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Joined 8 months ago

I don’t know about you all but I’m never voting for Hunter Biden.

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How is your BMW these days?

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Uneducated Opinion: Because our higher brain functions can surpress fight/flight better than most animals. It’s the same reason jumpscare movies generally don’t turn theaters into a real-life bloodbath.

By the time rabies has gotten far enough to override that, the nervous system is basically gone and we’re dead.

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They only have that option if you run the cpu outside of design spec. Rambunctious o/c’ers no longer get a free replacement at AMD’s expense, and helps amd figure out if there’s a problem with cpus if they are failing and are not o/c’d.

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You don’t even need that. My microwave is wifi connected but still can’t keep time. Instead of using NTP like any appliances or industrial control system in the last decade+, it syncs to your phone time though an app.


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I see people put fqdns into search engines all the time.

Stop searching for things like “”, just put it in the address bar.

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How many times have you voted for Hunter?

Lenovo won the laptop war? They won it because they ship Ubuntu pre-installed? Where are you getting these jokes from?

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Engines. 300hp out of 2L is impressive. It scales even better. V8’s can put out insane numbers.

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Hi, it’s me with my rural community that doesn’t have service at all.

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I tasked my VAR to find out what our pricing is going to look like in 2024 when our support agreement is up. They said VMware is a mess right now, do t expect a response soon. I need time to migrate and decide if I’m sticking with on-prem or moving god damn workloads to some cloud. This is a fucking shitshow. I fucking hate shareholders.

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Yes please share.

The Los Angeles/ California earthquake alert system worked just fine today.

A newer employee was always complaining to management about our dept. at one point he wrote a long email that was mostly quotes from industry leaders saying how the industry despises our dept, that the changes we make are unnecessary. Our dept head received that email and showed it to me. It was pretty scathing.

So I looked up the quotes.

The employee had changed the quotes to fit their narrative. This is a no-no in their industry. The real quotes actually said that even though change is hard, it’s necessary and our dept is essential in making it go smoothly.

I wrote back to management, highlighted the changes they made to the real quotes, and suggested two things:

What they did may be ethically wrong.

How they did it in such a dumb way may be how they approach other aspects of their job. Maybe they aren’t good at it.

Never heard a peep from the employee again. They were asked to leave. I chortled when I saw their departure notice.

It’s basically gmail. It’s a web/email server that you give your creds over to . It has an offline mode that I guess makes it an app.

Yeah they read your shit.

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This is why you need backups.

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You mean like when Janice shat herself at work?

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Nice! Let’s do insurance next!

So many companies can’t do this.

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Rural Iowa has phone lines and can easily put up p2p wireless as long as it’s above the tree line . It’s also easy to trench cable through most of the state . I used to live there.

Many places in the US are much more difficult.

Verizon offered me 3mbps/1mbps dsl for $60/mo 4 years ago and it was their best and only option. I had their LTE service and it was flakey due to mountain interference and distance from tower. Two p2p wireless services exist but 1 had 20% packet loss across all of their customers and after 2 years still refused to fix it and the other was offering single-digit speeds for $100+ per month.

Verizon put up a sign 3 years ago that said “high speed internet coming soon!” The sign has since deteriorated and blew away. It’s symbolic.

The fcc needs to support LEO so that areas like mine are serviced. Starlink doesn’t compete with any other terrestrial service. It’s for the people that don’t have another option, and there are a lot.

Rdr2 fishing has a following…

Maniac mansion

NES Spider-Man.


Arcade Simpsons

Sim City and Sim City 2000, on the school’s Apple Macintosh computers.

When I was in collage o would take night runs on my rollerblades, well after people had stopped rollerblading in general.

Iowa has been dealing with automation and outsourcing problems for a long time. I’m surprised that the farming families aren’t asking for UBI. Considering how farming subsidies have been in place for decades it wouldn’t even be a big stretch.

You’d also like the 3rd largest city in California, California City. Both are portraits of a generation that could afford to dream big and avoid financial ruin.

Joyriding as a teenager.

Sounds just like the idea that governments can retrieve metadata from phone calls without much hassle.

I’m not sure there is much you could do to get around this on iOS besides disabling push notifications in your app.

College grads aren’t mature by any means.

That’s how much time it takes for the fluoride to take effect?

Yeah this is a bad idea. Like all other appliances, it’s easier to simply subsidize energy improvement projects such as running electrical to the kitchen and panel upgrades.

This has been the norm for the past 15 years.

I’m over it now, but for 5 years I was anti-public transit. After working a 12 hour OT shift I took the train home. Sherriff was on the train and started checking peoples tickets. I opened my bag dug around literally 30+ other tickets, found my day pass and turned it over.

But I didn’t get a day pass that day, I got a one way because of my OT plans was supposed to be an Uber home.

So I got fined $250 for it. The crazies would just get pushed off the train but normals would get fined I guess. Pissed me off so much I just stopped using the public transit for half a decade.

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I just watched Leave the World Behind and it’s pretty good.

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Can you name one peer that manages Citrix hypervisor?

Love it.

I just wish my microwave could have a Facebook login.

I can understand replacing 1 axle at a time if the tires aren’t cross rotated, but one new tire and one old tire on the rear axle will lead to some odd fishtailing under emergency braking…

A little of both. The transit authority gave cops the job of ticketing people.

Years later and no one is checking tickets.

One of the desert communities.

Have they recreated Bitcoin mining in Minecraft yet?

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