1 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

thank mr skeltal

As a german, I wish someone made some more of these. Because people seem to have forgotten about the horrors of WW2.

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Surprise..... NOT! These fucktards take money from everyone to reach their ugly goals. And Putin and his intelligence services are known for this. I just hope this has some consequences. But I fear it will not.

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He learned that trick from former german chancelor Angela Merkel. "Merkel-Raute" is the term.

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But isn't the cooling method an airflow and steady temperature decrease of the chamber?

Seems more like a reverse convection oven than a microwave.

But thanks otherwise. I never knew these existed. Was an interesting read.

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Kevin Conroy. The rest isn't even close.

Same here. I became even more left leaning, the longer I had to partake in the shit Show called economy.

When a Boomer complained to me, that our generation never got anything done and I reminder him which generation was responsible for our low incomes and our inability to move upwards in our carrers thanks to there being to much of them and bl9cking the opportunity, he got really pissed.

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Dear whereever you are from,

We know. Some of us live next to the Netherlands, so we already had a steady access.


Your Germans


I'm in the same boat. I feel like everything is just regurgitated over and over again. Every twist, every turn. And I'm tired of watching something and be able to predict, what the plot will be. It's the same with music. Many songs are written to perform by metrics, like length and listener retention in the first 30 seconds, so that you reach the magical monetization line on the streaming platform of your labels choice.

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Back in the early 90s there was no internet in the form we know it. It was in later half of the 90s.

I'm not sure if I like the idea of clever fascists. ;-) I just hope for you guys that Meloni gets nothing done as far as her fascist goals go.

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Isn't that a build in feature with torties?

Acutally yes. Yes I would.


Nope. Furries are a really recent phenomenon.

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I live that way. Religion is on point for some of the people in the community. But most people are chill and just don't want to feel bothered by having "stuff" around they haven't used in ages and that just catches dust. For example I love reading books. Most of them I sell or give away to charity afterwards, if I'm sure I will not read them again, so that others can read them too and a new one doesn't have to be produced.

In america? No way. I heard they actively dislike guns. /s

I think he meant more consoles with SteamOS.

Same here. She prefers the floor or a blanket at best. The dog bed is just for "burying" snacks. Edit: Typos.

I'm european, so I have a slightly different view on who is responsible for this, but as a whole it's the same result for us as for you americans when it come to infrastructure. For example our railway networks, which are only maintained at the lowest possible level that the companys can get away with. And I don't want to even talk about thing like streets, bridges, parks and other public infrastructure. Or that more and more youth centres and other such things are closed by the same politicians that then can't shut up about that the youth has to hang around in the streets.

Thanks for the laugh!

I got that. It was more about how the Blast Chiller generally functions. It does not use radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum like a microwave, but uses airflow like the afromentioned convection oven. But thanks again for explaining. I appreciate the additional input.

As a european I'm not even touching that topic.

Managed Democracy for everyone!

And in this scenario probably a trip to the Hague for me

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But the broader visibility out of the niches is a more recent phenomenon. I'm around the net since the early bulletin boards thanks to my really forward looking parents. And jeah. I've seen shit early on. But furries are something that I've first encountered in their recent form in the late 2000s early 2010s. Andnthat was about 20 years after the first acoustic coupler sounds rang through my parents living room. And I sure as hell didn't shy away from all the places where they could have been encountered.

Oh definitely. Doorways are also a good spot for a spontaneous nap.