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It won't last, the switch can't take the performance hit.

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It's the internet the women are men the men are children and the children are fbi

They write stuff their corporate overloads want us to read

My mother, who was educated in the 90s in the south, was taught the "war of northern aggression" was fought because the north was paying less for cotton than Europe and tarriffing exports to Europe.

Not that I believe or ever googled any of this.

I'm sorry your dad cared more about money than family, that must have been really hard on all of you.

For everyone down voting cashapp me 5 bucks for the new aimbot hacks!

Does the c in crpg even matter? Arent all video game action rpgs crpgs?

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I believe Ted Cruz enjoys pissing his pants for the warm feeling

Personally I would put more blame on the democrats for not fielding a better candidate that could have beaten trump not the people who didn't vote for a shit candidate

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Your missing the point, how can you know that if professionals can't study it? They are blocking the ability of Texas institutes from studying this!

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This isn't about blocking high schoolers from being distracted it's about blocking the institutes of learning from being able to properly study and expose how these sites are manufactured to waste time.

It's about studying and understanding the socioeconomic impacts of these apps, it's about research.

Also why the hell should a government care what is on a random students phone? There is no security threat of college students being on tiktok.

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Looks like it's an elusive target on the Berlin map

The precautions necessary to allow researchers on a college campus to access tiktok should be taken even if tiktok is banned, it's basic cyber security.

We are talking about college campuses here, not area 51. classified information or Ted cruz's flight plans shouldn't be a leak issue

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On college campus networks yes. How would you have a Java class without allowing unverified software to run on the schools network?

And just because it's state schools now we should be extra worried, the Texas gop has been working to systematically disassemble all avenues of public education, the ability of colleges to college needs to be protected

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Unless you already have a tendency towards psychopathic behaviors, the they probably

(not a psychologist)

They are blocking schools from accessing it, preventing serious studies of the platform from taking places and restricting the progress that colleges in Texas can make, driving potential communication students out of the state.

If it did not apply to institutes of education it may be a good idea, but as is its just more culture war

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My point is that there is no increase in cyber security on a college campus by blocking tiktok, the difference security wise between blocking and allowing it is negligible.

The ban is security theater.

Only having private schools is a bad thing.

the limitation of public schools to perform studies on par with private institutes is bad. It should be prevented to preserve avenues to higher education.

I agree that a lot of people had to see trump as president before they knew he was a bad president.

i just disagree with blaming people who didn't vote for trump for trump being elected.

hell I kinda disagree with blaming trump supporters for trumps actions. the people I know that like him are old, uneducated, rural, or deeply Christian, they don't know how to think critically. They don't question the news they get and they only get news from a single source that tells them they are right. they are in a cult, and in a cult the cultists are victims. the leaders are the ones to blame.

Fox News, oan, tucker Carlson, Donal trump are the people to blame for trumps presidency, Jan 6th and project 2025 not the people who voted for him, and certainly not the people who didn't vote for him.

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That's the tricky part of a cult, you get convinced to do things you wouldn't normally do. The trump supporters I know raised their kids to be better, but were just vulnerable enough to be convinced that Trump would bully the bullies and protect the weak, which was a complete lie.

I empathize and hope for them to have the strength to let go of their brain washing and work to fix what has been broken.

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I get not wanting to put yourself out there to try and help, and it's really hard not to just be a dick to people you disagree with.

but if the question is how do we stop fascism the answer isn't blame them or make them feel guilty about it, it's reaching out and helping them out of it. they are people and people are stupid stubborn afraid and in need of support from other people.

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It usually doesn't work the first time, ya gotta keep at it. as stone temple pilots say, take time with a wounded hand.

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What would you do, to prevent them from gassing me? Put them in their own concentration camps?

I would criminally charge and jail the leaders, trump Roger stone and the heratage foundation, deprogram the followers, just like with any cult. They think they are saving america, just like anyone who says vote D no matter what.

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I agree, we should blame the parents. they should have raised their kids better, and in the case of the mentally unwell helped them get the necessary treatments.

Voting is a start, but what about project 2025? What of Roger stone and the Republicans, repeated (and depending on your views of the bush v gore election and the brooks brothers riot, successful) attempts to preempt duly elected presidents from going into office?

It doesn't take a majority to put a dictator in power. That's why converting, calming and understanding republican voters is so important, if they don't show up to the capital then the gop can't use them as an excuse to seize control and bypass the vote.

Well first yes we do based on Biden winning 2020.

Secondly Voting for trump directly lead to trump winning. At best not voting for Hillary indirectly Lead to trump winning.

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Become a hermit

Fight the system, the blm protests did help, their only failing wa people didn't keep up with it the power of the people is not in voting it is collective action in the streets.

I'm claiming that you can't blame people who didn't vote for fascism for fascism.

You are claiming that people who don't vote how you want them to are helping to bring forth fascism.

following that logic by not fighting in Ukraine you too are giving rise to domestic fascism in that putin could one day become a fascist dictator of America if not stopped.

by not stopping him you too support fascism in America.

Edit: Don't let billionaires divide us, you are better than that, Republicans are better than that, I believe you want the best for america just like they do, you are both just confused on how to do it and who the actual enemies of democracy are.

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Who you or I vote for is not going to stop a second January 6th, it isn't going to change the plans in project 2025, the question is no longer about duely elected politicians, there is a high chance that Trump could be barred from running due to his actions on Jan 6th, but that doesn't change angry confused people's minds.

If you don't want to make america Florida convince a Trumper he's bad don't attack people who already know it.

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I was, voteing 3rd party is voting against fascism, unless trump ends up running 3rd party then it could go either way. There is more than just us and them, there are people inbetween, and treating them like the enemy is not how we get out of this mess.

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So why aren't you out in Ukraine planning a covert mission to assassinate putin? By not fighting him you have no impact on if a fascist takes over the world.

Its a stupid argument it's not just yes or no.

you are playing into the fascists game by ignoring the other possibilities.

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You can't blame 3rd party / nonvoters for the faults of republican voters. Mentality like that is why we are stuck with point number 1.

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