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Joined 12 months ago

Oh no, not again.

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Yeah, spez wants to get paid before the whole thing comes crashing down.

It's certainly not something I would do if I was in the middle of an antitrust lawsuit. Maybe that's why I'm not a billionaire.

It turns out parents are allowed to take their children over state lines.

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You had me at gay fox.

Fidelity does this because they invested in Twitter alongside Musk, and as a bank they are required by law to disclose the current value of their assets. They come up with a value of their stake, then the rest of us divide that by the percentage Fidelity owns to get the value of the company.

Stop! Or I'll say stop again!

Putt is shorthand for "put and only put".

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And how long will it take for intelligence agencies to start issuing fake but trusted certificates for surveillance?

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What made you want to become a policeman-officer?

Also the falling value of GBP makes importing anything much more expensive.

Steamdeck 2: Lost Coast

If you fail to run the gauntlet, or give up in frustration, the insurance company doesn't have to pay. They could absolutely make this process easier, but the incompetence works in their favor.

I've lived in single payer countries as well as in the US, and the incompetence is the same everywhere. In my experience the big difference is in universal healthcare countries the rules are very strictly defined and there's very little scope for exceptions, so either you qualify or you don't. The other issue is that even if you qualify there's often a multi-month waiting list for treatment.

No, it just means that a bunch of lawyers are going to get rich. They will force judges to legislate exactly what amount of human input is necessary for a work to be copyrightable, and there will be endless lawsuits arguing whether particular pieces of work have enough human creativity in them. Big companies aren't going to let something like this stop them.

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Remember that he didn't actually try to overthrow democracy until after the 2020 election. There are plenty of other reasons not to vote for him, but I can understand how for some people that could be the last straw.

The Ashley Madison approach - hire hookers to meet up with them.

Three tits, that's awesome.

And they keep all their powdered sugar in these little baggies.