about Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover. This song was the theme for it, and I can’t think of a more delightful fit.

Isn’t that what most small business owners go through? My brother and his wife own a business and they hustle waaaay more than I need to as an employee of a large business with all the HR, retirement etc baked in. I don’t think they went net positive for like 4-5 years.

Yeah, popped in the comments to say the same.

I dont know what my damage is with pointers…

Congrats, dude. The advice is solid, and you really do sound as though you fell into something good.

Congrats! Things are looking great for you!

Ha, glad to see our instance made the board!

Agreed. The amount of effort required to validate the trash that LLMs will simply make up will be one of the biggest challenges for this type of AI to overcome.

Underrated comment.

Terrific advice. Baby steps.

My IrL table top group will meet online to game every now and then. Half of us really dig DRG, the other half do not. You are certainly not alone.

I only ever play it in a group, and even then after 4 missions I’m a bit over it. It’s just such a lonely slog solo…

That said, I really like the dumb cosmetics, goofy built in antics, and group play.

No way! I graduated university at 30. It not any easier the longer you wait, necessarily. Take your time if you need, but keep moving.

Lol. I literally interrupted my wife to show her.

No way! I graduated university at 30. It not any easier the longer you wait, necessarily. Take your time if you need, but keep moving.

Yeah, unnoticed the same. The Verge did a write up on it too; no paywall:

Playing Dredge. Love it. Very entertaining change of pace.