1 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Casting a white actor and then putting them in blackface so they can play a black person is inherently disrespectful. The history of blackface is too racist and disgusting, that to choose that over simply casting a black person would be wildly out of line.

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I'm extra glad now that I don't eat pork.

My family has always made beef stew for Halloween! Served with Hawaiian rolls and butter on the side :)

It's pretty similar to this recipe (though personally I leave out the anchovies and pork):

Its origin story is problematic, but in reality most people only think of it as a food holiday... and maybe people go around the table and say what they're thankful for. It's pretty divorced from its roots, and the name itself isn't an issue (unlike Columbus Day, for example). But I'm curious to hear other perspectives!

I use Google Fi for my cell service and have loved it, but them killing off or selling so many of their products has me real nervous over here...

The way I'm reading that comment is that big noses are a Jewish stereotype, and since the studio decided to cast a white gentile and just stick a prosthetic nose on him, they're leaning into that stereotype. They should've cast someone who was Jewish and also looked like the guy (as a whole... not only his nose).

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I loved that one!! So, so funny. I especially enjoyed when they interrogated their male friend that had hung out in the women's bathroom for several hours haha

Downloading Scamanda right now! I've never heard of this but I'm already invested

I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is a special kind of pain, and thinking about losing a parent on top of that must be way too much to process at once. Sending love.

I haven't heard of these, will look into them! And also tell my partner about the first one, as they're also developing a game :)

Going to download some of these! I can't wait to hear Face Jam's take on Starbucks' Oleato, lol

Is f**kface the kind of podcast where you need to start at the beginning to get all the jokes? Or can you drop in anywhere?

In your example though, you said "when people [ask] me if I'm a boy or a girl...", so it's possible the above poster figured you were being asked that by a cis hetero person (since, as you point out, you're unlikely to be asked that by a queer person). In that case, odds go up that the attack helicopter grossness might apply.

I don't think the US needs to go full socialist (mostly because I think it's impossible and as you said, still corruptible), but we need to lean more towards socialism to start clawing our way back to having a middle class. If we could get affordable universal healthcare and affordable colleges, I would be beyond thrilled. Even though these are things that many, many other countries have had for a long time.

I think a universal basic income would also make a ton of sense, as we potentially enter the era of AI taking over a lot of our jobs. At some point, hopefully we become so efficient at "work" that we can use UBI to help people survive who want to do something outside the usual 9-5 (or who have been automated out of their job).

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Delirium tremens- serious withdrawal symptoms

Yes, I think we should already be at a 4 day work week for many jobs. If you look at productivity and efficiency growth since the 40 hour work week was invented, it's off the charts.

However, that's one of the problems with unbridled capitalism. The market demands constant growth, which is hard to sustain and doesn't reward easing up on employees.

Look up popular interview questions ahead of time and think of ways to answer them, then practice giving the answers! You really can't practice enough- the more you do it, the more confident and prepared you'll be in the moment. Bring a copy or two of your resume, and paper to write notes on. At the top of your paper, list some of your accomplishments (to remind yourself if you blank in the moment).

When answering questions, be direct and give concrete examples whenever possible. Try not to ramble on or talk around the question.

If it's in person, get there a little early so you're not rushing in with sweat dripping down your brow lol. If it's online, login 5 minutes early to make sure the technology is working. Wear something professional (what this looks like will vary by job, but generally nothing too revealing or casual, like a t shirt and sneakers).

Remember that you are there to evaluate them just as much as they are evaluating you! Show that you're interested by looking into the company a bit beforehand, mentioning what you appreciate about their company values (or whatever), and having questions at the ready for the interviewers.

Read! SO many amazing tips on not only interviewing but lots of other work related stuff!

Good luck!

Such a great book. I definitely recommend everyone read it!

Nice, thank you! Trying it out now. Font is crazy small (even after trying to make it bigger) and there seems to be some comment nesting issues, but excited to see it evolve :)

Do you do a backdoor Roth IRA? Between that and stock sales, last time I tried freetaxusa it wasn't possible.